I agree, SHP ... although, I'm not sure if Activision's inactivity is due to pig-headedness or simply fear of doing anything constructive (because legal complications can be made to become incredibly impenetrable and last forever).
It could also be a quote-unquote "administrative error". These are quite common in bureaucratic circles. You pick up the phone and call them, and some bored clueless twentysomething will tell you in a bored clueless tone-of-voice, "I'm sorry, we seem to have lost and/or mislaid your file" or "I don't have access to that file" or "You've reached the wrong department" or similar bullshirt.
It's well known that the worst trouble can be had if you're trying to get past the receptionist and talk to someone with actual decision-wielding power. The receptionist can even be one of those Dilbert-esque Power Trippers who seem to delight in small evils and not letting anyone see the boss,
even if they have an appointment. These are known as "Unreceptive Receptionists".
And for people like that, I have some ideas for Creative Comeuppance(TM).
- Bring along a newspaper to read while you wait, and rustle the pages at the receptionist.
- Bring along some mints and crunch them at the receptionist, especially while he/she is on the phone.
- Bring along some candy wrapped in cellophane paper, and crush/rustle the cellophane between your fingers in an absent-minded way.
- Tap your fingers on your knee while whistling a tuneless tune between your teeth.
- If you're a man and have a moustache, use wax on the tips, and twirl them while staring at the ceiling in a thoughtful way.
If the receptionist gets annoyed, act innocent. "Who, me? I hadn't noticed, honest."

And if the receptionist
still won't let you in ... that's when you bring out the big guns: A picnic basket.
Set it up in the waiting area. Bring a whole selection of tracklements: chutneys, whole-seed mustard, chilli jam, a pickled onion or two.

Unpack your ham sandwich and spread on your tracklements liberally. Crunch into your pickled onion and chew noisily, staring at the receptionist the whole time. Ignore any protest. Offer to share your tracklements with anyone else who may be waiting. Or even with the receptionist. Be generous. Remember, sharing is caring.
Why not? If you end up waiting for hours, you may as well have fun while you're doing it.
Enjoy turning your creativity to the Pursuit Of Pure Evil(TM). (But please resist the urge to mwa-ha-ha. We here at the League of Pure Evil(C) do not advertise).
Semi-Happy Partygoer wrote: ↑Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:10 am
That’s disappointing news. It sounds like Microsoft is a lot more amenable than Activision. Why they’re being so pig-headed I cannot fathom. Hence why I’ll never be a “suit”.
SHP, you probably don't want to be a suit. All you'd do all day is hang around ...

on a hanger.

(... and I can't believe I just recreated the "put on sunglasses, tell a lame joke, grin with a "YEAH". *shrug* It's been a long week, and I'm too tired to think of anything better. Sorry)