
Not finding any Glory in this whole Quest for Glory bit? Need a hint? Or just want to discuss Quest for Glory - this is the place to do it!
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Sierra Lover
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Post by SierraDude81 »

At what point do you think she stopped seeing the hero as just a pawn and actually developed feelings for him? I think it was at the moment she starts seeing him infront of the castle and..."reveals" more of herself to him. I believe there's even a few lines where her voice sounds closer to that of her "natural" dark master voice, than that of her slave girl guise.

Always made me wonder, if the hero didn't rescue Tanya and piss her off Royally, what would her plans be for the hero after Avoozl was risen? Obviously, originally she was going to dispose of him, but you have to wonder if she started writing "Mr. and Mrs. Dark Master" on the cover and pages of her diary before bed in the morning
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Rath Darkblade
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Re: Katrina

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Hmm... given that Katrina is quite adept at playing the coquette, it's difficult to say when Katrina stopped thinking of the hero as simply a stepping stone on her way to total Darkness forever and ever!!! MWA HA HA!!! :twisted: Ahem. ;)

Seriously, it's fairly difficult to tell. I always thought that Katrina might have 'fallen' for the hero either during the evening of day 3 (in front of the town), or when she starts seeing him in front of the castle... but I forget what she actually says. *blush* Can anyone remind me, please?
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