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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:57 am
by Rath Darkblade
Although in my saying so, I might sound hackneyed and stereotypical, it must be said: a disabled woman is not a freak. I can think of maybe one or two ways in which, perhaps, religious differences might consider a disabled person a freak. But then what are we going to ban next? The Punch-and-Judy pantomimes, because Mr. Punch has a hump? Are we going to ban [/i]HMS Pinafore[/i] by Gilbert and Sullivan, because the character Dick Deadeye has a lazy eye? Are we going to ban Treasure Island because Long John Silver has lost his eye, or Moby Dick because Captain Ahab has lost his arm to the whale? Or - heaven forbid - are we going to ban Shakespearean tragedies, because various characters go mad (e.g. Lear in King Lear), or are blinded (Duke of Gloucester in Lear), etc. etc. etc.?

The whole thing leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 5:05 pm
by Tawmis
Simply put we live in a flusked up world.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:08 am
by misslilo
Things that annoy me...

First, this is my own fault, but it still annoys me, lol
When you get a written warning for being late at work more than 3 times! :lol:

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:56 pm
by Tawmis
While not written up or anything - work (while thankful to have a job in this economy) is annoying the eff out of me.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 6:00 am
by Rath Darkblade
I'm just annoyed and anxious about work because I'm two months into the initial three-month probationary period that I got when I started this job I have now, and all I've seen so far from my boss (just about) has been rebukes when I do the wrong thing. She's hardly had anything encouraging to say to me. It's very dispiriting... *sigh*

The other thing I'm annoyed about is that the girls I work with (everyone in the office, with myself and another guy excluded, is female) tend to gossip from time to time about stuff, or talk about issues in the news. But when they come to see me, it's all business. Hmm. Am I doing something wrong? Should I start talking about some news issue? My gut reflex says no, because news issues can be divisive in a work situation; still, I don't want to come across as cold or aloof. *shrug* Any ideas?

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:11 am
by Maiandra
Rath Darkblade wrote: The other thing I'm annoyed about is that the girls I work with (everyone in the office, with myself and another guy excluded, is female) tend to gossip from time to time about stuff, or talk about issues in the news. But when they come to see me, it's all business. Hmm. Am I doing something wrong? Should I start talking about some news issue? My gut reflex says no, because news issues can be divisive in a work situation; still, I don't want to come across as cold or aloof. *shrug* Any ideas?
I usually try to stay out of office politics and controversial topics at the office. This means some people see me as more reserved, but they also see me as being professional (so I've been told by others at work). However, I do find that to get along with people and be "part of the group" to a certain extent it can be good to engage in small talk (a skill I've had to develop, since it doesn't come naturally to me). Saying the usual "how was your weekend?" or "how are you?" and smiling can make you seem friendlier without having to get into the dicier areas of office conversation. I usually wait to show my sense of humour until I my co-workers well enough to know how they will react. While this alone may not allow you to get to know someone well, it will allow you to get along with most people by being friendly in a general way and being prudent when it comes to more polarising issues.

I'm lucky enough to have worked with some people that I was able to get to know well, who were trustworthy enough that we could get into more in-depth conversations and I knew it would stay between us. However, as a general practice, I'm careful about who I open up to at work. It is a workplace first and foremost.

Now, I'm sure some people here have their own completely different approach, but this seems to work for me. You are wise enough to decide what will help you in your own situation, Rath. :)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:47 am
by Tawmis
Things that annoy me?

Life, at the moment. :roll:

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:19 am
by Rath Darkblade
Why? What's the problem? :|
*offers Tawmis a comfy couch to sit on and a hot chocolate* ;)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:20 am
by misslilo
Things that annoy me today!


