I have been correctly identified as *Tintin:
Alps: i can see them from my window
Barbara: the name of my wife
Chicken: what i love to eat
Devouring: the "Great Devourer"
Emigrant: I'm Belgian (as is Tintin), moved to Slovenia
Facebook: got a personal profile and one for the Chest
Gateway: i own a member site
Half-Life: currently working on it, and promoted it in one of my recent posts
Investor: what i do professionaly
Jean-Claude Van Damme, lol: he's Belgian (unfortunately)
King's Quest IV: my first Sierra game
Labrador: my doggy
Married: to Barbara
Nuke: What i sometimes throw on rare eBay auctions
Obsessed: just a bit...
Party!: a bit obscure, but yeah, i like those
Quest for Glory Anthology: one of my latest boxes in the acquisition thread
Recording: Sierra videos, more than 350 of them in 1 year.
Sniper: ... on eBay
Trunk = Chest = Sierra Chest
Unmerciful: when it comes down on auctions
Vivendi: i also like those games, not only the classics
Website: have one
X-agerate: need a bigger closet, cause Barbara doesn't like it any more that all her stuff moved to the basement to make room for Sierra games
Youtube: Sierra Chest Youtube Channel
Zaostalost: Slovene word for "retarded"