[2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

"MASQ Of Eternity" is our traditional Halloween event. It's essentially a "Virtual Masquerade." Please see the FAQ in the forum.
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[2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by *The Butler »

So this game is more a game of... murder. (Dramatic music here!)

Someone has stolen the Dagger of Amon Ra... and everyone wants it. People at the MASQ are using any method they can to knock out the competition...!

Now the way this works... Everyone in the Room has 100 Health. Now each time you reply, you remove 3 points from someone's health. But then, give 2 Health to someone else. You need not unload ALL of your points on a single person. You can, for example, reduce three people by 1 point, and increase 2 people by one point. Or any combo of the like. The catch is - you can not reduce YOUR own health, nor can you increase YOUR own health. Once someone reaches 0 health; that person is murdered; but can still partake in the thread's fun. (See below)

So run down:

• You must reduce 3 points (it can be off the same person, or spread out). But you can not take away your own health.
• You must give 2 health (it can be on the same person, or spread out). But you can not give yourself health.
• If someone reduces ONE person's health by 3, then the next poster may not reduce their health.
• If someone increases ONE person's health by 2, then the next poster can not increase their health.
• You also can not use your points to REDUCE someone's health, then INCREASE the same person's health in the same post and vice versa.
• After you post, you can not reduce/increase anyone's health until someone else has replied.
• You can not begin INCREASING health until at least ONE person's health falls below 80.
• A person's health can never exceed 100. So for the first few posts it will be reduction points only.
• When a person reaches 0 health, they've been... murdered. A murdered person can continue to post in the game, but can only give and reduce 1 health maximum each.

So for example if Jane Doe's health is reduced by 3 by me, and John Doe's is increased by 2 by me; the next poster can not REDUCE Jane Doe's health; but they can INCREASE Jane Doe's health; and likewise, they would not be able to INCREASE John Doe's health, but they CAN decrease it.

Now if I reduced Jane Doe's health by 2, then the next person can reduce it by 3, because she was not struck for all three points. And likewise, if I increased Jane Doe's health by 1, then the next person can increase it by 2, since she was not given the full 2 points.

If for example, Jane Doe was eventually brought down to 0 health; Jane Doe could continue to post in the game, but she could only increase 1 person's health and decrease 1 person's health; each by 1 point.

No one's health can be increased above 100.

When reducing/adding - please QUOTE the characters - and their NEW health based on what you did (with a note next to it, how much you did).

So for example, if I reduced Jane Doe's (who we will say has 100 health), I reduced her health by 3 and increased Jane Smith's (who we will say had a health of 65) health by 2, it'd be like this:

Jane Doe 97 (-3)
Jane Smith 67 (+2)

If we get new comers to the game; they will begin their health at the highest character's health currently standing, rather than at 100 health.

You are free to plot and scheme (send each other DM's on the forum) to take someone down, if you so wish.

The point of the game is to see who the last one standing is.
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*Col_Mustard (100)
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Re: [2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by *Whoopee Cushion »

*Whoopee Cushion 100
*Col_Mustard 100
*Buttercup 100
*Russian Bot 100
*Bowsette 97 (-3)
*Cosmo 100
*Sasquatch 100
*Windows95 100
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Re: [2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by *Sasquatch »

*Whoopee Cushion 100
*Col_Mustard 100
*Buttercup 97 (-3)
*Russian Bot 100
*Bowsette 97
*Cosmo 100
*Sasquatch 100
*Windows95 100
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Re: [2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by *Col_Mustard »

*Whoopee Cushion 100
*Col_Mustard 100
*Buttercup 97
*Russian Bot 100
*Bowsette 97
*Cosmo 100
*Sasquatch 100
*Windows95 97 (-3)
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Re: [2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by *Russian Bot »

*Whoopee Cushion 100
*Col_Mustard 97 (-3)
*Buttercup 97
*Russian Bot 100
*Bowsette 97
*Cosmo 100
*Sasquatch 100
*Windows95 97
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Re: [2018] The Dagger of Amon Ra...

Post by Tawmis »

Locked, in favor of the Boddy Count game.

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