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Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:36 pm
by Tawmis
AndreaDraco wrote:HBO remains, in my opinion, the best network when it comes to original series.

HBO has some good stuff.

They did ROME, which I will ALWAYS love them for.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:19 am
by AndreaDraco
Tawmis wrote:
I don't like Dexter and I believe I already explained why. It's just not my genre. As for Hell on Wheels, I found it boring and uninteresting, a badly done copy of David Milch's masterpiece, Deadwood. And don't even get me started with The Walking Dead, a series with so much potential and yet so... uninspired. The only series AMC produces that I really like is Breaking Bad, which is indeed on the greatest drama ever.

However, HBO has Game of Thrones, Enlightened, Treme, Boardwalk Empire, Luck... And I'm not even mentioning shows already concluded like The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Wire, the aformentioned Deadwood, Rome, Carnivale. Nobody can beat HBO :D

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:13 pm
by Tawmis
AndreaDraco wrote:
Tawmis wrote: Have you seen THE WALKING DEAD? HELL ON WHEELS? DEXTER?
I don't like Dexter and I believe I already explained why. It's just not my genre. As for Hell on Wheels, I found it boring and uninteresting, a badly done copy of David Milch's masterpiece, Deadwood. And don't even get me started with The Walking Dead, a series with so much potential and yet so... uninspired.
Well everyone's entitled to be wrong. I guess this is yours! :lol:

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:40 pm
by Collector
I'll agree with Andrea about Breaking Bad, however, I am not sure if anyone can fully appreciate it without seeing it from the beginning. Without witnessing that transformation, you cannot appreciate how an average man that is a lowly high school chemistry teacher becomes such a ruthless bad ass that so casually kills.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:48 pm
by Tawmis
Collector wrote:I'll agree with Andrea about Breaking Bad, however, I am not sure if anyone can fully appreciate it without seeing it from the beginning. Without witnessing that transformation, you cannot appreciate how an average man that is a lowly high school chemistry teacher becomes such a ruthless bad ass that so casually kills.
I only quoted the part I strongly disagreed with (which did not including Breaking Bad... Only because I have not seen it so can't really say he's wrong) :lol:

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:44 pm
by MusicallyInspired
Just watched a pilot for a new show called Touch starring Kiefer Sutherland. Looks pretty good! Anybody catch it? It's about an autistic kid (well, not really autistic but they think he is) who can predict the future (it's more complicated than that, but anyway). It's really neat. It ties a bunch of random parallel storylines together in very cool ways. Almost like how Heroes did it but better. Kiefer plays his father who's been trying to take care of him for 10 years on his own. The kid has never talked his entire life. He tries to communicate through numbers and numbers lead his father to start an event that chain reacts through all the storylines and helps each one. I believe it might be a different set of storylines (sans Kiefer and his son, obviously) in each episode as it seemed like all the parallel ones were resolved by the end of the pilot. Sort of like The Number 23 meets Heroes (in a small way) and also some other show that I can't think of that would really compare well to it. Can't think right now, it's late.

Check it out. I recommend.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:57 am
by AndreaDraco
MusicallyInspired wrote: Sort of like The Number 23 meets Heroes [...]
The creator, in fact, is the same guy behind the superhero drama, Tim Kring. And, alas, that's enough for me to watch Touch with great suspicion ;)

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:12 am
by therogue
Tim Kring's name anywhere near the project is a big strike against it in my book. =P

I share the love for HBO, though I still hate them a little for cancelling Deadwood. =P

My current favourite tv is Justified. Not only is it quality but getting to look at Timothy Olyphant is no hardship.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:24 pm
by MusicallyInspired
I had no idea it was Tim Kring. What's so bad about Tim Kring? Just because Heroes ended up crashing?

