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Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:02 pm
by Tawmis
Neverending Nights - Episode 26 (HD) - "Reunited (And It Feels So Good)"

Peter and Grayson have a map to the caves... so how is it possible that they get lost? Well, this episode explains it.

But hold on! If the Episode is called "Reunited and it feels so good" - who is it that they're getting reunited with?

Watch and find out!
(And for you young people, who don't get the reference of the title - "Reunited" from Peaches & Herb.)

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:19 pm
by Tawmis
Replaced my broken monitor and first thing I did? Kick out a new episode of Neverending Nights! Feels good to be back!

In this episode, we see that Andrea the Assassin and Daniel the Destructive are hot on the trail of Peter and Grayson, as they arrive in the City of Ator. Meanwhile, our would be heroes discover that they close friend Pawl the Dorf, not only died... but came back... as a ghost... with racial benefits!

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:39 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Welcome back! ;) Here's my take on this tale...

Episode 26
Going to sleep in a beholder cave... yeah, GREAT IDEA. :P :lol:

Oh wonderful... Peter used the map as kindling. Well done :P

Grayson has a good idea - go the OPPOSITE WAY of what Peter wants.

Pawl the Dwarf is back... and both Peter and Grayson faint. I expected them to barf, or something. ;)
Episode 27
A more wretched hive of scum and villainy? Oh, no... it's Star Wars! ;-)

LOL @ the list of Daniel's items. "Frog's breath..." ;)

Yep! You can find out everything you need to know in a tavern. Bartenders know everything, and should therefore rule the world.

"Well I don't say 'boo', but... yeah." :lol:

And yes, even ghosts have racial benefits. :P

Good to see this again. :)

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:56 pm
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote:Welcome back! ;)
It's good to be back in the NeN Saddle!
Rath Darkblade wrote: Here's my take on this tale...
Episode 26
Going to sleep in a beholder cave... yeah, GREAT IDEA. :P :lol:
Heh. Things will get worse (naturally) before it gets better for the trio!
Rath Darkblade wrote: Oh wonderful... Peter used the map as kindling. Well done :P
It's very Peter to do something so Peter'ish. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Grayson has a good idea - go the OPPOSITE WAY of what Peter wants.
Only took him 26 episodes to figure it out. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Pawl the Dwarf is back... and both Peter and Grayson faint. I expected them to barf, or something. ;)
Hah - if there was a throw up emote, I would have used it!
Rath Darkblade wrote: Episode 27
A more wretched hive of scum and villainy? Oh, no... it's Star Wars! ;-)
There's plenty of Star Wars references throughout the entire series. (As well as all kinds of other references!) One of the things I always enjoy is squeezing in a reference to a game, movie, etc, that I enjoyed, if it fits the script. Just my way of saying "Thank you" to those creators who helped shape my imagination. :)
Rath Darkblade wrote: LOL @ the list of Daniel's items. "Frog's breath..." ;)
We told Mario (who plays Daniel) to improv some "wizard spell list components" (I had some down on the script, and he read those, and just kept rambling, which was perfect).
Rath Darkblade wrote: And yes, even ghosts have racial benefits. :P
Good to see this again. :)

And poor Grayson, with no racial benefits.

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:47 pm
by Tawmis
Hrm - recent change in the Youtube code thing seems to have broken things...
EDIT: Went back and fixed all the other links in this thread.

Episode 28:
Peter and Grayson recover and speak to Phantom Pawl the Dorf...
Episode 29:
Andrea and Daniel are catching up to our two would be heroes...

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:26 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Peter and Grayson, meet Pawl - the claustrophobic ghost-buddy! :lol:

Yes, I don't know why Grayson puts up with Peter either. ;)
The goblins still think that 'this kicks socks.' ;) I like the idea of the goblin spinoff. :D

Peter and Grayson, the complete idiots. Yep, sounds about right :lol:

I just realised that the assassin's sword (sorry, I'm not sure of the assassin's name) is almost as big as she is. How does she carry it around?

