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Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:30 am
by Erpy
Release will be aimed to take place on the evening of February the 23rd. In other words, very soon...


Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:55 am
by Collector
Thanks for letting us know.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:30 am
by envisge0ne
It's now available :)

You may hafta refresh the page if it comes up as the old teaser

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:00 pm
by Tawmis
This will be fun considering a recent thread about KQ3 we just had here! :lol:

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:15 pm
by Datadog
What is it about this month and new King's Quest games?

Okay... downloading... adding to pile. Will play when finished other game.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:28 pm
by Collector
Too bad that KOS won't be coming out soon, too. :)

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:50 am
by Collector
Just took a look at the beginning of it. It's AGDI's most professional looking game to date. I would still prefer it to be a higher resolution, but I guess you can't have everything.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 12:03 pm
by MusicallyInspired
Going even to double the resolution (640x480) would require twice as much work. Making finer details to the backgrounds, making twice as many animation frames for every character and object to appear fluid, etc. The game would have taken 16 years to complete instead of 8! :D

If we were paid to do it, however. That's a different story. And Himalaya's new Mage's Initiation project is indeed in high resolution and in the style of classic Sierra games. And it looks fantastic.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:07 pm
by Collector
Oh, I certainly understand and was not complaining. Still, it looks great. Now just to find some time to give to it.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:15 pm
by MusicallyInspired
I didn't think you were. I was pointing it out for others' sake as well.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:00 am
by Maxor127
Collector wrote:Just took a look at the beginning of it. It's AGDI's most professional looking game to date. I would still prefer it to be a higher resolution, but I guess you can't have everything.
I'm with you. I feel we need remakes of remakes.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:21 pm
by QuestCollector
I downloaded the game on Thursday night and just beat it this morning. I finished with 204/210 points.

First thing I'm going to say is what a great job this team did with KQIII. While not perfect all the way through, it was extremely solid and had that same classic feel to it like the old Sierra games. They stayed true to the story line for the most part and added some puzzles that were excellent and some that were just... ok. I'll wait to talk about them once everyone here has had a chance to play through the game.

The background art, I believe, is their best yet and I really liked KQ2+ a lot. The character animation is ok. I was glad to see they made Gwydion look like a slave than what IA did. The character I believe they did the best job on was Mannanan, especially when he catches you doing something out of the ordinary. He was just as Mannanan should be, so kudos on this AGDI.

I really enjoyed the voice acting in this game, with the exception of Valanice. She was just average and sounded really young. To young for her character. It's great hearing Josh Mandel replaying the role of King Graham! The rest of the characters are great too. Some in particular are the three bears, each of their voices were perfect to the part and it also made me smile!

The soundtrack in this game sounded excellent to me as well. It rivals what Tom did for KQ2+ and keeps that King's Quest feel to it. You'll even hear a lot of familiar sounds progressing through the game. I liked some if it so much that I just stood in Gwydion's room just to listen to the music. I even got out my SQL server textbook and read through it while listening to it. Whenever the soundtrack is available for download, or it may already be, I'm going to download it. Excellent job on this Brandon!

I thought I had actually run into a couple of dead ends when playing through this game but thankfully there are ways around them. Without restoring an older save of course. My first thought when I experienced this was thinking about all the complaining of getting stuck in KQV. Ironically it was something almost exactly similar!

Another thing to mention here is the timer within the game. EXCELLENT! I've been reading around where a lot of people are mentioning they don't like it, its to fast, blah blah blah. It's as it should be in this game and it gives you plenty of warning.

Overall this game is a must download if your a Sierra fan and completely outmatches what IA did.

There is also replay value in this game. Done in a genius way.

Score: 94%

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:13 pm
by Datadog
Just finished it! (202 out of 210, with the Insomniac and Roger Wilco Awards)

And it's pretty darn excellent.

I figured that AGDI would make some improvements on the original game, but what caught me off-guard was that they not only kept in the hair-raising experience involved with defeating Manannan, but they amped up the stress level by color-coding the timer. Every time that timer turned yellow, my panic mode would go on because it would always catch me in the middle of something. And they made his visits ten minutes apart instead of twenty! Fortunately, thanks to the miracle of the speed slider, I was able to get it all done in three trips. Manannan is still just as terrifying as ever.

I'm also surprised at easily I found myself dying. Here I am, picking up an eagle feather and going on my merry way, only to... walk right off a cliff! No path tracing or anything! Just like ye olde days! :D

I also really dig the music. Everything just seems spot on, and it's nice to hear some future KQ tunes in there as I explore. Although I think the one thing that I can't shake off is the death music whenever I fall off a cliff. So, Brandon - I have to ask: is that music taken right out of the "Inspector Gadget" theme song, or was that just a totally awesome coincidence? :)

My biggest gripe would still have to be the "expanded universe" part of the game. Much like in TSL, the story seems to hint at the Royal Family's involvement with some dark society. And since I can't remember certain details from KQ2+, I have no idea what the deal is with the curse, The Item, or The Father. I was hoping it would become clear later, but it didn't. I was still lost. The same thing with many additonal puzzles and the exposition - much like TSL, a lot of it seemed out of place in the adventure, as if you could see the boundary where Sierra ends and AGDI fan-fiction begins. It wasn't too big a deal, but stuff like that doesn't hold my interest.

But aside from that, it's still a fantastic adventure. And I'm still struggling to figure out how some of these effects were pulled off in AGS. I have to resort to using videos in my game just to pull off some of this magic, and yet AGDI manages to do it all in-game. I'm really impressed.

Also, points for Josh Mandel's return to Graham! Seeing a voice actor return to his role for a piece of fan-fiction is pretty epic.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:16 am
by Collector
It may be a while before I'll have enough time to do more than look it over. At least I have something to look forward to.
Datadog wrote:Also, points for Josh Mandel's return to Graham! Seeing a voice actor return to his role for a piece of fan-fiction is pretty epic.
If TellTale has any class, they'll get Josh to do Graham for them, too.

Re: AGDI Unveils King's Quest III Redux!

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:10 am
by Erpy
I'm also surprised at easily I found myself dying. Here I am, picking up an eagle feather and going on my merry way, only to... walk right off a cliff! No path tracing or anything! Just like ye olde days!
Yeah, that outcropping required a fairly accurate click the walk off. It's true there's no invisible railings bordering the chasms, but overall, the pathways aren't nearly as narrow anymore as they used to be.
So, Brandon - I have to ask: is that music taken right out of the "Inspector Gadget" theme song, or was that just a totally awesome coincidence?
Yeah, it's an Inspector Gadget reference, so it's not a coincidence, though I personally still think it's awesome.
And since I can't remember certain details from KQ2+, I have no idea what the deal is with the curse, The Item, or The Father. I was hoping it would become clear later, but it didn't.
In a few words, The Father was the hidden villain of KQ2+ who tried to obtain Graham's crown because it acted as a compass to some mystic item he was searching for. Graham blew his cover at the end of KQ2+ and in return got a curse placed upon him. (the one you see at the beginning of the opening sequence)

I believe Daniel wrote a conclusion to what was started in KQ2+, but that conclusion was meant to take place after the official KQ games, so KQ3 wasn't the place to resolve that story arc...we wanted to acknowledge it, but not make it a very prominent element.
