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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:44 pm
by dotkel50
Hey Andrea, I'm still waiting for that playthrough of GK2!

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:06 pm
by BBP
dotkel50 wrote:Hey Andrea, I'm still waiting for that playthrough of GK2!

Welcome to the forum, Stuntology, hope you'll have a great time here! I heartily recommend the Gabriel Knight series too!

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:52 pm
by Tawmis
stuntology wrote:Hey guys!
I've been reading these forums for well over a year now, and decided today that I might as well sign up and join the discussions. Hope to get to know you all here!
Belated welcome to the forums! (Hope you survive the experience!) :D

And as for GK (mentioned later), I would strongly suggest the first and second one! Third one is great too - but it has some... questionable puzzles. (Cat, is all I will say...)

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:06 pm
by dotkel50
We did Gk1 months ago Tawm.

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:10 pm
by Tawmis
dotkel50 wrote:We did Gk1 months ago Tawm.
No, I was saying GK1 and GK2 to play - stuntology has never played GK.

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:51 pm
by dotkel50
Oh ok, you were recommending them. I thought you were talking about the playthrough.

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:13 pm
by stuntology
I've read about the cat puzzle a few places; it seemed pretty bizarre. And now I'll probably be buying Gabriel Knight one I'm done Quest for Glory! (It might be a while).

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:46 pm
by Collector
Here is the story of the Cat hair mustache puzzle:

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:00 pm
by Zin
Hi everyone! I made a couple posts in another thread already, but figured it would be nicer to properly introduce myself here as well.

Simply put, I'm a Sierra fan like all of you. The first Sierra game I played was King's Quest IV when it came out in the Fall of 1988. I love red wine, computer games and have a special affection for films and games that were made in the late '80s and early '90s. And I wear glasses.

I'm looking forward to meet you all. :)

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:31 am
by Tawmis
Zin wrote:Hi everyone! I made a couple posts in another thread already, but figured it would be nicer to properly introduce myself here as well.
Simply put, I'm a Sierra fan like all of you. The first Sierra game I played was King's Quest IV when it came out in the Fall of 1988. I love red wine, computer games and have a special affection for films and games that were made in the late '80s and early '90s. And I wear glasses.
I'm looking forward to meet you all. :)
Welcome to the forums! You're in the right place if you love Sierra games!

So when you played KQIV - what did you think? What got you hooked into Sierra? What other games have you played? Got any favorites?

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:54 am
by AndreaDraco
Welcome Zin! You're in the right place! :D

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:22 pm
by stuntology
Welcome from another new member! Do you have any other favourites than King's Quest?

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:55 pm
by Zin
Thank you for such a warm welcome, guys! :)

To Tawmis and stuntology:
I remember well the first time I booted up KQ4. I was 11 years old and preparing to leave the house for school (must have been 6th grade elementary school or something). I had seen Police Quest and Manhunter at a friend's house and thought they looked interesting but KQ4 literally blew me away. I recall walking Rosella around in this gorgeous and detailed world. I went as far as finding the ball under the bridge and then I had to leave for school. I don't know why but it's such a clear memory. All the Sierra games I played gave me that feeling afterwards.

I love Sierra so such for many reasons, not the least of which being that it brings back fond memories of my childhood. I also think the way they reached their customers through InterAction magazine and various newsletters was -- at the time -- an unprecedented way of presenting not only their product line, but also their hard-working designers. Those products all felt like they were made with passion and care. I thought their way of producing these games with all their own tools was another neat touch.

My favorite series are King's Quest, Space Quest, Quest for Glory and Gabriel Knight. As for the games themselves, I loved them all but my favorites are King's Quest V and VI and Space Quest IV and V, and my absolute all-time favorites are QFG4: Shadows of Darkness and GK2: The Beast Within. I also liked The Colonel's Bequest and Phantasmagoria a lot.

These days, I play a lot of shooters and more action-oriented games on Steam. But the things I liked about KQ4 or any other good adventure game remain the same things that draw me into a story-based shooter: story and exploration of a detailed world. But still, I've managed to keep all my Sierra boxes in good condition despite numerous moves and usually replay most of them at this time of year. I figure that those old classics must be good for a reason if I keep coming back to them!

To AndreaDraco:
I've read several of your reviews at Adventure Gamers, especially the ones for Sierra games, and thought they were very well researched and written. Nice work!

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:28 am
by Tawmis
Zin wrote: Thank you for such a warm welcome, guys! :)
Thank you for joining us!
Zin wrote: To Tawmis and stuntology:
I remember well the first time I booted up KQ4. I was 11 years old and preparing to leave the house for school (must have been 6th grade elementary school or something). I had seen Police Quest and Manhunter at a friend's house and thought they looked interesting but KQ4 literally blew me away. I recall walking Rosella around in this gorgeous and detailed world. I went as far as finding the ball under the bridge and then I had to leave for school. I don't know why but it's such a clear memory. All the Sierra games I played gave me that feeling afterwards.
That's awesome. The reason I ask is - despite how great King's Quest VI is (a universal favorite around here) - KQIV to me also holds a very special place for me and remains my favorite KQ game. Because at the time, all I had seen was like KQ1,2,3 and LSL1, SQ1,2... and then I played KQ4... and the graphics, how big it seemed, the night and day cycles - Sierra games were already amazing to me - but this felt like so much more! So much bigger! I never got over how amazing it all was... and to this day, Rosella on the Unicorn is one of the most amazing covers!
Zin wrote: I love Sierra so such for many reasons, not the least of which being that it brings back fond memories of my childhood. I also think the way they reached their customers through InterAction magazine and various newsletters was -- at the time -- an unprecedented way of presenting not only their product line, but also their hard-working designers. Those products all felt like they were made with passion and care. I thought their way of producing these games with all their own tools was another neat touch.
It's true - their InerAction magazine with fan letters and fan art, and their interviews, really made me feel like it was a "family" company.

Re: Introduce Yourself!

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:00 am
by Rath Darkblade
Welcome, Zin! :) *hands Zin the obligatory Welcome Pack full of goodies, like coffee and tea and fudge and haggis and the kitchen sink* ;)