Hmm, new closing music. Will this now be the assassin's signature closing tune? ;)

I wonder what will happen next. Tune next time - same Neverending Time, same Neverending Channel... :twisted:

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:46 am
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote:Peter and Grayson, meet Pawl - the claustrophobic ghost-buddy! :lol:
Yes, I don't know why Grayson puts up with Peter either. ;)
The goblins still think that 'this kicks socks.' ;) I like the idea of the goblin spinoff. :D
Peter and Grayson, the complete idiots. Yep, sounds about right :lol:
I just realised that the assassin's sword (sorry, I'm not sure of the assassin's name) is almost as big as she is. How does she carry it around?
Hmm, new closing music. Will this now be the assassin's signature closing tune? ;)
I wonder what will happen next. Tune next time - same Neverending Time, same Neverending Channel... :twisted:
We thought it'd be fun to have a dwarf that was claustrophobic (since dwarves live underground; constantly in enclosed areas; the irony was too funny to pass up!) - and when I came up with the idea of killing Pawl the Dorf - I knew the "light at the end of the tunnel" and his claustrophobia would be hand in hand as to why he doesn't pass into the after life. :lol:

As for the Goblin Spin-Off - it was something (back in the day when we had a forum on the site) - that people were asking for. So rather than actually doing that, we brought the goblins into the main series as supporting characters since folks back in the day really enjoyed them.

As for Andrea the Assassin and her sword - I'd ask her how she carries such a large scimitar - but she'd probably kill me. So I will just go with #GirlPower

As for the closing tune, it is indeed Andrea's Theme. Travis Richards (who did our music for Season 2 and 3 originally) composed that theme for Andrea, when I asked him. He also composed the (harder to hear) Tavern Ditty song playing in that episode, during the "tavern" scenes.

As for what's coming up next - more great fun, I promise!

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:37 am
by Rath Darkblade
I look forward to it! :) :D

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:30 pm
by Tawmis
Episode 30: Good Elf, Bad Elf?
Peter, Grayson and a frequently vanishing Pawl the Dorf, questionable looking Dark Elves and the very dwarves that had killed Pawl the Dorf (which led to him being stuck as a ghost!) - and that's with Andrea the Assassin hot on their tails!

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:46 am
by Rath Darkblade
:lol: Grayson doesn't want to disturb the elves, and Peter thinks that's a superb idea. It only took him 30 episodes to realise that Grayson sometimes has good ideas. ;)

LOL! A bit of unintended humour just after 1:40, if you turn on Youtube's closed captions. Grayson says: "Oh, wow! Dwarves!" and Peter says: "Really?" YouTube translates this as: "Oh wow doors girlie". *facepalm* :lol:

And at 2:15, "Run! Run!" turns into "Ron Ron". :shock: Why is YouTube CC so bad? I mean, I knew it was bad - but THIS bad? ;)

Back to episode... Pawl's question about why he is running (since the dwarves can't hurt him any more) is a very good one. Maybe Pawl can be a one-man invisible ninja team and kill the duergar, so that Peter and Grayson can just waltz right through. (Wouldn't be any less ridiculous than any of Peter's plans!) ;)

Uh-oh... large scale battle! Duergar vs. drow! And if I know Peter and Grayson, they're going to run straight through it and not even be harmed. ;) (P.S. They didn't). :lol:

Um... Peter had no idea that elves and dwarves hate each other? Has he been living under a rock? :P

Oh yes... Grayson's sword is back. (It's only *starting* to give him the creeps? Has he not been listening to it all this time? ;) I don't blame him - that voice *is* creepy). ;)

Daniel is off-topic, as usual; but he has some amusing lines. 'Dyslexia' is so hard to spell... 'abbreviation' is such a long word... is he in the right profession? I thought wizards were supposed to have a high INT score. ;)

YouTube CC again has unintended humour: "Barbecued goblins? That's not even funny" becomes "Barbecue island i don't even fight." :roll:

Andrea the assassin underestimated their intelligence? She must have thought them to be stupider than a bag of rocks, then. :lol:

Cue for Peter to say or do something stupid... (P.S. he didn't, but only because he wasn't in the next scene).

Oh dear... Andrea *again* thinks these two guys defeated all the drow and duergar? Uhm... okay then. ;)

:lol: There we go! Peter's not sure where he got 50 gold from, but every time he reaches into his pouch, there's money there. *headdesk* :lol: Unless Peter got a Pouch of Neverending Gold +7 when we weren't looking? ;)

By the way - very lucky for them to run into a priest (or is it a priestess?) to perform the resurrection (or is it a reincarnation?). The way he (she?) describes the "reincarnation" spell sounds an awful lot like necromancy, specifically taking Pawl's soul and shoving it into a dead corpse. Are we about to meet Pawl the undead dorf? :P

Oh dear..... another Star Wars reference. "Is he our last hope?" "No. There is another." :lol:

A fun chapter as usual, Tawm. Looking forward to seeing the next one! :D

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:11 am
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: :lol: Grayson doesn't want to disturb the elves, and Peter thinks that's a superb idea. It only took him 30 episodes to realise that Grayson sometimes has good ideas. ;)
As a Fighter, he's not expected to come up with good ideas, often. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: LOL! A bit of unintended humour just after 1:40, if you turn on Youtube's closed captions. Grayson says: "Oh, wow! Dwarves!" and Peter says: "Really?" YouTube translates this as: "Oh wow doors girlie". *facepalm* :lol:
And at 2:15, "Run! Run!" turns into "Ron Ron". :shock: Why is YouTube CC so bad? I mean, I knew it was bad - but THIS bad? ;)
YouTube CC again has unintended humour: "Barbecued goblins? That's not even funny" becomes "Barbecue island i don't even fight." :roll:
One of these days, maybe when I finish the entire series in 1080p, I have to get around to uploading the files on Youtube, so it uses the correct dialogue. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Back to episode... Pawl's question about why he is running (since the dwarves can't hurt him any more) is a very good one. Maybe Pawl can be a one-man invisible ninja team and kill the duergar, so that Peter and Grayson can just waltz right through. (Wouldn't be any less ridiculous than any of Peter's plans!) ;)
:lol: Peter does come up with some pretty hair brain ideas, for sure...
Rath Darkblade wrote: Uh-oh... large scale battle! Duergar vs. drow! And if I know Peter and Grayson, they're going to run straight through it and not even be harmed. ;) (P.S. They didn't). :lol:
Um... Peter had no idea that elves and dwarves hate each other? Has he been living under a rock? :P
That large scale war was a nightmare to get right. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Oh yes... Grayson's sword is back. (It's only *starting* to give him the creeps? Has he not been listening to it all this time? ;) I don't blame him - that voice *is* creepy). ;)
The Sword continues to make appearances throughout, until it's true origin is revealed... :)
Rath Darkblade wrote: Daniel is off-topic, as usual; but he has some amusing lines. 'Dyslexia' is so hard to spell... 'abbreviation' is such a long word... is he in the right profession? I thought wizards were supposed to have a high INT score. ;)
He does have a high INT score, he just tends to ramble. A lot. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Andrea the assassin underestimated their intelligence? She must have thought them to be stupider than a bag of rocks, then. :lol:
Oh dear... Andrea *again* thinks these two guys defeated all the drow and duergar? Uhm... okay then. ;)
Poor Andrea is beginning to think our would be heroes are a lot more capable than they really are!
Rath Darkblade wrote: :lol: There we go! Peter's not sure where he got 50 gold from, but every time he reaches into his pouch, there's money there. *headdesk* :lol: Unless Peter got a Pouch of Neverending Gold +7 when we weren't looking? ;)
The origin of Peter's endless amount of money will be explained. ;)
Rath Darkblade wrote: By the way - very lucky for them to run into a priest (or is it a priestess?) to perform the resurrection (or is it a reincarnation?). The way he (she?) describes the "reincarnation" spell sounds an awful lot like necromancy, specifically taking Pawl's soul and shoving it into a dead corpse. Are we about to meet Pawl the undead dorf? :P
Oh dear..... another Star Wars reference. "Is he our last hope?" "No. There is another." :lol:
A fun chapter as usual, Tawm. Looking forward to seeing the next one! :D
He's a Priest (voiced by me, with a high pitch Irish Meets Scottish Meets Who Knows What Accent) :lol:

As for Pawl the Dorf... his next set of "adventures" were way too fun... being a ghost was only the beginning of Pawl the (former) Dorf's woes...

