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Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:09 am
by DeadPoolX
I honestly think TellTale "dumbed down" (for lack of a better term) the game mechanics since BTTF has a wider appeal than a game-only IP. It probably attracted quite a few people who don't normally play games, simply because they like the movie trilogy itself.

That's obviously bad news for us gamers, who're used to games that're a bit more difficult and complex. However, from a marketing standpoint, it was definitely the right move.

I seriously doubt we'd have to worry about anything like this with KQ, which has become relatively obscure. Sure, we know of it and so do most Adventure gamers, but there's a LOT of modern gamers who've never heard of it or Sierra.

That's good news for Adventure gamers, since that means the chances of "dumbing down" the game is slim -- or at least a lot slimmer than it would be in a well-known property.

I just Jurassic Park and Fables come out okay.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:09 am
by MusicallyInspired
Heh. From the looks of things Jurassic Park is even more dumbed down. Yes, you can now die. But it's even more like a "click-to-continue" cinematic game because the entire thing almost is QTE events with a few hotspots in between and you can't even move your own character.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:41 pm
by DeadPoolX
MusicallyInspired wrote:Heh. From the looks of things Jurassic Park is even more dumbed down. Yes, you can now die. But it's even more like a "click-to-continue" cinematic game because the entire thing almost is QTE events with a few hotspots in between and you can't even move your own character.
Yeah, I recently saw a clip of JP on YouTube and I'm sorry to say I wasn't overly impressed.

Even so, I still defended it against the idiots in the comments section. They were yelling and screaming about how TellTale should've made a game like Dino Crisis and were upset that it's not an Open-World Survival Horror game.

TellTale makes Adventures! Whether or not you like their Adventures is something else, but they're not in the business of creating anything else. Expecting that of them is idiotic.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:16 pm
by jujigatame
My problem with the episodic format is that it invariably makes the game feel "small" and insubstantial. In S&M season 1 I remember getting very bored and uninterested around episode 3 because every episode just seemed like a 2-3 hour grind of traveling through a small handful of locations using items on stuff, watch a short cutscene or two, and then roll end credits and start all over again. The elements of buildup and discovery that are key to the storytelling component of an adventure game get hamstrung by this format.

I admit that it's possible I just don't love Telltale's games that much, and I'm unfairly pinning it on the episodic format, but I do think the format has something to do with it.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:48 pm
by DeadPoolX
I recall Maia saying that the first season of Sam & Max wasn't very good or at least, didn't have much of a story. That might be why you felt that way, although I'm sure the episodic format didn't help.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:51 pm
by MusicallyInspired
Well, given the delay of release of Jurassic Park, when it comes out it will release all the episodes at once. If you buy the retail XBox 360 disc it's a full game. I think any other platform will be separate episode downloads, though.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:40 pm
by Datadog
jujigatame wrote:In S&M season 1 I remember getting very bored and uninterested around episode 3
That's just the episode. I always skip "The Mob, The Moleman, and the Meatball" myself because it feels so tacked on. Beyond that, S&M1 is one of my favorite seasons and the last half is pretty awesome. It's right about there where instead of just recycling the same characters and locations, they developed them instead.

That's one advantage with the episodic format, since character development in a full-length game has a lot more story constraints. For example, in S&M, we can see a villain go to being a good guy, to being a sidekick, to getting a new job, meeting the girl of his dreams, settling down and having a kid over the course of a couple seasons. Seeing that kind of development for a side-character in a full-length format would be next to impossible.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:25 pm
by jujigatame
I just can't agree. I'll almost certainly never replay any of the Telltale S&M games. I've probably played the Lucasarts original half a dozen times. I've replayed Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey, and the Gabriel Knight series countless times as well. The Telltale games just seem trivial to me. Small games that are worth a playthrough but will never achieve the heights that we know adventures can reach.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:03 pm
by MusicallyInspired
The only one I can ever see my self playing again is TMI, which was the first one Telltale made that seemed to be bigger than their norm.

Re: New King's Quest from TellTale!

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:44 pm
by pppp
MusicallyInspired wrote:They'll probably make something in the style of KQ7 except easier. Which would be perfect for you!
Was that for me? You know Brandon,i never said KQ7 was my favorite,i just said i like it ;) Here's my list:

7.KQ8(a.k.a the only one i dislike)