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:18 am
by AndreaDraco
MusicallyInspired wrote:Just because Heroes ended up crashing?
In my opinion, Heroes had a great first season, a mediocre and pretty boring second season and then was just a mess. A bad mess. Tim Kring aims high, and crashes down loudly. He is absolutely incapable of building a believale, coherent and consistent world - at least, again, in my opinion - beside the small tidbits that hint at some Grand Scheme and his characters, especially the supporting ones, are very thinly drawn.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:22 pm
by DeadPoolX
AndreaDraco wrote:
MusicallyInspired wrote:Just because Heroes ended up crashing?
In my opinion, Heroes had a great first season, a mediocre and pretty boring second season and then was just a mess. A bad mess. Tim Kring aims high, and crashes down loudly. He is absolutely incapable of building a believale, coherent and consistent world - at least, again, in my opinion - beside the small tidbits that hint at some Grand Scheme and his characters, especially the supporting ones, are very thinly drawn.
To be fair, there was a writers strike going on sometime during the second or third seasons, so the show suffered from that, too.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:17 am
by AndreaDraco
True, but other shows, like Supernatural for example, returned from the strike stronger than ever.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:51 pm
by Shakar
It was a blast going through this thread. Haha.

I used to watch Supernatural. That show ended for me in Season 5. Season 6 was....bloody hell...disappointing. Sera Gamble just has no clue what to do anymore. It ruled with Kripke (even if I had the issue with all female characters dying...or mind-raped. rage).

Telling from my avatar...Smallville. Watched it religiously since the beginning. 10 years, through its many ups and downs. I will always hold on <3

Also watch: The Big Bang Theory, Castle, White Collar, Chuck, Merlin, Parks and Recreation, Community, and Parenthood.

And soon...Saving Hope :lol:

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:57 am
by Maxor127
I think Supernatural is still good, and I don't think it's fair to blame your dislike on Sera Gamble. Season 6 had a lot of excellent episodes, and the overall arc was pretty good. I didn't care for the Campbells, but oh well. My only complaint now is the use of comically bad cartoony special effects. It's still better than 90% of other shows. For example, Grimm is painful for me to watch.

Heroes was terrible from the very start of Season 2, so I don't think the writer's strike had anything to do with it. I think they just didn't know what the hell to do with the show or characters anymore. Season two was supposed to have all new characters, but I guess season one's characters proved too popular. So season 2 is left with new characters that were pretty horrible who you didn't care about mixed with season one characters you used to like but who found themselves in idiotic storylines. And then the rest of the series, it was like "Crap, these characters are too powerful now, let's find excuses to take away their powers!"

I hate Big Bang Theory with a passion, but Community is pretty good and I'll be sad if it gets canceled since it's a geeky show done right while Big Bang Theory represents everything I hate about sitcoms. Parks and Rec is growing on me too.

I mostly just watch Supernatural, Justified, and Breaking Bad. Oh yeah, and Venture Bros and It's Always Sunny. And I've been watching Fringe more this season, but I could live without it. I force myself to watch the Walking Dead hoping it will get better, but I make fun of it 90% of the time. I know a lot of people love it, but it's like a soap opera that just happens to have zombies thrown in. And the zombie stuff I should enjoy just anger me. It's made me coin the term "ninja zombies." "Doopy-doo, I'm wandering around in an wide-open clearing... OMG ZOMBIE RIGHT ON TOP OF ME!" Not good when I don't care about the characters or actively root for them to die.

I started watching Awake. I haven't formed an opinion yet.

Re: The Brainless Box (aka Television Shows)

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:37 pm
by Shakar
I already had issues with Supernatural before Sera Gamble took over. There was a few episodes like French Mistake, or the one that made fun of Twilight, that made me fall off my seat from laughter. But overall the plot/arc of that season was really weak. Especially the finale made me RAGE with the Lisa mind-rape. Seriously?? Enough with treating female characters like this. And literally taking everything happy or good away from these characters. It is depressing. It makes me sad because I loved watching this show every week since the pilot. I just don't feel it anymore. All I hope is that it ends on a good note. And I may tune in for that.

I agree with Heroes being terrible since Season 2. And it wasn't from the writer's strike too. Production and writing started in June/July 2007, and that was way before the strike started. The best was Season 1 and it fell flat after that :/

To each their own with Big Bang Theory then. I'm a scientist, so I get most of the comedy involved there.