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Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:59 am
by Rath Darkblade
DeadPoolX wrote:I disagree, since RPGs can be made differently. Morrowind and Oblivion both had stories, but unlike other RPGs, you were able to completely deviate from the plotline and do whatever you want. I liked that. Besides, Morrowind and Oblivion had the typical trappings of an RPG -- stats, quests, magic, fighting, classes, moronic townspeople, etc.
LOL! I loved the stupidity of the townspeople (particularly in Oblivion). It was pretty funny to see them trying to figure out what they were supposed to say to me, if at all. It was the utter limit when I broke into their houses and, instead of turning purple with rage and chasing me out, they said something like "I'm afraid you're in the wrong place, friend." I mean... what??? *grin* Then again, some of the missions in that game (especially the ones actually in Oblivion) were very intense, particularly the Oblivion mission with a time limit, and even more so when it's your first time...

What are some of your favourite "townspeople stupidities"? ;)

To turn to another matter... that I'd be surprised if anyone remembers some of these old RPGs: Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore. I played both of them many years ago and enjoyed them immensely, particularly the latter. Of course the graphics and sound were primitive by today's standards, but the story and (particularly) characters seemed a lot deeper, somehow.

Oh, and I'm not sure if this counts as an RPG, but I wonder if anyone remembers a very old game named Gods. I used to play this many years ago... never finished it. Very addictive.

Talking of old games and not-quite-RPGs... does anyone remember an ancient game called Golden Axe? *G*

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:16 am
by misslilo
OK, I might sound stupid now, but could someone explain what CRPG stands for? :)

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:40 am
by AndreaDraco
Computer Role Playing Games

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:42 am
by misslilo
Thanks Andrea - but what about all the other abbrevations? :)

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:11 am
by DeadPoolX
Rath Darkblade wrote:Talking of old games and not-quite-RPGs... does anyone remember an ancient game called Golden Axe? *G*
I definitely remember it. I also remember the awful 80-inspired game box cover. The game was good (for the time period) and probably helped lead the way to other titles, like Streets of Rage and Final Fight. Another oldie is Double Dragon. It took my brother and I forever to finish the second DD game.
misslilo wrote:Thanks Andrea - but what about all the other abbrevations? :)
What other abbreviations?

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:39 am
by Rath Darkblade
Hmmmm... not sure, but if it helps, CRPG can stand for computer (or console!) role-playing game, or for the Canadian Ranger Patrol Groups. (Sorry about the ubiquitous wiki link - I was just in a hurry). ;)

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:44 pm
by misslilo
I can't believe myself!! :shock:

I just ordered:
- The Elder Scrolls III - Morowind (GOTY/Gold Edition/DVD)
- Divine Divinity + Beyond Divinity
- Gothic 1

And I've just had my first go at Gothic - oh man it's hard. The controls are insane.. or is every RPG like this??
It's kind of fun - for now at least, lol. We'll see if it can keep my interest... :lol:

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 7:47 pm
by AndreaDraco
misslilo wrote: - The Elder Scrolls III - Morowind (GOTY/Gold Edition/DVD)
Awesome! You can't go wrong with this one: it's amazing! :D

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:32 am
by misslilo
So I've heard, and I can't wait to get it. :D

I've also just ordered:
- Dungeon Siege 1 + 2 + Add-on.
- Gothic 2 + 3
- Neverwinter Nights Diamond (Used)

Sooo, you think I have enough to last a few weeks? :lol:

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:15 pm
by Tawmis
misslilo wrote:So I've heard, and I can't wait to get it. :D

I've also just ordered:
- Dungeon Siege 1 + 2 + Add-on.
- Gothic 2 + 3
- Neverwinter Nights Diamond (Used)

Sooo, you think I have enough to last a few weeks? :lol:
Have you ever played Neverwinter Nights? I think you're going to love it.

Heh. These two guys made Machinima using Neverwinter Nights and got interviewed on the Bioware forum - you should check that out! (I am apparently an internet whore) :-D

Then you can go here or here to enjoy some of that madness.

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:08 pm
by DeadPoolX
Gothic 2 made me laugh. Early on in the game, you could use drugs and hire prostitutes. Oddly enough, the game showed sex in somewhat explicit cutscenes. It's nothing that someone wouldn't see in a movie, but for games, it's quite unusual.

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:07 pm
by Tawmis
DeadPoolX wrote:Gothic 2 made me laugh. Early on in the game, you could use drugs and hire prostitutes. Oddly enough, the game showed sex in somewhat explicit cutscenes. It's nothing that someone wouldn't see in a movie, but for games, it's quite unusual.
I was surprised with Phant2 showed that brief, but pretty explicit (for it's time, in a game) sex scene.

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:09 am
by misslilo
Right now I'm totally into Morrowind with tons of cool mods and unofficial patch :D
Looks awesom now.

Didn't get very far in Gothic 1.. but will have to pic it up again or maybe Gothic 2 instead.

Also ordered Fable: The Lost Chapters... should be fun too :)

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:37 pm
by DeadPoolX
I've been itching to try Fable: The Lost Chapters for a while now. I have more than enough games to play at the moment, but FtLC is still a game I'd like to get at some point. It's too bad the sequel seems to be an exclusive title for the XBox 360.

Re: Some Good CRPGs?

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:37 pm
by misslilo
DeadPoolX wrote:I've been itching to try Fable: The Lost Chapters for a while now. I have more than enough games to play at the moment, but FtLC is still a game I'd like to get at some point. It's too bad the sequel seems to be an exclusive title for the XBox 360.
InterActCD has it with box and manuel, although used for only $10 :)
A new copy is $29.95 :shock: