Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

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Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Theresa-remember »

We had dinner and opened gifts, but I was tried. I worked until closing on the day before and I had to go in early at 9 o'clock in the morning. The craziest thing is the two CDs I was supposed to get, Beyonce and Taylor Swift, home with my sister. Now I have to go buy them, ha ha.
That's okay, my mom or sister was supposed to get me the new CD by the B-52s and they forgot. I forgot some gifts too, but we were trying to stay within a budget this year.

We had a fun time, and today my oldest sister came over and we exchanged gifts. Now I know I have to let my true personality shine through instead of not discussing topics that rile up my Daddy's opinions, he's got a forceful personality.

My sister, a lover of terrible horror movies the ones that are truly awful, got me some truly bad movies and threw in some books in the Vampire the Masqurade series. :lol: This is a good laugh, and don't anyone tell her, because she won't remember, but I hate modern vampire fiction and Vampire the Masquerade. We even discussed this over a month ago when I said I didn't like the book Twilight but she did. I also mentioned the game, the original Vampire the Masquerade, and how I might try it if it was any good. We even discussed how I find the thing about monster clans in vampire movies funny, so I'm suprised she grabbed the books, but I had a good laugh when I left the room. I think next year I'll just mention that I love the Sgt. Frog series, so she won't get confused again.
This is going down as a great Christmas to remember. I'll have to use this example of confusion in one of my new works of fiction soon with a past one, like the time I bought sis a model car instead of a book about the same kind of car :D
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Re: Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Tawmis »

Christmas was with the wife's family - and we did a friend's christmas on Christmas Eve.

There's... tons of really silly pictures that I may post somewhere on this forum...
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Re: Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Datadog »

Most of the family was out of town, so it was just three of us for Christmas. Then we had a second Christmas on New Year's when everyone came back.

Thanks to my mom, I ended up watching a lot of musicals over the Christmas break.
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Re: Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Jules »

*ears perk up* Musicals! Which ones?
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Re: Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Datadog »

Let's see... from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day, I saw: The Pirates of Penzance, both High School Musicals, Hairspray, Mamma Mia, and Nightmare Before Christmas (that last one was the only one I got to pick.)
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Re: Merry Christmas. How'd you celebrate with loved ones?

Post by Qbix »

By going on holiday :)
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