"DOITY" Adventure Games!

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"DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by LaughingMan008 »

Collector said I should post here, even though its not LSL related.
I was wondering what peoples thoughts are on "dirty" games. Or any game that has a reputation for being offensive. Mainly I was thinkin about Quest for Glory 4 1/2.
Which has such a rep that the Quest for More Glory people actually have a posting policy against talking about it....
I really don't think its THAT bad by the way. I find them totally uptight. But I also got a couple games called "F*ck Quest" and "F*ck Quest 2: Romancing the Bone" that are much worse. They're made in an AGI engine and look just like old Sierra games, except....
Well, the title makes it obvious. Anyone ever play any of these? Any others youd like to mention?
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

I thought QfG 4.5 was a perversion of everything that the original QfG games stood for.

It isn't that bad on its own - my problem with it is that it isn't a QfG game, nor is it original. A QfG game is supposed to be a role-playing game, not an excuse to run around waving your private member like it's a sword.

Furthermore, this game re-uses the original Sierra game graphics instead of coming up with anything original in that line. And as for that "hero takes Hilde on a date" scene - the less said, the better.

The humour is coarse and unimaginative, and there is nothing subtle here to make you think about what you're doing. For this and the other reasons I've outlined above, I think QfG 4.5 is an abomination. I grew up playing the QfG series, and it makes me madder than a hornet with a headache and a baad attitude to see the QfG name misused in this way. That's my opinion, and it hardly makes me uptight.

As for games like F*ck Quest etc. - I tried those for about 5 minutes. The story is rudimentary; the graphics are what I might expect from a 2-year-old boy using MS Paint, except that that might be an insult to 2-year-old boys. I wouldn't recommend it.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: As for games like F*ck Quest etc. - I tried those for about 5 minutes. The story is rudimentary; the graphics are what I might expect from a 2-year-old boy using MS Paint, except that that might be an insult to 2-year-old boys. I wouldn't recommend it.
Do not underestimate the power of MS Paint!

That said Different... uh, strokes for different folks. I have never played QFG4.5 (though I have heard of it - for the sex portions). Though I have not played it - I highly doubt I'd be offended. To me, I'd probably take it as a fan game, that someone developed to work out whatever fetishes and desires they might have, mixed with a game that they clearly enjoyed. I would not have taken it as being a part of the QFG series, and thus wouldn't have been offended (I think) by the idea of them using the QFG stuff. If it was PROFESSIONALLY done (say like Sierra did it) - then I'd be pissed. (As I was when Sierra released LSL: MCL). But this is just some fan (or fans) out there, who worked out some kind of fetish through a game they probably enjoy. Not a big deal.

As for the F-Quest games... never played them. Think I saw it long ago (looks like a VERY simplified LSL AGI type game, right?) I think there's a site out there that has a ton of AGI games on it that you can download? Where I saw it (if it was indeed it) escapes me - but I vaguely remember the guy is in like a white or gray shirt and has blue jeans on?

And Rath - if you're looking for something with some substance (and I don't mean the sticky kind!) in something called "F-Quest" - then Rath, my friend, you are sorely optimistic. It should have been given in the name of the game itself, that it was going to lack any form of story substance. With a game title like that, they're not trying to play it off that they put a lot of thought and time into the story and development of the character.

I have played Sierra's "Softporn" text based game - but never got very far in it.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by LaughingMan008 »

Rath Darkblade wrote:I thought QfG 4.5 was a perversion of everything that the original QfG games stood for.

And as for that "hero takes Hilde on a date" scene - the less said, the better.
Hehe. Okay, heres my problem with that...
It's ONLY a game series. Now, I love Quest for Glory. I'm very nostalgic over it, and I swear to god, every time I beat Dragon Fire and the credits role, and that Hero's March song starts in at the end of the credits, I choke up.
But I take VERY LITTLE in life seriously. That's why I like games like 4 1/2. I'm a Family Guy fan, so as you can imagine, Im a fan of sick, depraved humor. The Hilde scene made me laugh, and yes, cringe at the same time. The game already had me going before that. The Adventurers Guild, and that fat guy who takes off his clothes in particular. Yes, it reuses assets, but that I also like....
It's like playing the original game through the eyes of a sex crazed pervert.
The buggy way the char moves even amuses me. Anyways, Tawmis, Ide recomend you give it a try if you have the time. It's....
Well, an experiance.

