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Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:06 am
by Tawmis
I used them for Discord emojis that I upload to each Discord server I run - I now run quite a few D&D games, and I always delete the images after I upload them - thinking, "I surly won't be running another D&D game..."

And that always proves to be incorrect of me. :D

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:47 pm
by Tawmis
So in one of my games, I have two players playing Monks. Other than my wife, who briefly played a Monk in my campaign world - no one has ever really played Monks.
So I never did much to develop any culture or lore behind Monks, how they came to be, etc.

And in their game, they're chasing down Hobgoblins (which in my world are goblinoid - but honorable, strong, powerful, military type goblins) - which, in old school D&D looked like Samurais.


So now I had this idea - that this could all be connected to the Monks, their lore, etc... But how?

So there I was driving home (this weekend) with the wife, mother in law, and 2 dogs - everyone is asleep in the car except me - and I begin thinking about D&D. And how I have Ben and Patrick in the game... they're both Monks, which other than my wife, no one has ever played a Monk in my game setting... And I realize... my game setting is weak for accommodating Monks and the like...

So I need to do something... so I get home - look up Japan - and deconstruct the map of Japan and create a new "continent" called Utsukkuen (when you look at the continent, you can see I flipped, mirrored, cut, moved, and made this new continent out of the map of Japan). The name comes from combining "Utsukushi rakuen" (the i in the first word was changed so it doesn't break the forum due to special character) which means "Beautiful Paradise" in Japanese. (According to google translate, anyway).

The map I found had Japan broke up into 8 regions - so with some coloring - made it seven regions (since 7 is my favorite number).

I did the same thing I did with naming the continents - here's how the names came to be - (translate and combine the names)

Senso (the o is changed to post, otherwise it breaks the forum due to the special character) no ji - Land of War
Heiwa (the i was changed otherwise it breaks the forum due to the special character) no kuni - Land of Peace
Shizukesa no ji - Land of Tranquility
Seishin no kuni - Land of Spirit
Baransu no tochi - Land of Balance
Land of Humility - Kenson no kuni
Land of Honor - Meiyo no ji

Became -

Sensji – War
Heiwakun – Peace
Shizukji – Tranquility
Seishinni – Spirit
Baranochi – Balance
Kensonni – Humility
Meiyoji – Honor

And then it all began to flow... ... -utsukkuen

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:39 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Nicely done. :) I don't know much about medieval Japan, except what I've read about Samurai culture, tea ceremonies, and legends/anecdotes of medieval Japan.

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 9:26 pm
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 4:39 pm Nicely done. :) I don't know much about medieval Japan, except what I've read about Samurai culture, tea ceremonies, and legends/anecdotes of medieval Japan.
Neither did I. I only knew stuff from like anime I watched when I was way younger (none of which really stuck, except things about Samurais). So I just looked up the Japan "titles of royalty" - and proceeded to make up the rest, strictly for my world, which clearly borrows titles and names of things - but is unique to the world (for example, how the next Emperor is chosen and such).

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:32 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Hmm ... I have some D&D questions. :) Is it possible for dragons and humans to co-exist within the same environment (e.g. inside a mountain)?

Suppose that a dragon is lonely and bored. He uses mind magic to beguile mortals into spreading rumours about him. This draws adventurers to him, and then the dragon charms them into staying. ;) Is there mind magic that can do that? If so, what is it called?

Also, can the dragon help the mortals with things like excavating the mountain (e.g. use its armoured head to loosen up rocks), or farming in the mountain (e.g. make the land more fertile somehow? Perhaps by using its poo as fertilizer?) ;)

Granted, not a lot of dragons would do such things -- but is it possible? Not every dragon is the same, after all. (I'm just wondering because that's my starting idea for a new story). :)

