Running trials on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine:
Tried it on
Betrayal In Antara. During the System Test, the Memory failed (a known problem that the SquirtTheCat installer fixes), but the killer is that the CPU test locks up the installer.
Installed just fine without performing the System Test, but the System Test is a requirement to
RUN the game. Got the Memory Error error there again prior to starting the game, so I'll have to stick with SquirtTheCat installer for now as a work-around.
Tried it on
Thexder 95. During the set-up, the Memory passed, but the CPU failed to recognize. So, ignored the System Test to begin the installation, but the game needs to install Microsoft Games SDK under SETUP32.exe, which fails with the following message:
! Unexpected error - no DirectXSourceDir entry found in SIERRA.INI.
Then, it tries to install the game proper by calling SETUP32.exe again, and that fails with the following message:
! Unexpected error - expected to find ProductDir = value in the Misc section of SIERRA.INI and was not found.
Again, I'll have to stick with the Sierra Helper Install program for now.
Trying to uninstall either game, using the CD itself or the Windows Start Menu, calls on SETUP32.EXE and yields the same message:
! Unexpected error - expected to find ProductDir = value in the Misc section of SIERRA.INI and was not found.
On the plus side, the 16-bit installers DID work using the WineVDM program; there were just problems after that:
1. Known Memory problem for
BIA, so not an issue with WineVDM
2. Problems with
Thexder95 calling Setup32 twice
outside of WineVDM, so again, not an issue with WineVDM, per se.
UPDATE: Okay, I just re-read the first post. I will try to move the INI files that are created in the Otvdm/WINDOWS folder to the proper folders when I get a chance.
(Would help if I actually READ that part before typing all of the above.)