As for F*ck Quest, its real primative. AGI looking. Bad art. Guy in a pink shirt and unusually large, footballish head. First screen of the first game has this duck walking back and forth on it. Type "F*ck Duck" and it says "Hell no. You arn't into that sort of thing.... At least not right now"
So yeah, thats the level were working at here. And it has graphic, interactive sex scenes in it. No, none of these games make me horny. They're just for a laugh. And laugh I did, because its quite obvious the game maker has some issues to work out.
Heck, who doesn't? Heh. First game is quite short and easy. 2nd is longer and has some tricky spots. I got stuck myself.

I was also wondering if anybody here had heard of a game called "BoneTown"
It's exactly what it sounds like. It's some kind of modern 3D adventure game where the goal is to create a char, then take him around and have as much sex as possible. It looks very professional and well done, and is only available to buy via download from it's main site. Was wondering if anybody had any experiances with it.

As for the "new LSL games" Ide agree that the less said the better. I didn't think MCL was THAT bad. Oh, it was bad, but not that bad. But Box Office Bust...
Sweet lord. The idea that Jay Mohr and Jeffry Tambor could be involved with something so unfunny is mind blowing to me. Not to mention Artie Lange and some of the other people in that game. Jeffry Tambor as an old Larry should have been fantastic. Brilliant idea. Lousy execution.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Datadog »

I like how the Leisure Suit Larry series seems classy compared to some of these examples. But when it comes to making dirty games, it's all relative to the developer's and player's personal standards of what they think/believe is appropriate or hilarious. Even nationality comes into play since sexual humor takes on different forms around the world and other cultures tend to be more lenient towards it.

This reminds me of a story. One time I was over at a friend's place, and a group of people were watching the first Harold & Kumar movie. One of the guys on the couch was this Russian fellow. Now, at one point in the movie, he starts laughing his head off and calls us into the room to "come see this!" He rewinds and shows us a scene where two women two flash their breasts in exchange for marijuana - and then he laughs again. I didn't quite get what was so funny - mostly because the punchline is: we see breasts. I could only guess that for him, nudity was hilarious back home. Or he was just really drunk. But then, I've actually met similar people born and raised on home turf. I guess these standards in perverted humor really differ from person-to-person.

When it comes to games, I do like Al Lowe's take on dirty gaming. For me, Al knew where the line was, and when not to cross it. It was perverted, but still entertaining; it never felt uncomfortable to me. MCL did cross the line a bit, but I didn't feel like it got any worse than a standard college sex comedy. It even had a little heart to it. Unfortunately, BOB came along and the first ten seconds completely leaped over the line into a boiling pit of acid. It was the first time ever watching a game play-through that I actually felt like puking in my mouth. I'm not even sure what audience they were aiming for.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Collector »

First of all, I don't mind such discussions here, but I have edited the F bomb. I dislike censorship and don't want to enable the automatic filters, but I don't want this site to start getting blocked, either. I am not coming down on anyone, but let's use a little discretion.

One of the charms of the Larry games is that the humor is more like good old fashioned dirty jokes, not like the crasser stuff that passes for modern sexual humor of stand-up comedians and movies, but as others have said, to each his own.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by MusicallyInspired »

I know the guy who created F Quest, and he's actually a really good guy. Just has a very sick and twisted imagination :). He's actually a very talented artist and animator. He worked on a lot of the sprites and animation for IA's Space Quest 2 remake. Last I heard he was working on FQuest 3 and a VGA remake of FQuest 1 and the art he showed me (not the bad stuff) was quite good. It's ironic to actually find talented people behind such...err..."juvenile" projects (for lack of a better word, I don't want to insult him...) sometimes.

He's made a few drawing/animating tutorials on YouTube and they're actually quite good.
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by LaughingMan008 »

MusicallyInspired wrote:I know the guy who created F Quest, and he's actually a really good guy. Just has a very sick and twisted imagination :). He's actually a very talented artist and animator. He worked on a lot of the sprites and animation for IA's Space Quest 2 remake. Last I heard he was working on FQuest 3 and a VGA remake of FQuest 1 and the art he showed me (not the bad stuff) was quite good. It's ironic to actually find talented people behind such...err..."juvenile" projects (for lack of a better word, I don't want to insult him...) sometimes.

