To sum my thoughts on them up in a single statement: there's artistic license, and then there's just brazenly adding various details for no real reason. I don't mean to bash these ideas, it's just that some of them are so outlandish that they're a bit hard to accept as "canon".
From the page on the snow leopard:
Er...okay...The leopard might be more than just a bodyguard. It seems that fairies must spend a day each week in the form of some animal. Genesta may become a female snow leopard and the regal beast Rosella saw in Genesta's Ivory Tower is her animal husband.
And speaking of Genesta:
Wow...makes me wonder if Lolotte got the idea of stealing Edgar from Genesta (and how can a world that's flat [according to the rest of the KQC] have poles?)Genesta once took a young boy from his parents, a foolish king and queen. Genesta promised to return the boy someday, but said they would not see him again until he was all covered with fur. She called the boy Mannikan because of his small size. He grew up to go on many adventures, aided by the good fairy Genesta. Years, later when Mannikin returned from the North Pole, Genesta arrived in a chariot drawn by eagles, bearing with her Mannikin's parents. Mannikan was wearing a fur coat, thus Genesta's promise was fulfilled.
From Edgar's page:
"Drugged slave"? That seems a bit dark for the KQ world.Nobody knew who his father was, but it was rumored it was anybody from a drugged slave to a malevolent sorcerer.
From the pirates' page:
Is it just me, or does this story seem a bit...well, out of place?All the pirates but one are now dead, the victims of a great storm spell cast upon them by Prince Alexander some weeks after his return home. The lone survivor washed up on the coast of Llewdor babbling of shipmates being consumed by sharks and others swallowed by a great squid after being crushed in its tentacles. The unfortunate man also kept whimpering a word that sounded something like "Cthulhu," but his mind had been shattered by the experience and he only continued to chatter incoherently.
"Well Mother and Father, I'd really love to spend more time with you after spending nearly 18 years as a slave to an evil wizard, but right now I've got to go sic an Elder God on some rude pirates who stole my things before they brought me here. Bye!"
On Sir Greywolf:
What is it with the implied bestiality in this Encyclopedia!?Sir Greywolf is a changeling and a werewolf and the consort of Queen Icebella.
A bit of information from Cassima and Alexander's pages:
At first, I thought someone had put this on the pages as a joke, since it seems to contradict the beginning of KQ6, where it's apparent that Alexander hasn't heard from Cassima since they first met, and explaining those little mysteries of KQ5 smelled vaguely fan-fictiony. However, I found out that this info was also from the EoD, which predates KQ6.There was apparently communication between Alexander and Cassima between the time they met in Mordack's Island and Alexander seeing her in the magic mirror, but how, or where or when is unknown. Nothing is at it appears, and little is known. During these brief communications she was able to give further explanation as to how she lost her Locket, and she told him about Dink, and more about the Blue Beast.
Speaking of KQ5, The townsfolk of KQ5 are all named. The shoemaker and his wife are Sonny and Mama Cincinatus, the tailor is Tailor Fey (wow...subtle) and the toymaker and his son are Gepeppo and Gepeppito. This last item seems especially odd. I get that the author was trying to allude to "Pinocchio" with those names (since Graham gives the toymaker a marionette) but both of the men have German (not Italian) accents. I wonder if this encyclopedia was written before the CD version of KQ5 came out.
On vampires:
I probably shouldn't have looked up the lizardfolk's page after reading this, but I did...Derek believes vampires may be descended from the lizardfolk and not supernatural at all, having powers similar to the bat and chameleon (other species that may have descended from the lizardfolk).
...I got nothing.The lizardfolk are [a] reptilian race that had owned the earth, and roamed the stars before the evolution of mammals that would become humanity. They crawled out of the swamps to raise gargantuan cities and ruled the stars for untold millions of years. Their race died out, disappearing into oblivion, victims of arcane sorceries from beyond the Multiverse itself. The insane and incomprehensible magics (the very sounds which cannot be conceived nor reproduced by humans) that destroyed the lizards may exist still.
According to An Encyclopedia of Daventry, the winged horse in KQ2 is indeed Pegasus, who was born from the blood of the gorgon Medusa after she was killed by Perseus. However, this raises the quandary of how Medusa is alive in KQ3. A look at her page in the Omni reveals that:
No kidding.There are hints that this Medusa is the same one Perseus killed. How she came to be alive again is unknown.
There's also a story about a princess named Rosanella whose mother is named Balanice. It's a nice little story, but I can't help but wonder why it was included in the encyclopedia. The mother and daughter in the story have no connection to Rosella and Valanice at all other than their similar names.