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Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:37 am
by audiodane
I think most shows have bad endings- because so many people love the shows in their own ways, and the "proper" ending is so different for so many people. And Seinfeld hasn't ended- they're just all still in jail. :) Seriously though, I agree, I didn't like Seinfeld's ending. Terminator..Chronicles looked to be a decent show, but I think they made a horrible set of choices as to when to air the show. There were too many other shows in the same day/time slot, and at least at our house, Terminator got the chop because we could only record so many at a time. (We can record more now though) I've oft wondered if it would have done better given a less competitive timeslot.

I've also wondered how many of today's viewers still watch "live" broadcasts versus online or recorded. In other words, how much does "primetime" really matter anymore, besides the broadcasters trying to maintain it as a convincing argument for charging more for advertising during those slots? Isn't the state of the art of television akin to an early glimse of what the music industry has been suffering- namely their holding on to an archaic model of competing for timeslots when in reality a good show will be recorded and watched later (or watched online later) by most of their viewers- which is akin to the music industry holding on so closely to CDs when most people will stream Pandora or Rhapsody or other online sites?

I'm not sure I formulated all my thoughts properly in this post, but it's getting long enough. I've made myself tired writing it. I'm sure you're tired reading it. feel free to ignore it and move along.

nap time,

Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:22 pm
by DeadPoolX
Even if a show has an official ending and you don't like it, at least they weren't unceremoniously cancelled. Far too many shows just "die" and are left totally unresolved.

Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:55 pm
by MusicallyInspired
Or it had a decent ending but left so many loose ends. The worst one Atlantis tried to explain away was Lt Ford's demise. There was a two-parter near the end of season two, I think, which was the last time we ever saw him with a hint that he might be back. He wasn't seen again until the final season premiere for like 1.5 seconds in a dream Shepherd was having where he asked him why he couldn't save him. And then he wakes up. That's supposed to be our closure. They got the actor back and everything why couldn't they give him a bigger role with a decent ending to his story arc? They had a whole season left to do it. Then there's the X-Files loose ends I mentioned. And that aunt of Peter and Nathan Petrelli's in Heroes season 3 who could control the weather that left and never came back...even though it was said I believe that we'd see her again.

Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:48 pm
by audiodane
I thought Smallville's series ending earlier this spring wasn't so bad. As with any series that's so long (8 seasons I think it was?), there are a lot of ends that need to be tied up. The last season was pretty fast paced as a result, which was really nice, but at the same time was like, "hey, wait, you could have expanded a LITTLE bit more on that.."

just goes to show, even good endings don't please everyone. :)

Oh, wait- MI just said that. :oops:


Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:25 pm
by audiodane
hahha, just my luck- Seinfeld ending re-aired tonight. :) supposedly they were only thrown into jail for 1 year. So that begs the question.. "where are they now?" :)


Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:51 pm
by Maiandra
I definitely agree about Angel. The ending was a major rip-off.

Heroes is another that they ended too soon, and I thought the last season had actually been an improvement over the previous one.

I also agree with the lameness of Lost's ending. It went from conspiracy to metaphysical way too much as the show progressed.

One that particularly stands out for me as ending too soon, is Moon Over Miami. It was a very short-lived detective TV series with a quirky sense of humour, great banter between the main characters, and an awesome jazzy soundtrack. Alas, it had a bad time slot and it wasn't gritty enough for the 90s. I loved it when it was on, but most people have never heard of it.

Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:19 pm
by Shakar
audiodane wrote:I thought Smallville's series ending earlier this spring wasn't so bad. As with any series that's so long (8 seasons I think it was?), there are a lot of ends that need to be tied up. The last season was pretty fast paced as a result, which was really nice, but at the same time was like, "hey, wait, you could have expanded a LITTLE bit more on that.."

just goes to show, even good endings don't please everyone. :)

Oh, wait- MI just said that. :oops:

It was 10 seasons, but I thought it was the perfect end to the series. There were so many things I wished we got, but it wrapped up the all the characters development well. Just as it should be. Makes me crave more but that's how it goes.

I was emotional yet disappointed with the end of Chuck. It didn't end the way I thought it would. The last season was a major dissapointment :?

Re: TV shows you loved that ended too soon or had lame endin

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:05 am
by Rath Darkblade
DeadPoolX wrote:
Rath Darkblade wrote:It's possible that some of the young 'uns here haven't heard of Happy Days, but it jumped the shark (literally) and was never as cheesy after that. ;)
The Fonz didn't just "jump the shark" in the show, his ridiculous act created the phrase itself! :P
A bit late, but... The Fonz jumps the shark. Truly the cheesiest bit of cheese that ever cheesed. ;-) I'd never actually seen this (only heard of it), so as I was watching this, I thought... "What the..." :lol:

What possible reason on EARTH could there be for Henry Winkler to still be wearing that leather jacket? ;-)