Work related calls to companies with women answering the phones!
All of them with a bitchy attitude -

Feel like strangling them! :twisted:

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:12 pm
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote:Why? What's the problem? :|
*offers Tawmis a comfy couch to sit on and a hot chocolate* ;)
I will GLADLY take the hot chocolate... (it's a weakness!)... but I'd rather spare you the boring details that bug me about life currently! I have my sanctuary (here, my own forum, etc) - so I am good! Just life gets under my skin sometimes! :)
misslilo wrote:Things that annoy me today!
Work related calls to companies with women answering the phones!
All of them with a bitchy attitude -
Feel like strangling them! :twisted:
It is almost the weekend. So they have all endured a long week and are probably bitchy for it... they're like everyone else... they're living for the weekend... ;)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:36 pm
by Jules
Rath Darkblade wrote:The other thing I'm annoyed about is that the girls I work with (everyone in the office, with myself and another guy excluded, is female) tend to gossip from time to time about stuff, or talk about issues in the news. But when they come to see me, it's all business. Hmm. Am I doing something wrong? Should I start talking about some news issue? My gut reflex says no, because news issues can be divisive in a work situation; still, I don't want to come across as cold or aloof. *shrug* Any ideas?
If I read your post correctly, this is a new job? It's expected to not be "in" on the jokes and humor at first. That's pretty much how it is anywhere, really.

But like DPX said, small comments or questions do help to break the ice. Or bring up current topics in the news and add a witty or funny comment to the end of what you think about that topic to let them know you can be funny too. :)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:35 am
by Rath Darkblade
Jules wrote:
Rath Darkblade wrote:The other thing I'm annoyed about is that the girls I work with (everyone in the office, with myself and another guy excluded, is female) tend to gossip from time to time about stuff, or talk about issues in the news. But when they come to see me, it's all business. Hmm. Am I doing something wrong? Should I start talking about some news issue? My gut reflex says no, because news issues can be divisive in a work situation; still, I don't want to come across as cold or aloof. *shrug* Any ideas?
If I read your post correctly, this is a new job? It's expected to not be "in" on the jokes and humor at first. That's pretty much how it is anywhere, really.

But like DPX said, small comments or questions do help to break the ice. Or bring up current topics in the news and add a witty or funny comment to the end of what you think about that topic to let them know you can be funny too. :)
Well, it's a relatively new job... *shrug* But I've been working there for 2-and-a-half months now, and, well, I've gotten so good at doing the actual work that I often finish the work quickly, so I have 2 or 3 hours free every day, and I'm just bored. ;) That's basically why I'm a bit annoyed that everyone seems to have enough time to gossip with everyone else, but no one wants to have a gossip with me... so I feel a bit left out. :|

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 1:44 pm
by Jules
That's when you start rumors about others and then they'll let you in on the good stuff. ^_^


Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:34 pm
by DeadPoolX
Jules wrote:
Rath Darkblade wrote:The other thing I'm annoyed about is that the girls I work with (everyone in the office, with myself and another guy excluded, is female) tend to gossip from time to time about stuff, or talk about issues in the news. But when they come to see me, it's all business. Hmm. Am I doing something wrong? Should I start talking about some news issue? My gut reflex says no, because news issues can be divisive in a work situation; still, I don't want to come across as cold or aloof. *shrug* Any ideas?
If I read your post correctly, this is a new job? It's expected to not be "in" on the jokes and humor at first. That's pretty much how it is anywhere, really.

But like DPX said, small comments or questions do help to break the ice. Or bring up current topics in the news and add a witty or funny comment to the end of what you think about that topic to let them know you can be funny too. :)
I think Maia said that, not me. :P

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:43 am
by Rath Darkblade
Something that annoys me right now... kids' TV.

AGH! They're so cloying and saccharine sweet! And they always grin like demented Cheshire cats and discuss things like yoga, tofu, and holistic living. How the heck are 3-year-old kids supposed to understand this?!? And to make things even worse, they never do ANYTHING without endlessly moralising about it! In one show I was forced to watch while babysitting someone, one of those grinning clone dumped a whole lot of feathers on the floor for no apparent reason, and another clone said to him, "Oh, you're bad - someone could slip on that and get a bruise", so the first clone started apologising frantically and cleaning up the feathers. It was the most pointless and boring half-hour I'd ever been subjected to. I seriously contemplated cutting my own eyes out with a spoon. Even the kid I was babysitting seemed nonplussed by it all. Whatever happened to real kids' TV, where the kids got scrapes and things, and went on adventures and foiled pirates and smugglers? :twisted:

GRRRRR... *is NOT a happy camper right now*