There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

EPISODE 41: SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES: Things take a twist - then a turn - then another twist! As Andrea and her crew finally catch up to Peter and Grayson! One of them will be changed by this encounter! An old friend will reappear - then a slightly newer friend will reappear! And then - it gets worse from there. Sound confusing? Watch the episode and see what happens!

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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Ack! It's a double-header of an episode! :D

Peter's even dumber than usual. "I still think it was a wolf. Or a magical owl." :lol: No wonder Pawl can't take any more of this.

Um - is the priest saying "What are you doing, throwing yourself on drugs?" :shock:

Um - doesn't the "Reincarnation" spell require a diamond? I hope that priest has heaps of diamonds. :lol:

Uhm, who's Dean? I think I know him, but I don't remember. There were two wizards, IIRC - Alan the Outstanding and Daniel the Destructive. So who's Dean?

:lol: Mr Snuggles. I've never seen him. But it makes sense that Grayson and Andrea broke up. He tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. :lol:

:lol: "Why do you have to slander me, anyway?" Peter's just as clueless as ever. ;)

ROFLOL! "Gee, I hope one of them didn't have pepper-flavoured salt on them. That always messes up the spell." :lol:

Uh-oh.... this is Galana? They've gone from bad - to far, far worse. Devils behind them, and what looks like an elder red dragon in front? *gulp* They're doomed. :lol:

ROFLOL Credits. :lol: Remember that time in yer back yard... dammit! The GAH! The GAH! :lol:

Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
ow that we've got that out of the way, let's get on with the episode. :lol:

Fun episode, Tawm. I can't wait to see how Peter, Grayson and Pawl get out of that one... :P
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm Um - is the priest saying "What are you doing, throwing yourself on drugs?" :shock:
:lol: "Just what are you doing, throwing yourself on traps?"

Then says, "Maybe you should invest a few points in Spot Check or something, no?"

Indicating that last time he perished - it was because the minotaur form had stepped on a trap.

That entire thing (from the minotaur stepping on the trap and Peter and Grayson shouting, "Trap!" to the Priest suggesting points in Spot Check (used to detect traps), and then Pawl complaining that the last rogue he traveled with didn't put any points in spot check) - all of that comes from a personal joke, where we were all playing NWN on the LAN doing the campaign mode - Chris, who rolled up a Rogue put no points in the Spot skill - he put it in some other attacking skill. So, when the rest of us leveled, we put some points in spot - and would let Chris go ahead - and just before he would hit a trap that our characters could detect, we'd shout, "Trap!" just as he sprung the trap.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm Um - doesn't the "Reincarnation" spell require a diamond? I hope that priest has heaps of diamonds. :lol:
In Neverending, it just costs 300 gold.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm Uhm, who's Dean? I think I know him, but I don't remember. There were two wizards, IIRC - Alan the Outstanding and Daniel the Destructive. So who's Dean?
Think way back to Episode 21. Peter and Grayson rushed in to slay the dragon, which turned out to be a (good) Silver Dragon named Dean the Dragon. That Silver Dragon told them to go rescue a maiden since it wasn't an evil dragon (Episodes 22-23). When Peter and Grayson left, that Dragon took human form at the end of Episode 24. He was spotted again later, talking to the Resurrection Priest about "The Destined One" and that "No, there is another" in Episode 30.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm :lol: Mr Snuggles. I've never seen him. But it makes sense that Grayson and Andrea broke up. He tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. :lol:
The Mr. Snuggles thing is a references to the "Fatal Attractions" movie with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close, where she fries the daughter's bunny in the pot, because of her obsession with Michael Douglas.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm ROFLOL! "Gee, I hope one of them didn't have pepper-flavoured salt on them. That always messes up the spell." :lol:
I promised that the peppered flavored salt would come into play - it did for Daniel (when he cast that spell on the mysterious figure with the sword in the flashback about Gnome Mountain, and then again, in this episode). :)
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm Uh-oh.... this is Galana? They've gone from bad - to far, far worse. Devils behind them, and what looks like an elder red dragon in front? *gulp* They're doomed. :lol:
Galana was a city that Grayson lived in (and met and dated Andrea). Where they ended up is in the Crimson Draco Mother's Den.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm ROFLOL Credits. :lol: Remember that time in yer back yard... dammit! The GAH! The GAH! :lol:
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
Pepper pepper pepper pepper!
ow that we've got that out of the way, let's get on with the episode. :lol:
This episode had a ton of out takes. Some of my favorite stuff... I love(d) doing this series... writing these characters and bringing them to life... even better I got to include and share it with my friends... then to have the silly out takes on top of that was heaven.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:03 pm Fun episode, Tawm. I can't wait to see how Peter, Grayson and Pawl get out of that one... :P
More twists and turns are yet to come!
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

This one has it all. Episode 42 marked the Season Finale for Season 2 of our series. This episode reveals things about the Crimson Draco Mother, the Sword, and the Mysterious Figure haunting Grayson's dreams! Hang on tight kids! (And don't forget to share!)

