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Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 2:38 pm
by Tawmis
DeadPoolX wrote: I've almost finished Dragon Age. All I have left is to fight the Archdemon, which probably entails battling numerous minions before getting to him.
Did you say before getting to him?

Oh. You're in for a surprise...


Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:11 pm
by Collector
Tawmis wrote:Though on here I wear a different mask than I wore on the original Sierra forums... (used to go by Vaprakgruumsh (not that I expect to be remembered with a name like that!)... You can see why I no longer go by that name, entirely too long to type... and was from back in the days when I played the original EverQuest game!)... but when Viv revamped their forums, I signed on as Tawmis
Vaprakgruumsh is the one that you were using when I first knew you, but then you changed it to Tymber. Tawmis was what I grew to know you by from your personal forum.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:16 pm
by Jules
Well hey there, Rav! Nice to see an old face again.. (even if the face *is* oh-la-la Orlando Bloom). :D

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:21 pm
by Tawmis
Collector wrote:
Tawmis wrote:Though on here I wear a different mask than I wore on the original Sierra forums... (used to go by Vaprakgruumsh (not that I expect to be remembered with a name like that!)... You can see why I no longer go by that name, entirely too long to type... and was from back in the days when I played the original EverQuest game!)... but when Viv revamped their forums, I signed on as Tawmis
Vaprakgruumsh is the one that you were using when I first knew you, but then you changed it to Tymber. Tawmis was what I grew to know you by from your personal forum.
Gah! Right. Meant Tymber.... Old Age And Dull Memory Strikes Again!

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:44 pm
by Collector
I'll help you find your walker if you help me find my memory :lol: .

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:41 pm
by DeadPoolX
Tawmis wrote:
DeadPoolX wrote: I've almost finished Dragon Age. All I have left is to fight the Archdemon, which probably entails battling numerous minions before getting to him.
Did you say before getting to him?

Oh. You're in for a surprise...

Yeah... I figured it wouldn't be easy. I'm the middle of a battle (ran far enough away to save), but this fight is tough. I've had to arm everyone with long-range weaponry. Crossbows, bows, grenades and traps seem to work better than melee weapons. Magic helps too, of course. ;)

I actually have a complaint, however. I'll post that in the DA thread.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:38 pm
by dotkel50
I'll help you find your walker if you help me find my memory
I can loan him my walker. :lol:

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:18 pm
by Maiandra
El Ravager wrote:*waves cheerfully* The one and only! (Was it the screenname in connection with a Legolas avatar that tipped you off, or the propensity to end my sentences in "..."? ;) ) I was both surprised and exceedingly pleased to see so many familiar faces over in this corner of the intraweb. If I'd known everyone had migrated over here, I'd have shown up sooner! :)
Hi, Rav! Good to see you again. :D Sorry to hear about your discs.

Currently, I am playing Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 2. I love it! It's so fun and I'm really happy that they actually have my widescreen resolution available. I've missed new, good adventure games.

Seeing DPX play Dragon Age so much lately made me create a new character (elven mage) last night and start playing through the mage origin story. I don't know if I will actually play through the entire game again or not, but it's fun to see the game from a different perspective.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 5:04 am
by Rath Darkblade
El Ravager wrote:*waves cheerfully* The one and only! (Was it the screenname in connection with a Legolas avatar that tipped you off, or the propensity to end my sentences in "..."? ;) ) I was both surprised and exceedingly pleased to see so many familiar faces over in this corner of the intraweb. If I'd known everyone had migrated over here, I'd have shown up sooner! :)
Hi Rav! Good to "see" you here. *waves frantically* ;) Haven't seen you for ages. Sorry to hear about your Sierra discs. How the heck have you been? :)

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:12 am
by El Ravager
Thanks for making me feel so welcome, everyone. Goodness, it's been years since I last "saw" some of you (especially you, Maia)! After the WebX boards turned all corporate and yucky, I remember there were a few attempts to consolidate the community elsewhere, but a lot of people apparently lost interest. It's really good to see some familiar faces.

Tawmis, like Collector, I recall your screen name evolution, as well as your Droole avatar you used back in the days of "Vap." (You didn't seriously expect anyone to spell out Vaprakgruumsh every time, did ya?) ;)

Rath, life's been good, though intensely hectic. Got married, had a baby, currently in grad school. Thanks for asking! :)

All the nostalgia, coupled with the fact that this post is completely off-topic, gives me the all-too-familiar sensation of an impending blackjack thwack from Ugarte. :lol:

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:46 pm
by Collector
Hey Rav, one of the forums here is private. You can get access to it by requesting to join the Community group, which was formed after an email incident. Most of the old WebX members here belong to it.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:10 pm
by El Ravager
Ah, good to know. Thanks, Collector!

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:38 am
by DeadPoolX
Now that I've beaten Dragon Age (and Maia and I haven't bought Awakenings yet), I decided to give Mass Effect a try. I have to admit: I'm less than impressed. Maybe I got spoiled by DA, but the graphics aren't too good. They're not terrible, but not good. The major problem I have with them is the complete lack of anti-aliasing. Sure, the options have "ansitropic filtering" available, but that does nothing.

Other than the lackluster graphics, the game is pretty good. I miss being able to control my party members individually, especially since my teammates seem to be retarded. To be fair, they do listen more than Alistair did during the battle with the Archdemon.

I'm also playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. It's a fantastic game, plus it has all the voices from the Batman/Justice League animated series. I disliked using the keyboard to play, so I found a workaround that allows me to use my Logitech gamepad instead of an official Microsoft one. Using the gamepad, the game controls great! :)

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:36 pm
by DeadPoolX
I know this sounds "funny" but I recently bought two PopCap games on Steam called Peggle Deluxe and Peggle Nights. They're fun and make your mind work overtime. If you have Steam (and I know some of you do) I'd recommend downloading the Peggle Deluxe demo. It's free to do so and if you don't like it, just delete it.

Seriously, I didn't think I'd enjoy it, but Maia told me she played it along with our niece and both liked it a lot. So I gave PD a shot (haven't played PN yet) and I it was really fun.

If you're interested in getting it (or any PopCap game) purchase it on Steam. PopCap charges a lot more of their games on their own website. Both PD and PN are $19.95 on PopCap, where as they're $9.99 each on Steam. I bought the Peggle Complete pack (both PD and PN together) on Steam for $14.95 compared to PopCap's price of $24.95.

Basically, PopCap charges $10 more for their games than Steam does. I suppose the only advantage to that extra amount is you don't need Steam in order to play them. However, unless you have an extreme aversion to Steam (and you can play these two games in offline mode), I'd suggest going with the less expensive option.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:43 pm
by Maiandra
I'm still playing Tales of Monkey Island and my second run of Dragon Age (on and off). We just got the rest of the new Sam and Max games and once I'm finished ToMI, I'll probably get back into that series.

As usual, we still play Team Fortress 2 on and off as well.