Culled from TV Tropes about LSL...
Big "OMG!": The narrator says this in a disgusted tone when viewing an orgy depicted on a frieze above the door to the ballroom in LSL 7.
Brick Joke: In LSL 1, Larry finds a diamond ring in Lefty's sink. When Larry searches the sink in his hotel bathroom in LSL 6, four games later in the series, he finds nothing, and the narrator asks him whether he expected a diamond ring.
In LSL1, you can die by...
...asking the taxi driver to take you home, implying that the closest thing to home a Sierra character has is the Sierra recycling center... your wallet to any character (and not getting it back)...
...trying to have oral sex with a prostitute and having your penis bitten off...
...eating Spanish Fly pills and being arrested for sex with a dog...
...not tying the rope or improperly tying it or untying it or cutting it while hanging from a certain balcony...
Foreshadowing: In LSL 6, Cavaricchi wears a tank top with "USMC" on it, but since the bottom half of the tank top is cut off, the upper parts of the letters look like "HOMO". Later you get involved in a threesome with her, but she ignores you and runs off with Burgundi.
Go-Karting with Bowser: The opponents in Casino, who make up most of LSL 7's cast and Cavarrichi from LSL 6. Despite what Larry did to them or vice-versa, they still come to his casino. They don't play with Larry directly, as he plays the role of the dealer.
Male Gaze: This is played with in LSL 7, when Larry slowly tries to look down (twice) on Drew's breasts while they are talking but he fails as she tells him to look at her straight in the eyes. Humorously, there's an Easter Egg way to get your money's worth here. Larry simply has to plug his ears, and he won't hear her.
Looking at the poodle skin in the ship's kitchen in LSL 7 will cause the narrator to exclaim "No! Not Fifi!". This is a possible reference to Archduke Fifi le Yipyap from King's Quest VII.
Take That: From LSL1 Reloaded: if you use the "Zipper" icon on the sign that says "LIQUOR" in the "Come 'n Go", the narrator will say "Don't try to pee on that sign, Larry. That's the kind of raunchy, humorless prank your idiot nephew would pull."
In LSL7, trying to "look" at Peggy's chest will cause Neil Ross (the narrator) to break character and refuse to read the intended line, calling out Al (who can be heard laughing in the background) and claiming he has "standards".
Have fun trying these out!
Things you may have missed in the LSL series
- Rath Darkblade
- The Cute One
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- Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:15 am
- Location: Lost in Translation
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