Sierra Madlibs!

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Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »

I recently picked up the retro "Battleship" (it's new but has the old box and everything) - and had me thinking of the various other things I enjoyed as a kid.
And one of them was Madlibs.
If you're not familiar with Madlibs -

I figure it might be fun to write one - and then the next person fills out WHICH EVER word they want to fill out - but QUOTES the whole thing - so that their new post has the WORD filled out.

And each person can only fill out ONE word (for now), until someone else fills in another. And keep in mind, you can be silly with your answers. For example, if we're doing one for Police Quest and the thing is [NOUN] you can put "cow" for the NOUN, even though a COW is never seen in Police Quest!

Have fun with it.

The things are -
ADJECTIVE - describes something (Green, Squishy, Cute)
ADVERB - describes an action (Quickly, Carefully, Silently)
NOUN - person place or thing (Car, House, Child.)
PLURAL NOUN - people places or things (Cars, Houses, Children.)
VERB - An action (Run, Jump, Swim)
EXCLAMATION - (Wow!, Oh!, Yuck!)
NUMBER - (5, 223, 16.5)
COLOR - (Red, Green, Blue)
NAME - (Bill, Fred, Lisa)

So - for starters, we shall do...

UPDATED GAME RULES (11/19/2021) -
Whoever is running the game will put their madlib in spoilers and list what's needed until all the options are filled out.

So for example:

Code: Select all


As the hero approached the small town of Spielberg, he looked at the [NOUN[] standing by the gate. Paying it no need, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your [NAME]?"

The hero [ADVERB] responded to the Sheriff who took a puff of his pipe and said, "[EXCLAMATION]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surly be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [NUMBER] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.

1. Noun
2. Name
3. Adverb
4. Exclamation
5. Color
6. Adverb
7. Number
8. Verb
9. Noun

Would look like:


As the hero approached the small town of Spielberg, he looked at the [NOUN[] standing by the gate. Paying it no need, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your [NAME]?"

The hero [ADVERB] responded to the Sheriff who took a puff of his pipe and said, "[EXCLAMATION]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surly be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [NUMBER] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.

1. Noun
2. Name
3. Adverb
4. Exclamation
5. Color
6. Adverb
7. Number
8. Verb
9. Noun

The people guessing would copy and paste the entire thing they need to eventually fill and add something, so for example, using the above -
Rath the Righteous wrote: 1. Noun
2. Name
3. Adverb
4. Exclamation
5. Color - BLUE
6. Adverb
7. Number
8. Verb
9. Noun
Then the next person copies that - and adds, so for example:
Bob the Builder wrote: 1. Noun
2. Name
3. Adverb
4. Exclamation
5. Color - BLUE
6. Adverb
7. Number - 300
8. Verb
9. Noun
UPDATED - Removed the need to color code the words, to keep it more ambiguous where the words are located in relation to one another.
You may, like NBS, not even put the actual story - just text hidden behind spoilers, to prevent prying eyes from looking at what's there.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your [NAME]?"

The hero [ADVERB] responded to the Sheriff who took a puff of his pipe and said, "[EXCLAMATION]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surly be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [NUMBER] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »

Made a slight correction - I had the NAME part in the wrong place.


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[NAME]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff who took a puff of his pipe and said, "[EXCLAMATION]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surly be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [NUMBER] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[NAME]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [NUMBER] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

So ... are we going to continue this? :lol:
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:11 pm So ... are we going to continue this? :lol:
I'd hoped to see more than you and I doing this, since it's pretty easy.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[NAME]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [ADVERB] makes his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [300] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[NAME]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUSLY] ( ;) ) made his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [HUNDREDS] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [VERB] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.