Thanks! :D

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 5:12 pm
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 4:32 pm Hmm ... I have some D&D questions. :) Is it possible for dragons and humans to co-exist within the same environment (e.g. inside a mountain)?
Suppose that a dragon is lonely and bored. He uses mind magic to beguile mortals into spreading rumours about him. This draws adventurers to him, and then the dragon charms them into staying. ;) Is there mind magic that can do that? If so, what is it called?
Also, can the dragon help the mortals with things like excavating the mountain (e.g. use its armoured head to loosen up rocks), or farming in the mountain (e.g. make the land more fertile somehow? Perhaps by using its poo as fertilizer?) ;)
Granted, not a lot of dragons would do such things -- but is it possible? Not every dragon is the same, after all. (I'm just wondering because that's my starting idea for a new story). :)
Thanks! :D
In D&D terms? Yes. Because there are good and evil dragons. The Metallic Dragons (Bronze, Brass, Copper, Silver, Gold - and technically Platinum, though he's the god of dragons often) are all good, while the chromatic dragons (blue, black, green, red, and white) are typically evil dragons.

So good dragons could take up the company of mortals, and evil dragons would gladly (and probably undoubtedly!) have slaves/servants (some willing, some otherwise magically enforced).

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:17 am
by Rath Darkblade
OK, sure. I'm also wondering, though, what "school" of magic the dragon would use to spread rumours, draw mortals to him, and then charm them. :) Is there magic that can do that?

I'm just wondering about what "school" it would be (e.g. abjuration, conjuration, necromancy etc.) -- not the specific spells. (I can invent the spells -- e.g. Spread Rumours, Coerce Friendship, Charm Person etc.)

Thanks :)

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 1:37 pm
by Tawmis
Charm Person is already a D&D spell so you can base it on that. ... on#content

Charm Person
1st level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V S
Duration: 1 hour
Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:28 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Hmm, OK. I note that "Charm Monster" is a 4th-level abjuration spell ...

I'm confused why these two don't belong to the same "school". Enchantment is defined as " have honed your ability to magically entrance and beguile other people and monsters." Abjuration says: "The abjuration school of magic encompassed protective spells. They created physical or magical barriers, negated magical or physical abilities, harmed trespassers, or even banished the subject of the spell to another plane of existence."

Anyway, since the spells I'm thinking of -- creating fake rumours, charming people etc. -- are an illusion, can they simply be illusion spells? :) Or maybe I'm putting too much thought into this, and I can just make up anything I like. (After all, it's my story, it doesn't have to follow D&D rules. ;) I just thought D&D might provide some inspiration).

Thanks! :)

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:07 pm
by Tawmis
I am going to put this here - but from the "Games not to kickstart thread" - where I put Boogle (from Torin's Passage) in the corner - there's a monster in D&D called Boggles - I made one, and NAMED him Boogle and modified his skin tone.

He's been in the last three sessions helping out the heroes.

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:59 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Sorry, I don't get it? *shrug* Then again, I've never played Torin's Passage.

So ... how come "Charm Person" is an Enchantment, but "Charm Monster" is an Abjuration? *shrug* I don't understand.

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:01 am
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: Thu Dec 03, 2020 3:59 pm Sorry, I don't get it? *shrug* Then again, I've never played Torin's Passage.
So ... how come "Charm Person" is an Enchantment, but "Charm Monster" is an Abjuration? *shrug* I don't understand.
So Boggles in D&D are dark colored. This one named BOOGLE is pink colored, like Boogle from Torin's Passage.

The difference between Charm Person - it works on Humanoids. It's an Enchantment.
Charm Monster is different than humanoid, takes a different kind of magic - Abjuration in this case.

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:01 am
by Rath Darkblade
Tawmis wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:01 am So Boggles in D&D are dark colored. This one named BOOGLE is pink colored, like Boogle from Torin's Passage.
Fair enough, I understood that much. I just thought the rest of it was supposed to be Boogle's stats, or something like that. :)
Tawmis wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:01 am The difference between Charm Person - it works on Humanoids. It's an Enchantment.
Charm Monster is different than humanoid, takes a different kind of magic - Abjuration in this case.
Hmm. Isn't Abjuration about summoning, controlling and banishing demons/devils? Is that part of Abjuration?

On another note ... I wonder how the hero would "defeat" this dragon - or should he be defeated at all? Here are some thoughts (a bit long). What do you think of the following?