And that Star Wars reference is a clue of things to come (all the way near the end of the series)...

As always, thank you for watching - and more so - for commenting here! :) Love talking about this series, because it means so much to my heart.

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 11:49 pm
by Rath Darkblade
You're welcome! :) Neverending Nights is a lot of fun. ;)

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:53 pm
by Tawmis
After a long break (due to so many projects I was involved in at work!) - I finally had the mental energy to do another episode!

Episode 31: Side Effects... May Vary.
With Peter and Grayson paying for Pawl the Dorf's reincarnation, the dynamic duo realizes they're in need of more funds again. Lucky for them, the City of Blackmire has the one place Peter and Grayson know very well - second only to the layout of a good, drinking tavern - and that is - a Wishing Well. When Grayson dives in to scrounge up some coins, a young girl tells them about the curse of those, whose wishes become undone when coins are stolen. (Who could this possibly impact? Well, this episode tells you that!) At the same time, Pawl the Dorf talks to the odd priest about doing a reincarnation - and the two of them complete the spell - but at what price?

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:32 am
by Rath Darkblade
Ah, it's good to see this finally continue. :) And yes, the dynamic duo are as clueless as ever.

LOL... I loved the sentimental music with Peter and Grayson suddenly "zzzzzip", and Peter's asking: "What if she's right?" ......and indeed, it seems that she is right... ;)

I also liked the cleric making fun of Pawl's accent - and also Pawl's conversation with the cleric. "Since I'm traveling with Peter and Grayson, that may well be a blessing..." (i.e. not remembering either of them). :lol:

LOL... Pawl gets reincarnated as goblin... and then doesn't remember what Andrea the assassin just told him. (Just as well, or it would break the story). ;)

Another good episode, kind sir! Thank you. <tips hat to Tawmis> :)

Re: There and back again; a Neverending Tale. Neverending Ni

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:47 am
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: Ah, it's good to see this finally continue. :)
Yes! I finished most of my projects at work (very time consuming, but worth it in the end; got a promotion out of it). :D After like... five years.. :roll:
Rath Darkblade wrote: And yes, the dynamic duo are as clueless as ever.
Yes, yes they are! And the comment Grayson makes about "I don't know where you got that 50 gold" is telling that there's something going on with how they're suddenly getting money... but that little tid bit is like a long, long, story in the making... before it's revealed. The clue has already been mentioned in a previous episode, but was such a throw away line, that it's easily missed.
Rath Darkblade wrote: LOL... I loved the sentimental music with Peter and Grayson suddenly "zzzzzip", and Peter's asking: "What if she's right?" ......and indeed, it seems that she is right... ;)
That little bit, about the coins in the well, was based off a short story I wrote, about a guy down on his luck, who takes coins out of fountains, and begins hearing all these news things, of people's lives getting destroyed, way back in like... the 6th grade? Was trying to write a very Edgar Allen Poe'esque type story. So it was fun to squeeze that reference into NeN a kajillion years later. :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: I also liked the cleric making fun of Pawl's accent - and also Pawl's conversation with the cleric. "Since I'm traveling with Peter and Grayson, that may well be a blessing..." (i.e. not remembering either of them). :lol:
I had a lot of fun voicing that Cleric... and find it ironic that he's making fun of someone's accent when he has such an outrageous one himself! :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: LOL... Pawl gets reincarnated as goblin... and then doesn't remember what Andrea the assassin just told him. (Just as well, or it would break the story). ;)
That's just the first of many things Pawl the Dorf is about to endure... :lol:
Rath Darkblade wrote: Another good episode, kind sir! Thank you. <tips hat to Tawmis> :)
Thank you good sir! Thank YOU for taking the time to check it out!