Video Files

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Re: Video Files

Post by mendosa »

Well, I know it's been five years, so I act like a grave digger, but... working with The Beast Within I found another possibility to extract VMD files. There is a freeware movie decoder/converter/player called Ffmpeg. You can play VMD files directly in it, you can also convert them to almost any movie format. Moreover, the program is able to demux and separate audio and video tracks from the VMD stream. The program works from the command line and it is rather easy to set up, but if someone finds it difficult, you can also download a GUI called Avanti.

But I'd like to ask some other question - has anyone been able to revert this process? I mean - how to convert an avi, mov, etc. file to VMD format? The reason I ask is - I think about making dubbing for GK2, you can hear a sample there: . The "monologs" are easy, but there is a problem with "dialogues" - they are VMD movies. Any help will be appreciated.
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