I'll be one of the "What a Pervert" Yellers.Rudy wrote:I feel like I hijacked JohnnyPhantom's post a bit yesterday.
That was a great idea. I wasn't present, but Al was pretty impressed by it, and I heard there were over 1,000 people present at one point. Also today somebody is going to do the entire Gabriel Knight series playthrough live, starting at 2pm East Coast time. Kinda wonder how she'll handle it (my video walkthrough of the 3 games is just over 24 hours, and that's in one clean sweep without additional comments, without walking back and forth and of course without lunch or toilet breaks in it). Good luck with the space Quest playthrough!JohnnyPhantom wrote:I helped a lot during the Kickstarter program, even ran a 24 hour marathon for a charity and the kickstarter project.
Very big pledger then! Which cameo?JohnnyPhantom wrote:(also I'll have a Cameo in the reloaded game coming out this January!)
I watched Laura's GK marathon, very cool, she even had Jane audio chatting with her via Skype as she played for a few hours. Laura played part 1 and 2 and then someone took over for her for the 3rd game.
Last week I hosted the Space Quest marathon for the Two Guys Kickstarter. Hit some issues with the Space Quest marathon, wasn't as big of a hit as Larry's. But Scott and Mark stopped in and that was pretty awesome ^-^
Due to wife having issues with my car, I had to cut a big gap in the marathon for Space Quest and was only able to do 1EGA, 1VGA, 2,3 and 4. Parts 5, 6, and the fan games will be done at a later time.