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Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:51 am
by AndreaDraco
Maiandra wrote:I finished Chapter 1, but DPX didn't make it. Unfortunately, we have very different playing styles: he wanted to just do what needed to be done and I want to explore every nook and cranny of the game world. :D
I'm sorry that DPX won't be joining us in the playthrough, but I'm happy you found the time to follow us!

Well, if I'm not mistaken, the only ones who have yet to complete Day 1 are Tawmis and MusicallyInspired. Let's hear from them and then we can go forth to Day 2.

In the meantime, how about a snippet from the Sins of the Fathers novelization?

Grace was always in a hurry, always thought something ought to be done about something, and was at a loss to hande only one thing -- free time. When she wasn't working here she was taking classes like tai chi and oil panting. And this summer was supposed to be her break from school. Gabriel, on the other hand, preferred to watch life, as if from a rocking chair on the porch in the middle of August. He figure if something really interesting went past (and if he felt up to it at the moment), he could always get up and jump in.

Jane Jensen, Sins of the Fathers, ROC 1997, p. 6

This excerpt is one of my favorite of the first novel. While Grace's description follows almost to the letter what we know about her from the game, the segment about Gabriel shed some interesting light on the character. The image of the rocking chair is the perfect metaphor to describe Gabriel's initial attitudine towards the Voodoo Murders case and towards life in general, at least before the major events which will occur later in the game.

I've always seen the Gabriel Knight trilogy as a Bildungsroman, which starts with Gabriel's "infancy" (GK1) - when he's almost always listless and slack and when he gets up from his rocking chair only to pursue his immediate interest, be it a novel to write or a woman to woo - and then moves to his adolescence (GK2) - a period of soul-searching, experimentation and exploration - and finally to his recalcitrant maturity (GK3). This is probably why Sins of the Fathers, whilst certainly a masterpiece, is my least favorite of the three adventures -- because I would like to grab him by the shoulders and shake him out of his rocking chair.

How about you? What do you think of Gabriel's attitude in this game? And what about his evolution in the other games? Do you like the rocking chair metaphor as much as I do? :D

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:24 pm
by dotkel50
Hey Tawm and MI, we're waitin on ya.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:45 pm
by Tawmis
dotkel50 wrote:Hey Tawm and MI, we're waitin on ya.
Carry on, without me. My entire weekends have been booked, and usually when I come home, I am too wiped out. (And it's not just GK, it's stuff like Neverending Nights... the last episode I did was 3 months ago... I have one more to do before it's ALL over... and I haven't even begun editing the audio or anything... and that's not the ONLY thing suffering...) I may play catch up and post later.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:56 am
by MusicallyInspired
I'm afraid I have to sit out as well. Sorry. :( I've got a lot happening in the next couple weeks...probably longer. I just don't have time to sit down and game. Maybe I'll catch up later.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:05 am
by AndreaDraco
OK. Lated today I will post the info on Day 2!

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:35 pm
by AndreaDraco

OK, folks. We can now proceed to Day 2. As usual, post here your thoughts as soon as you've finished playing the chapter.

And now, to get you started...

Some funny things to do while at NLPD:

- Show Sergeant Frick the crime scene photo and Mosely's photo
- Use all your icons on Franks and note that using them from inside Mosely's office sometimes elicits different responses
- Set the temperature gauge below 60
- Get the badge and then keep asking Mosely for coffee

What to look at inside Gedde's Mansion:

- Keep "Lake Pontchartrain" as your last topic or you will be kicked out of the house
- Talk to Malia (exclamation point) until she has nothing new to say
- Have a good look around, especially: the statue, the carpet, the painting, the bookshelf, the book on the table.
- Use all your icons on Malia

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:53 pm
by Datadog
More notes!

-Impressive. Gabriel and Grace just had a conversation about snakes that didn't turn dirty.
-"Grace, get a life." Best random line ever.
-Cool. Never tried looking at the plaques on the Wright tomb before.
-Gah. I should be able to show the butler other stuff.
-We get it, Mosely. You're HOT. (wait, that came out wrong.)
-Aw, me and Mosely just made a basketball man-date. Bromance is in the air.
-Wow. Even when talking to Malia, Gabe's not as sex offender-ish as he was yesterday.
-Ah, dude! Mosely already introduced himself to her! Busted!
-Ahahaha. The butler folds his arms.
-"Ah, shit." Wonderful delivery.
-I love this idea of Madame Cazaunoux's inter-neighbor voodoo wars.
-All this chatting with Dr. John makes me want to watch "The Princess and the Frog" again.
-Okay, this is weird - where's all the sexual harassment gone? I just spent ten minutes talking to Magentia and nothing.
-She's even giving Gabriel a lap dance now! Come on, Gabriel! Say something! You're freaking me out!
-"She's really not my type." Okay... so... Gabriel's not into blondes?
-Lucky Dog? Hmmm... I should go for a Japadog later.
-I like how the artist and Gabriel don't even share names or contact info.
-You have not been paid in three months, Grace. Stop doing research!
-Wait - you needed Grace to get you a page out of the phone book?

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:11 am
by Rath Darkblade
What's a Japadog? *confused* :?

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:37 am
by AndreaDraco
This, I think...

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:03 pm
by DeadPoolX
AndreaDraco wrote:This, I think...
On Burrard and Pender? Heh. That makes sense! :D

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:22 pm
by BBP
Fired up GK1. Crashed as soon as I went out to visit another location (probably caused by the bike shot).
Changed settings so the game'd be fullscreen, restarted Dino. I got to play a fair section, visited the drug store, museum and graveyard, but when I was changing the temperature at the police station the game refused to cooperate. It took a long time before the gauge dial would move at all, then the EXIT symbol never came, it stayed in hourglass mode even after ten minutes. Decided I wasn't going to bother trying it at all anymore, so I chucked it off and am going to install it down here. Hopefully without the PC crashing this time since I got some awesome composer software installed.

In the mean time I did notice something that annoys me each time: Dr John's voice changes disturbingly throughout the interrogation: his other voice is higher, has a distinctly less deep timbre and talks annoyingly slow.
I still love Toussaint. He has such a delightfully dark sense of humour, and a great deep voice.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:45 pm
by Collector
The map crash is a Windows crash, which can be avoided by playing the DOS version.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:02 pm
by BBP
It worked after that at any rate... that is until the gauge. It's been slow even on my laptop, particularly in crowded settings like the Jackson Park and the museum. Also noticed how odd Gran's right eye (left for viewers) looks, very white.
Sigh... Dino isn't what he used to be since I replaced the mega drive it had...

I love the animation on GK. The Day 9 "Why won't the damn thing come off?" gets love, but I also enjoy watching Gabriel lean over the desk at the police station to get the photos, make that "i'm not in" gesture at Grace on the phone at the start of day 1, or sitting around at Magentia.
I'm really not sure about Magentia's character where she stands in relation to the plot, but at any rate I think she's too fuzzy and probably too old for his taste (she studied voodoo for over 20 years and started at 18, so she's 40-ish, and too easy a target).
Also noticed that Gabe's habit of saying to Mose he's not interested in Grace, although he is, already starts in this game.

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:16 am
by BBP
Is anyone else still playing? It's been five days, I feel like such a thread killer...

Re: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - A SHP Playthrough

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:01 am
by AndreaDraco
I too am patiently waiting for someone to post their experience. I've already Day 3 ready at hand, but I don't comfortable going forward without everyone posting here...