Episode 42 HD

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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Ow. Hold on a tic ... *gulps down two painkillers like they're tic-tacs* Right. Let me strap myself in and tape my eyelids open, a la Alex in A Clockwork Orange. ;)

All right, things were a little grim until roughly 2:10, when Pawl popped up: "I think I've died enough times this season to be rather fearless when it comes to death." :lol: Famous last words? *watches on*

:lol: Of course Peter pipes up. "Pawl? What Pawl? I don't know anyone called Pawl." :P

Um, who's Dean? I forget. *blushes*

:lol: Love Grayson's "Don't tell me that we're coming back for a third season!" :lol:

ROFLOL!!! "Search your feelings. You know it to be true." I was sipping tea when Dean said that. Tawmis, you owe me a new keyboard. :lol: :P

Love the Peter/Grayson exchange: "Grayson, she's a dragon." / "Thank you, Peter, I can see that for myself." :lol: Yep, Peter's still the Captain-Obvious-slash-Cuckoolander. :P :lol:

Oh dear ... Peter and Grayson are brothers? From different mothers? This keeps getting stranger. (By the way, love the Demon Queen's/Dragon's sarcasm: "If you don't want to beat up on a woman, then...") :P

I couldn't understand much of the goblin-talk (too much squeaking!), but of course I loved the ending: "Ah-bee-dah-bee-dah-bee-dah, that's all folks." ;)

One other thing I don't get: What are the Scarlet Legion - devils? What are they here for, other than to make Peter brown his trousers? :P And why would a red dragon make a pact with a bunch of devils anyway? ;)

Oh, and one last thing: Andrea is the daughter of a dragon? What is she, Dragonkin?
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am All right, things were a little grim until roughly 2:10, when Pawl popped up: "I think I've died enough times this season to be rather fearless when it comes to death." :lol: Famous last words? *watches on*
:lol: I loved being able to play up Pawl's deaths.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am Um, who's Dean? I forget. *blushes*
Way back in episode 21, when Grayson and Peter arrived in Ator - they encountered a Silver Dragon. That Silver Dragon is Dean. In Episode 23 or so he took human form at the end (I think Episode 24), and said he had better keep an eye on them. He later runs into the Priest who keeps resurrecting Pawl in that town and talks with him about, "There is another." (Another Star Wars reference) in Episode 30.

He pops up again, in Episode 41 as Andrea catches up to Peter and Grayson, to run interference and help Grayson confront Andrea (former lovers).
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am :lol: Love Grayson's "Don't tell me that we're coming back for a third season!" :lol:
Rarely do I have the main characters break the 4th wall, but this was too good to pass up.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am ROFLOL!!! "Search your feelings. You know it to be true." I was sipping tea when Dean said that. Tawmis, you owe me a new keyboard. :lol: :P
Star Wars is probably the most referenced thing in the series.
A list of our "Easter Eggs" so far is here:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am Oh dear ... Peter and Grayson are brothers? From different mothers? This keeps getting stranger. (By the way, love the Demon Queen's/Dragon's sarcasm: "If you don't want to beat up on a woman, then...") :P
This was sort of hinted, when Grayson back in episode 5 or 6 mentions, having met Peter's mother (an Elf), but never his father. And Peter never really talks about his father (only his Uncle, whose backyard he camped in before - hinting that his uncle is human, and not an Elf).
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am I couldn't understand much of the goblin-talk (too much squeaking!), but of course I loved the ending: "Ah-bee-dah-bee-dah-bee-dah, that's all folks." ;)
They pretty much just recap the episode.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 5:03 am One other thing I don't get: What are the Scarlet Legion - devils? What are they here for, other than to make Peter brown his trousers? :P And why would a red dragon make a pact with a bunch of devils anyway? ;)
Oh, and one last thing: Andrea is the daughter of a dragon? What is she, Dragonkin?
The Crimson Draco Legion are humans loyal to the Red Dragon.
They just wear intimidating armor.

As for Andrea, she's not Dragonkin - she's human.

When The Crimson Draco Dragon speaks about "Andrea" as a daughter - it's because she took her in and adopted her. I forgot what episode it was (it's in Season 2 called "Mandatory Flashbacks" - Episode 38) - Andrea talks about her the Crimson Draco Mother found her when she was down and out and promised her that she would help her get her revenge.

The Crimson Draco Mother essentially knew Andrea (more about that name in later episodes, in Season 3) had her heart broken by Grayson. And she knew that Grayson was a descendant of the one destined to kill her. So she was going to use Andrea's anger to find and kill Grayson.
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

All right ... but why would the Crimson Draco Legion be loyal to any Red Dragon? Aren't Red Dragons, basically, the most intelligent, most scheming, and most evil dragon-villains in D&D? ;)

I can only suppose that this particular Red Dragon gained control of their minds. Something like this?

Crimson Draco Legion: "RAH!!!" (they charge at the CDM to battle her; she gains control of their minds)

Crimson Draco Mother: "I am not the dragon you are looking for."

Crimson Draco Legion: (blankly, in unison) "You are not the dragon we are looking for."

Crimson Draco Mother: "You will obey me totally. You will follow my every command. You hear and obey."

Crimson Draco Legion: "We will obey you totally. We will follow your every command. We hear and obey."

Crimson Draco Mother: "Good boys." (pats CDL gently with scaly talon) "You will go to the nearest town and get me a soda."

Crimson Draco Legion: "We will go to the nearest town and get you a soda."

Crimson Draco Mother: "And when you're done, you will pull down your pants and run around in your underthings, just for evulz."

Crimson Draco Legion: "We will pull down our pants and run around in our underthings, just for evulz."

Crimson Draco Mother: "Very good. Off you go." (the CDL leaves) "Mwa ha ha! :twisted: Absolute power! Who can say it isn't delicious?" :twisted:
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2019 8:30 am All right ... but why would the Crimson Draco Legion be loyal to any Red Dragon? Aren't Red Dragons, basically, the most intelligent, most scheming, and most evil dragon-villains in D&D? ;)

I can only suppose that this particular Red Dragon gained control of their minds. Something like this?
Crimson Draco Legion: "RAH!!!" (they charge at the CDM to battle her; she gains control of their minds)
Crimson Draco Mother: "I am not the dragon you are looking for."
Crimson Draco Legion: (blankly, in unison) "You are not the dragon we are looking for."
Crimson Draco Mother: "You will obey me totally. You will follow my every command. You hear and obey."
Crimson Draco Legion: "We will obey you totally. We will follow your every command. We hear and obey."
Crimson Draco Mother: "Good boys." (pats CDL gently with scaly talon) "You will go to the nearest town and get me a soda."
Crimson Draco Legion: "We will go to the nearest town and get you a soda."
Crimson Draco Mother: "And when you're done, you will pull down your pants and run around in your underthings, just for evulz."
Crimson Draco Legion: "We will pull down our pants and run around in our underthings, just for evulz."
Crimson Draco Mother: "Very good. Off you go." (the CDL leaves) "Mwa ha ha! :twisted: Absolute power! Who can say it isn't delicious?" :twisted:
Pretty much.

A Red Dragon can be so greedy that to ensure to protect its treasure, it will muster together an army. :)
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Stuff like this is what makes my heart smile...
Alex Abrahamian On Facebook wrote: I miss this series so much! Got me through many of those boring college weekends a few years ago. Wish you guys didn't have to stop! :D
Georg Zoeller on Facebook wrote: Thank you for this. As a developer this brought a lot of smiles to our office ;)
The college one really gets me... (because that was someone who was probably watching the series when it first came out, before this whole 1080p thing I've been doing).
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

I never saw it when it first came out, so it's all new to me. :)

I wonder when series 3 will come out ... <hint, hint> ;)
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:13 am I never saw it when it first came out, so it's all new to me. :)

I wonder when series 3 will come out ... <hint, hint> ;)
Gonna try on Sunday (last weekend I was at WonderCon), and this Saturday is D&D with Anita's group - so I hope on Sunday to get to Episode 43.

When we originally did this - there was a year and half gap, if I remember correctly - between Episode 42 and Episode 43. Adam had some personal issues that prevented me from getting stuff done.
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Here we are - almost a year later - and I finally got back to it (part of my New Year's Resolution)

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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Ah, so good to see this continue! :) Another fun episode, even if the actors speak a little bit too fast sometimes.