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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[NAME]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUSLY] ( ;) ) made his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [HUNDREDS] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [DANCED] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »

Danced? How can you dance in a rocking chair -- while also being asleep? :shock:

I was just being silly, but this sounds impossible. :headbang: ;)


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[ALAN THE ASTOUNDING]," ( ;) ) the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [COLOR] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUSLY] made his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [HUNDREDS] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [DANCED] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:30 pm Danced? How can you dance in a rocking chair -- while also being asleep? :shock:
I was just being silly, but this sounds impossible. :headbang: ;)
I see you used my favorite emoji! :D

And if people can sleep walk, why can't they sleep dance? Standing on his chair, dancing in place, sleeping!

And Nice NEN reference! <3
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[ALAN THE ASTOUNDING]," ( ;) ) the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [PURPLE] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUSLY] made his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [HUNDREDS] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [DANCED] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [NOUN] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Rath Darkblade »


As the hero approached the small town of Spielburg, he looked at the [UNICORN] standing by the gate. Paying it no heed, he proceeded to enter the town where he was greeted by the sheriff who asked, "What is your name?"

"[ALAN THE ASTOUNDING]," the hero [QUIETLY] responded.

The Sheriff took a puff of his pipe and said, "[ZOUNDS, COR BLIMEY AND PEEL MY TANGERINES, WITH A SIDE ORDER OF THUND!]! Well, with a name like that the [PURPLE] brigands will surely be driven back. You may want to sign in at the guild."

The hero thanks the sheriff and [SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUSLY] made his way to the Guild Hall. Upon opening the door he saw [HUNDREDS] of monster heads mounted to the wall and a sleeping dwarf slowly [DANCED] in a rocking chair.

He signed the [HIPPOPOTAMUS] at the table and proceeded to make his way out the door.

And we are done! :D What's next? ;)
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by Tawmis »

Rath Darkblade wrote: Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:20 am And we are done! :D What's next? ;)
I can make another one, or you can (since so far it looks like only you and I may be doing this unless others join).
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Re: Sierra Madlibs!

Post by notbobsmith »


"Thanks, buddy!" Larry stepped out of the [HORSE DRAWN CARRAIGE], which sped off again. Larry stood and looked at the [TYPE OF PUB/BAR/TAVERN/INN ETC]. "May as well step in," he thought, and did so.

As he did, a mighty hero, with a BIG sword strapped to his back, stepped out into the mud and knocked Larry to the ground. "Hey! Watch it, fella!" Larry said.

The hero turned around and said, "[EXCLAMATION]! Vot do you vant, veaklink? Go home to your mother!"

Larry [ADVERB] punched the hero in the face -- or tried to. The hero caught his fist in one hand and said, "Vell! Ve haf a live von here and no mistake." Larry's knuckle was turning [COLOR,] but the hero didn't seem to notice. "I'll give you a piece of advice, boyo, see?" The hero went on. "Dis ain't your average town."

"Ugh." Larry grunted. "Let go of me, you [ANIMAL]!"

"Now is that any way to behave?" The hero went on calmly, still not letting go. "It's a long walk back to civilization. Without yer legs." He drew his sword and grinned at Larry's expression. "Nah, nah, I'm not gonna do that to you, boyo. You gots a bright future. Up to now."

Still not letting go, the hero used his very thin blade to lift Larry's white jacket off his shoulders. Flicking his wrist, he threw it up in the air, and then ... *WHOOM WHOOM WHOOM* The blade made three motions in the air, and Larry's jacket came floating down in four pieces.

"Hey! My [EXCLAMATION] jacket!"

"Just so you're paying attention, boyo. There is things much worse than me." The hero puffed out his expansive chest. "[NUMBER] of monsters, for one. A [VERB]ING dragon or two, maybe."

"A dragon?! But he'll [VERB] us alive--"

"Nah, nah." The hero's grin widened. "The dragons is old, an' restless, an' bored. They just wants a story or two. A dance, maybe. That's not so bad, right?"

Larry squared his shoulders and puffed out his chest. "Is that all? No problem! I got plenty of stories, and I know lots of dances! I even got a [NOUN]!"

"Knew you wuz a smart one." The hero let go of Larry's knuckles and pushed him into the mud. "Later, mud-boy."

I'm wondering if this might work better if the final story isn't presented until the end, just like in real Mad Libs.
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