He's made a few drawing/animating tutorials on YouTube and they're actually quite good.
Awesome! Could you PM me his contact info?
I need help on his 2nd game. ^_^;;;
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Tawmis wrote:And Rath - if you're looking for something with some substance (and I don't mean the sticky kind!) in something called "F-Quest" - then Rath, my friend, you are sorely optimistic. It should have been given in the name of the game itself, that it was going to lack any form of story substance. With a game title like that, they're not trying to play it off that they put a lot of thought and time into the story and development of the character.

I have played Sierra's "Softporn" text based game - but never got very far in it.
Sigh... I don't know. I knew when I tried "F-Quest" that I wasn't going to get something with actual substance. I thought maybe it was like LSL, but on a lesser scale. I certainly wasn't prepared for what it turned out to be - an endless series of knob jokes and breast jokes. Now I don't mind the occasional knob joke, but in my not-so-humble, it needs something a little more substantial built around it. For instance, take this exchange from the classic BBC comedy, Blackadder the Third:
Ben Elton and Rowan Atkinson wrote: wrote: Baldrick: My uncle Baldrick was in a play once.

Blackadder: (faking interest) Was he really?

Baldrick: Yeah. It was called Macbeth.

Blackadder: What part did he play?

Baldrick: Second codpiece. Macbeth wore him during the fight scenes.

Blackadder: Ah! So he was a stunt codpiece, then?

Baldrick: That's right.

Blackadder: Did he have a large part?

Baldrick: Depends on who was playing Macbeth.
Now obviously those are knob jokes, but they're knob jokes with a bit of intelligence! :P I guess maybe I was spoiled, having watched stuff like Blackadder and being used to intelligent and witty comedy (such as Yes Minister, Porridge etc.) or adventure games like the Sierra Quest games and the LucasArts/LucasGames games - basically games with a good plot, well-developed characters, and more than just gags but also a bit of heart. In other words, games that don't just make you laugh, but also know how to put a lump in your throat. (Remember Toby's sacrifice in QfG4, or Wolfgang's sacrifice in GK1? etc.) I've also read a huge heap o' books, and also wrote a whole heap of stuff - poetry, song parodies, short fiction, long fiction, whatever - ever since I finished high school, and that was a long time ago - so I guess I know what, for me at least, makes a story work.

I guess maybe what I'm trying to say, in a roundabout way of saying it, that for me, a game is worth playing much more if the story of the game is interesting and if the characters are interesting. Just humour (toilet humour or otherwise) isn't enough, if the story sucks or if the people in the story behave in ridiculous ways. For instance, if the following happened in a story, would you believe it?
Just something I'm going to make up on the spur of the moment: wrote: And suddenly John pulled out a 50-foot long missile launcher out of his backpack, and Lisa gasped in shock! And John smiled devilishly, and said, "If you think that was big, just wait until you see what I have in my pants!" And out of his pants pocket, he pulled out..

...a chocolate bar.
Hurray, it's a knob joke! :P But obviously it has absolutely nothing to do with reality, so the whole thing just falls flat.

That's basically how F-Quest and QfG 4.5 and other such games came across to me - I basically thought, "Well, it's an idea - but it's just too far-fetched - and therefore, it all just falls flat."

Anyway, I didn't mean to rant. I guess I'm just an old-school gamer who still believes that an adventure game exists to tell a story, and a story should (by definition) have a good plot and believable characters. You take those out, and all you have left is tasteless knob jokes. :P

And those are my two (very large) wooden kopeks. *drags his soapbox away* ;)
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Re: "DOITY" Adventure Games!

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Anyway, I didn't mean to rant. I guess I'm just an old-school gamer who still believes that an adventure game exists to tell a story, and a story should (by definition) have a good plot and believable characters. You take those out, and all you have left is tasteless knob jokes. :P

And those are my two (very large) wooden kopeks. *drags his soapbox away* ;)
Dude, that was hardly a rant! That was an organized, well thought out opinion! We welcome intelligence around here since it's so rare to find on the internet!
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