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Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:45 pm
by Datadog
Twice, you might add.

I kind of expected "Trial by Fire" to be ranked higher. These upcoming games better be really good.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:47 pm
by Collector

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:24 pm
by AndreaDraco
Well, I would have put QfGII higher too, since it's my favorite of the series, but I can only say that I'm fairly happy with how the final list turned out.

And in case you're wondering, I did the write-up for QfGII, but not for Laura Bow.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:40 pm
by OmerMor
I think StarControl II deserves to be in the top 10.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:59 pm
by DeadPoolX
OmerMor wrote:I think StarControl II deserves to be in the top 10.
While Star Control II is a very good game, it's not an Adventure game. There is "adventure" in it, but that could be said of nearly any game.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:09 pm
by QuestCollector
AndreaDraco wrote:Care to share? :D

Hmm.. I am guessing that Day of the Tentacle, King's Quest VI, Myst (hate it), Grim Fandago and quite possibly Gabriel Knight 1??

Honestly, I hope I am wrong on at least ONE of these. These are the ones that usually make it to the end.

On a side note, I am REALLY hoping Hero's Quest makes it in the top ten! :D

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:15 pm
by AndreaDraco
There will be many surprises in the Top 10, believe me ;)

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:41 pm
by Tawmis
KQVI will be there.

That won't be a surprise. Might not be #1 (though I'd wager it would be). But it will be in the top 10. If it's not, well, then the world may just end in 2012 after all.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:15 pm
by Datadog
And of course "The Secret of Monkey Island" has to be in the top 10 somewhere.

I'm guessing Portal will be added to the list at one point. Odd how that's considered an adventure game, but it makes sense if you look at the old standards. Even games like "Lego Star Wars" technically count as adventure games. And I'm wondering if anything by Telltale will be in there - and whether they would count a single episode or an entire season as one.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:43 pm
by AndreaDraco
Datadog wrote:
I'm guessing Portal will be added to the list at one point. Odd how that's considered an adventure game, but it makes sense if you look at the old standards.
Portal and its sequel have always been considered adventure games by the site and in fact they received proper reviews and not just feature articles like many other hybrids. I'm not saying I fully agree with this line of thought, but yes, both games in the series were eligible for the list and quite a few people voted for them.

As for KQVI, well... let's make a game: what Sierra games do you think will be in the Top 10?

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:56 pm
by Collector
I would think that Jane Jensen is well represented in the list. At least one more QfG game should make it. perhaps a couple of the Larrys. At one time I would have expected a couple of the SQ games, but it seems many have forgotten them. Maybe PQ2.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:07 am
by Datadog
Space Quest 4 has been well-received by the site, as well as Quest for Glory 4. It's a tough call on which Larry would make it on if any - I'm leaning towards LSL3 for that one. KQ6 and GK1, of course. And GK2 will definitely be represented somewhere. And I'm still convinced KQ1 will make it either in or around the Top 10.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:12 am
by Tawmis
AndreaDraco wrote:
Datadog wrote: I'm guessing Portal will be added to the list at one point. Odd how that's considered an adventure game, but it makes sense if you look at the old standards.
Portal and its sequel have always been considered adventure games by the site and in fact they received proper reviews and not just feature articles like many other hybrids. I'm not saying I fully agree with this line of thought, but yes, both games in the series were eligible for the list and quite a few people voted for them.
As for KQVI, well... let's make a game: what Sierra games do you think will be in the Top 10?
I don't see Portal as an Adventure game personal... I see it strictly as a puzzle game. Nothing more, really. But that's because I - am in that rare percentage - that didn't care for Portal beyond the first 30 minutes of playing...!

As for what game will be in the top 10 from Sierra?

For sure, King's Quest VI.

I'd say GK2, but the chances of Sierra having more than one in the top 10 seems unlikely, when, like Datadog, I am sure Secret of Monkey island will be there; leaving only 8 other slots open, and with so many games out there considered "Adventure" games (like, oh, Portal), then the chances become slimmer and slimmer.

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:44 am
by Rudy
King's Quest VI of course and either GK1 or 2, though I'd expect both of them to be in the top 20. In the top 20 could also be a Space Quest (SQ 5 I'd suspect) and Phantasmagoria. Police Quest 2 should also rank quite high. Larry is a bit tougher to place. Though Larry 7 is Al's favorite, I think the highest ranking will go to Larry 3.

Others to still make the top 100:
- Conquests of Camelot
- Another Quest for Glory
- Lighthouse and/or Rama
- Dagger of Amon Ra
- Another King's Quest (3 and/or 5)
- ...

sierra games I do NOT expect to make it:
- Codename Iceman
- Manhunter 1 and 2
- Phantas 2
- King's Quest 7 and 8
- Police Quest 4
- Larry 5 and 6
- ...

Oh well, we'll see :)

Re: Adventure Gamers Top 100 Adventures of All Time

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:34 am
by Datadog
Tawmis wrote:I don't see Portal as an Adventure game personal... I see it strictly as a puzzle game.
And here I was just wondering whether puzzle games and adventure games are really all that different. I've had friends who didn't know the term "adventure game" and would refer to any game from the genre as either an RPG or puzzle game. And we do talk about puzzle-solving all the time in adventures, so maybe "adventure gaming" is a sub-genre of puzzle-gaming or a hybrid of it.