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Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

This one may put a hurt on WoW's audience to some degree...
Bioware Announces Star Wars: Old Republic MMO wrote: It’s a very exciting time at BioWare as today we are announcing one of the most anticipated Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Games (MMORPG), Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.

Star Wars: The Old Republic brings together BioWare and LucasArts, co-creators of one of the most critically acclaimed RPGs Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™ as we plan to bring it to the massively multiplayer online space.

We are thrilled to be announcing the game that will bring the 4th pillar, real emotion and a meaningful story, to the MMORPG space. At BioWare, we’ve always been committed to crafting rich, deep worlds and emotionally engaging stories and characters and our goal for Star Wars: The Old Republic is to bring that vision to the MMORPG genre.

This is only the beginning of our announcements on Star Wars: The Old Republic and we hope you’ll join us for this journey. We can’t wait to share more with you in the coming months as we plan to showcase new game features and story details. Meanwhile, please explore the official Star Wars: The Old Republic website and join our community to learn more about our other upcoming titles at BioWare!

May the Force be with you…

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a story-driven massively-multiplayer online game from BioWare and LucasArts. Your personal Star Wars™ saga begins thousands of years before the rise of Darth Vader when war between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire divides the galaxy.

You will battle enemies in dynamic Star Wars combat, team up with other players to overcome challenges and determine your own path down the light or dark side of the Force.

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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by JasefWisener »

As I said on's amazing forum (that's not a plug or anything.....), I'm excited.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

JasefWisener wrote:As I said on's amazing forum (that's not a plug or anything.....), I'm excited.
Nicely done good sir! :D
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by JasefWisener »

Always glad to do my job.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

Q:What is Star Wars™: The Old Republic™?

A:Star Wars: The Old Republic represents a new approach to online entertainment, featuring immersive storytelling, dynamic combat, and groundbreaking companion characters. The game takes place in the Star Wars™ galaxy approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars™: Knights of the Old Republic™.

Q:When does Star Wars: The Old Republic take place in relation to the movies?

A:Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. The most powerful Sith Empire in history has emerged from deep space to attack the Republic and its legendary Jedi guardians. After decades of war, a tenuous truce has been established between the Sith Empire and the Republic, but events occurring in the game are leading the galaxy back to an all-out war.

Q:How does Star Wars: The Old Republic relate to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?

A:Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.

Q:How do I join the Star Wars: The Old Republic community?

A:All you have to do is use the sign up button at the top right of the page and fill in a few details such as your email address and date of birth. You’ll receive a verification link in your email which, once used, will activate your account.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by JasefWisener »

I'm even more excited for this now than I was in 2008.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

JasefWisener wrote:I'm even more excited for this now than I was in 2008.
So you going to jump into this MMO? Have you ever done any MMO before?

I want to play this... but I am fearful.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by JasefWisener »

I'm definitely going to play. It's going to be my first MMO, but I've got enough faith in Bioware to give it a try.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

JasefWisener wrote:I'm definitely going to play. It's going to be my first MMO, but I've got enough faith in Bioware to give it a try.
It's not BIOWARE that worries me. BIOWARE is the sole reason I am tempted to even try another (pay) MMO. My sole concern is the one element Bioware can not control... The Players. I believe firmly that Bioware will deliver the most amazing MMO to date. However, players are an element that Bioware can't control. I have seen players utterly ruin the first Star Wars MMO (by Sony), with their "newb" talk. And then I saw it happen again in World of Warcraft. You can keep /ignoring but when it begins to number in the thousands (especially when you go in main cities)...

Also, I'd be more inclined to jump on if I knew there was a group of people in my time zone that I knew that would also be playing. These days I can't afford $9.99 to $15.99 for an MMO, if it's pretty much going to be a single player game because everyone I know is in a different time zone and/or no one I know is playing. :-)

That's what happened when I came to WoW. I originally jumped on WoW because the guild I was in (that I got to know and love) was jumping to WoW (well half to WoW, and half to EQ2 - both of which came out the same time, roughly). Sadly, aside from fractured between the two games - the guild fractured further - because unlike EQ, in WoW and EQ - opposing alliances couldn't group, speak, etc to one another. So we had half playing alliance, half playing horde. Eventually folks began to tapper off - and it was just me paying monthly for a game I was always soloing (or going with random groups which never end well, considering my lack of seriousness game play!)

If a bunch of co-workers get it, I may join as well...
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Maxor127 »

I just don't like the basic MMO formula and I'm completely against high monthly fees, which I think are too high and based on Activision/Blizzards profits from WoW, I'd say I'm right, and then it just feels like an insult when on top of that, you're expected to pay for expansion packs too. I don't like microtransactions either. In a way, I think they're even worse.

I liked what I've read so far about the game, but I don't think reality will match their hype. They try to say it will be like a single-player KOTOR experience, but I don't see how that's possible given the very nature of MMOs, where no one can be the main character, and everyone is just level grinding as slow as possible because it's in the developers' interest that you have carrots dangling in front of you to keep you coming back.

I watched some gameplay vids a few months ago but wasn't impressed. I'm assuming jedi are going to be underpowered so that other classes appear more attractive. The jedi in the video were restricted to buffing the party and fighting little critters while the other classes took on a giant robot. I think jedi would've been better left as an unlockable class or "prestige class" that you attain through questing.

I'd much rather have a KOTOR3. I liked the first two games. In some ways, I thought the second was even better. I just didn't like its crappy ending. I call 2004 the year of the cliffhanger ending. Off the top of my head, I can think of Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and KOTOR2 all had unresolved endings that demanded a sequel.
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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

Post by Tawmis »

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Re: Star Wars: Old Republic MMO.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Post by Tawmis »

Is anyone else going to be a part of the Star Wars: Old Republic MMO?
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