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Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:00 pm
by Tawmis
Excellent collection pieces.

What is that watch? And the SQ1 Grid thing?

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:20 pm
by k0SH
What is that watch?
It´s the rare Willy Beamish watch.
Same of the boxes came with a coupon:

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And the SQ1 Grid thing?
One of the Two Guys said that the first releases of the black SQ1 box came with the pattern.
But it was to expensive (or unnecessary expensive?) and so only a lower number of boxes were sold with the pattern.
The most common first release of SQ1 is the pattern-less pitch black box.
Having said that and keeping in mind that the black box is the first release of SQ1, the box with the pattern is the first-first :D

First box with the pattern (it´s on the complete box but not seen on this picture), second box without:

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Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:00 am
by k0SH

Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is my all the time favorite adventure game!
I´m very thankful that GK1 got that wonderful trapezoid box. Awesome!
And yes, the Sid & Al Incredible Toons box is great too ;-)

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:32 pm
by Collector
I already have the Sid & Al's, but the GK1 origami box is on my most wanted list.

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:49 pm
by Constantin35
Hi there!

Will do that, of course! Unfortunately I have tomorrow a job assessment and then will head for vacations until mid of July. But as soon as I will return, I will post em here. But a quick response to the "german" question. I want(ed) to possess at least the "Komplett Deutsch" Versions. From some I have additionally versions like "Handbuch in Deutsch" or "International Version" (Whatever that means), but the main goal is to have "Komplett in Deutsch" completely. :-) Btw, this also includes the three Dynamix Adventures Heart of China, Rise of the Dragon and Willy Beamish.
I started to use the iOS App "MyStuff 2" to keep an overview on the collection when I started to win expensive auctions on items, which, when I received them, I found out I already had. In total its like roughly 150 boxes.

Best wishes,

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:27 pm
by Hedegaard
Hey kOSH,

Very impressive collection you have! Good pictures, nice to see.
Now I know where Rudy's collection sold to :)

Also noticed the old Cherry keyboard and of course the retro CRT monitor for playing the old games.

Very nice collection you have!!

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:47 pm
by k0SH
the main goal is to have "Komplett in Deutsch" completely. :-) Btw, this also includes the three Dynamix Adventures Heart of China, Rise of the Dragon and Willy Beamish.
Hey Constantin35!
First things first so GOOD LOOK with that job assessment! Fingers crossed! Go and get it! :-)
Yeah, I´m looking for "Komplett Deutsch" too :-)
And yes, know about the three Dynamix. Already got the German Heart of China but still need RotD and WB.

Very impressive collection you have! Good pictures, nice to see.
Thanks, Hedegaard!
Now I know where Rudy's collection sold to :)
Haha. I know Rudy of course but actually I only got a few games from him and none of those I´ve shown here so far :-)
Also noticed the old Cherry keyboard and of course the retro CRT monitor for playing the old games.
Yeah. Pure retro :-)
Sadly my complete keyboard overlay from the KQ1 IBM release doesn´t fit to my keyboard.
Guess I´ve to get another one..

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:58 pm
by Collector
I am always willing to add support for the German versions of the games to my installers, if anyone is willing to help.

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:11 pm
by k0SH
When there is a MYSTERY HOUSE there has to be a MYSTERY HOUSE II too, right? Right!
Well.. nah.. wait.. it´s not that easy..

We already learned that a lot Sierra games were released in Japan too.
And yes, MYSTERY HOUSE is one of them but it´s a bit tricky because there were several different games called MYSTERY HOUSE.

Star Craft's release was an enhanced port/remake, with the cartoon graphics replaced by more realistically drawn graphics, which was possible due to the higher resolution of Japanese computers at the time.
This version is fantastically faithful to the original version!

MicroCabin's release was not actually related to the game, but simply borrowed the name, and had a different plot altogether but it looked similar. MYSTERY HOUSE II is the sequel to their unrelated game rather than a sequel to the original.

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Interesting too, MH sold 80,000 units worldwide and 50,000 were sold in Japan. In addition to its impact on Western adventure games, Mystery House was also responsible for introducing the adventure game genre to Japan.

So yeah, I got MH2 but it has not a lot in common with the original MH :) ... house.html

PS. It was my last FB post.. I know a lot of you already know all that stuff 8-)

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:21 pm
by Collector
k0SH wrote:We already learned that a lot Sierra games were released in Japan too.
Like PQ2 where Sonny has (shudder) anime eyes.

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:39 pm
by k0SH
Like PQ2 where Sonny has (shudder) anime eyes.
Yeah. THAT is an awesome if not the most awesome Japan version of a Sierra game!!

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:41 pm
by manannan
First post here and I'm glad to say I was introduced to these boards by local resident k0SH.

I guess you could say I've been collecting Sierra games since my dad brought home King's Quest I with our IBM PCjr in 1985. I still have all my original games, but over the past 5 years or so, I've really tried to grow my collection stemming from my love for the King's Quest series. Naturally I started with KQ, but have expanded quite rapidly to all the quest series while dipping my ties into some of the more obscure Sierra titles.

Looking forward to joining the discussion here and from time to time will post some of my current "gems" as well as new finds. To start things off, let me show off my Tandy clam shell version of King's Quest I. A truly rare find!





Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:44 pm
by manannan
First post here and I'm glad to say I was introduced to these boards by local resident k0SH.

I guess you could say I've been collecting Sierra games since my dad brought home King's Quest I with our IBM PCjr in 1985. I still have all my original games, but over the past 5 years or so, I've really tried to grow my collection stemming from my love for the King's Quest series. Naturally I started with KQ, but have expanded quite rapidly to all the quest series while dipping my toes into some of the more obscure Sierra titles.

Looking forward to joining the discussion here and from time to time will post some of my current "gems" as well as new finds. To start things off, let me show off my Tandy clam shell version of King's Quest I. A truly rare find - and in particularly great condition!





Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:48 pm
by Collector
Welcome to SHP. I have the gray boxes of the first three games, but not the clam shell variants. They are probably posted much earlier in this thread.

Re: New Acquisitions Thread (image heavy)

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:16 pm
by Hedegaard
Welcome :)

Nice that you still have your own original games. It adds that "personal touch".