You mean...
Tawmis wrote:(Not to mention good looking - granted, not in that photo! - but also nerdy, charming, nerdy, suave, nerdy, studly, handsome, nerdy, dashing, nerdy, rugged, nerdy, mature, nerdy, adorable, nerdy, gifted, nerdy, creative, nerdy, Intelligent, nerdy, gifted, nerdy, creative, nerdy, attractive, nerdy, humorous, nerdy, wise, nerdy, steadfast, nerdy, strong, nerdy, attentive, nerdy, compassionate, nerdy, likable, nerdy, thoughtful, nerdy, artistic, nerdy, loving, nerdy, caring, nerdy, articulate, nerdy, youthful, nerdy, appreciative, nerdy, comical, nerdy, paradoxical, nerdy, understanding, nerdy, adventurous, nerdy, disciplined, nerdy, focused, nerdy, witty, nerdy, contented, nerdy, great, nerdy, pleasing, nerdy, secure, nerdy, romantic, nerdy, affectionate, nerdy, attentive, nerdy, addictive, nerdy,....)