Dad?! :shock: *cue flash of light* ;)

All right, so they've been in prison for about 3 months. Hang on ... have they been sleeping all this time? How have they not starved to death? Or woke up earlier because they wanted some water? Or to go to the bathroom? ;)

And this elf has been in prison for 600 years?

:lol: Love Grayson's deadpan "Us. Vanquish the Red Dragon." :lol:

:lol: "...doesn't mean we automatically pass go and collect $20,000." (Hang on - isn't it 20,000 GPs? Or did Grayson's actor goof there?)

:lol: Love Peter's "We were prisoners of the city. Without food, without water, lost and in constant danger." Hmm-mm. And ... being prisoners of a Red Dragon, without food, without water, lost and in constant danger is ... different? How? ;)

Ermm... hmm. In Peter's map (with the forest, the mountains, the desert, and the Dragon's mountain) in the lower right-hand corner ... the dragon's mountain looks a little bit like the Sierra symbol. Was that on purpose?

That was fun, Tawm. Thanks! :)
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm Ah, so good to see this continue! :) Another fun episode, even if the actors speak a little bit too fast sometimes.
It feels good to HAVE it continue. I always find when I go back to this, how much I miss these characters.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm All right, so they've been in prison for about 3 months. Hang on ... have they been sleeping all this time? How have they not starved to death? Or woke up earlier because they wanted some water? Or to go to the bathroom? ;)
The female elf explains it all with one word; Magic. :lol:

This was done on purpose to show, how ridiculous "magic" is used to explain things away sometimes. So I wanted to do something far fetched and just explain it away as "Magic."
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm And this elf has been in prison for 600 years?
Shows you just how long the Crimson Draco Legion has been around; and how old that Red Dragon was!
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm :lol: Love Grayson's deadpan "Us. Vanquish the Red Dragon." :lol:
:lol: "...doesn't mean we automatically pass go and collect $20,000." (Hang on - isn't it 20,000 GPs? Or did Grayson's actor goof there?)
He actually says "gold" (there's somewhere else he says dollars; that we kept)
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm :lol: Love Peter's "We were prisoners of the city. Without food, without water, lost and in constant danger." Hmm-mm. And ... being prisoners of a Red Dragon, without food, without water, lost and in constant danger is ... different? How? ;)
So that whole thing about being lost in the city, and Grayson saying Peter was too drunk to remember; it's all a reference to when Adam & I flew to New York City in 2005 for our 2005 Machinima Film Festival Nomination (we were nominated, but did not win) - this was when I was still drinking - and the festival was open bar - and needless to say, I stopped counting at around 10 rum & cokes; then after the Festival, Adam, myself, Amanda (a friend we knew from the machinima community) and her (then) boyfriend (now broke up) Reece, walked around downtown New York City, following my drunken lead because I'd said I'd been in NYC before (granted, I was like four or five at the time, and there for a quick visit for a tour or something)...
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm Ermm... hmm. In Peter's map (with the forest, the mountains, the desert, and the Dragon's mountain) in the lower right-hand corner ... the dragon's mountain looks a little bit like the Sierra symbol. Was that on purpose?
That was fun, Tawm. Thanks! :)
That is 101% intentional.

The entire show has tons of references to things that inspired me (Star Wars, Dragonlance, Sierra Online, Tokien, etc)
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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Nights

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Tawmis wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:18 pm
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 6:04 pm All right, so they've been in prison for about 3 months. Hang on ... have they been sleeping all this time? How have they not starved to death? Or woke up earlier because they wanted some water? Or to go to the bathroom? ;)
The female elf explains it all with one word; Magic. :lol:

This was done on purpose to show, how ridiculous "magic" is used to explain things away sometimes. So I wanted to do something far fetched and just explain it away as "Magic."
Good one. *nods* In fact, I've been doing something similar with some of the stories I've been writing ... one or two are re-imaginings of the old mythological stories, where the hero gets supernatural help from a god or two 'cos hey, he's the hero. ;) So he does unbelievable things ... 'cos hey, he's got supernatural help. Why? 'Cos he's the hero. :P

The whole thing seemed unbelievable to me, so I tried to "help" my hero achieve the same thing without all the supernatural stuff - and tried to get my villain to do similar things without them being, well, supernatural. For instance, Perseus doesn't fly over the Mediterranean, Medusa doesn't turn people into stone, etc. ;)

How does it change the story? For a start, the story becomes much more believable. Perseus is a fine Greek hero, but his story becomes more interesting if he learns things along the way, and applies what he learns in order to win the day! :)

... stuff like that. :P
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