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Re: Moebius (and Pinkerton Road)

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:56 pm
by Collector
DeadPoolX wrote:Am I the only one who keeps reading POS as "Piece of Shit" as opposed to "Phoenix Online Studios?" :P
No, you most definitely are not. ;) Not to pile on, but I don't feel like giving them a pass on it. It is of their own making.

Re: Moebius (and Pinkerton Road)

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:44 am
by Tawmis
Kind of like, if you look at "Sierra Online Line" (SOL, reminds me of $#!+ Outta Luck).

Re: Moebius (and Pinkerton Road)

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:16 am
by Collector
But no one did that. Phoenix used POS themselves until, I suppose someone pointed out the obvious.

Gabriel Knight 1 Remake (MGX)

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:30 pm
by AndreaDraco
A GK1 remake. First pic:


Sad to say that I'm not interested.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:49 pm
by Collector
Don't tell me, you had to change your shorts after seeing this. ;)


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:52 pm
by AndreaDraco
Actually, like I said under the picture, I'm not interested. I'll buy it nonetheless, to support Jane, but I'm not interested in the slightest.

I loathe remakes.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:02 pm
by AndreaDraco
Official site.

The graphics are pretty incredible. The cemetery is stunning.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:08 pm
by Qbix
That looks pretty nice!


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:09 pm
by Collector
I didn't notice below the picture. But keep in mind, this may be the only path to a new GK. You still have to be happy that Activision is even allowing Jane to touch the property. It might be a good way to introduce neophytes to GK since there are many that will not touch the classics solely because of the primitive graphics.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:23 pm
by MacTeq
Doesn't blow me away. Like with Larry, I kinda doubt they'd secure the IP from Activision only to make a remake though.

Btw, I just created my own thread for the remake before deleting it again after finding this. I don't know what MGX stands for but as a thread title, it's not super-helpful ;)


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by Collector
Mystery Game X. An undefined game that was promised during the KS.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:46 pm
by AndreaDraco
Collector wrote:But keep in mind, this may be the only path to a new GK.
I know, you're right.

My opinion on remakes is more a philosophical one, like I said on Facebook. I can think of many good remakes, some even great, but it's the need for a remake to begin with that I don't understand. Yes, graphics and sound age, and so do the mechanics, but the truly important part - the story - remains the same. So, like with movies or tv shows, as soon as I hear the word remake my mind usually runs to monetary reasons or dumbed-down versions, or both.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:56 pm
by Collector
AndreaDraco wrote: like with movies or tv shows, as soon as I hear the word remake my mind usually runs to monetary reasons or dumbed-down versions, or both.
Usually, yes, but not always. Think of The Man Who Knew Too Much. The first one was highly flawed. The remake is fantastic. But then, Hitchcock did the remake, too. This remake is not being done by a hack as bad as JJ Abrams, it is being done by Jane.


Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:01 pm
by Rudy
Collector wrote:This remake is not being done by a hack as bad as JJ Abrams, it is being done by Jane.
...and Phoenix Online, true GK fans and adventure gamers.

Re: Gabriel Knight 1 Remake (MGX)

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:18 pm
by AndreaDraco
The fact that Jane is behind it, and Phoenix Online (despite my issues with TSL), is the only reason why I will still buy and support the game. Same with LSL, and I'm not even so great a fan of that series.

The point it: this project has my (relative) attention only because it may lead to other GK games.