The dragon is a gold dragon -- they are traditionally known for wishing Justice and Good above all (very LG). However, this particular dragon is getting old and lonely. Wishing for company, and using illusion magic to force adventurers to become that company, isn't exactly an Evil act -- is it? =\ The gold dragon doesn't harm the adventurers in any way, physically or mentally. He just won't let them leave, or fight amongst themselves (i.e. no weapons allowed). To make things fair, he dampens his own fire. Everyone lives in peace, or at least a manufactured peace (stasis), and they create a new society in their cavern. :) Yes, he takes their will away, but only their will to leave or fight.

I wonder whether there could be another force at play here. I don't see this dragon as serving a "higher" power (e.g. an evil sorcerer/warlord, or anything so cliche). But ... perhaps a Paladin has followed my hero inside. This paladin has heard the rumours of a dragon underground, and is determined to challenge the evil! Huzzah! :twisted: Of course, the paladin is completely wrong in her assumption, and it is up to the "hero" to either convince her otherwise, or defend the colony from her if necessary. Perhaps this Paladin could even lead a group of mercenaries to the dragon -- then the hero's challenge will be even greater. ;)

As for what he finds on the way to the dragon ... hmm. Vague hints, rumours and suppositions become more concrete as he approaches the borders of the kingdom, and more and more specifics emerge when he enters the kingdom. At first, it sounds like a straightforward "find-and-slay-the-dragon" quest. But when he enters the underground complex, all he finds are people engaged in peaceful activities: farming, smithing, brewing, writing etc. A mystery! They are fiercely loyal to the gold dragon (who, to them, manifests in the guise of an elderly-but-wise minister, to put them at their ease). They might even take our hero to see their wise minister, if they think they can trust him -- how? By doing a bunch of smaller quests for them, of course. They are threatened by a variety of cave monsters (goblins? Hobgoblins? Something easy to defeat, at any rate -- and something that can be subverted, somehow; e.g. the goblins are skilled trap-makers and ambushing. Does that make them rogues? Maybe they steal small things from the dragon's village, or pick our hero's pocket while he's asleep. They're not bad, they just want enough to survive. :) It's up to our hero to realise this, and to work something out. A compromise? A peace deal? :) The goblins will be ever so grateful. Maybe they could even join the village's side). ;)

After our hero does this bunch of quests, he meets the village "leader" -- a fighter? A mage? -- who explains that the "minister" is elderly and very private, but has condescended to meet this outsider who has worked tirelessly to help his "villagers". ;) Our hero is taken to meet the "minister" (gold dragon in disguise). In some way -- not sure how yet -- our hero sees through the illusion, and works out that it's really the dragon. (Or he doesn't, but just says "I expected to meet a dragon" etc., which amuses the dragon, so he continues to pretend: "Oh dear me! A dragon? That sounds too dangerous. No, I'm just an old man..." and so on. ;)

Eventually, the gold dragon decides to drop the disguise -- but at this point, the paladin (and her mercenaries?) decide to drop in. "A-ha! I knew there was an evil dragon here! Prepare to die, monster!" and so on. :twisted: It's now up to our hero to stop the carnage, before it's too late. :) Not sure how, or what would happen afterwards, but it should be fun -- and it sounds like a fun story to me!

What do you think, Tawm? :)

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:15 pm
by Tawmis
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:01 am
Tawmis wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:01 am So Boggles in D&D are dark colored. This one named BOOGLE is pink colored, like Boogle from Torin's Passage.
Fair enough, I understood that much. I just thought the rest of it was supposed to be Boogle's stats, or something like that. :)
Ah, no. The rest of the stats are a normal Boggle (with just minor modifications).
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:01 am
Tawmis wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:01 am The difference between Charm Person - it works on Humanoids. It's an Enchantment.
Charm Monster is different than humanoid, takes a different kind of magic - Abjuration in this case.
Hmm. Isn't Abjuration about summoning, controlling and banishing demons/devils? Is that part of Abjuration?
I believe because Charm Monster you're not doing a normal enchantment - you're speaking a monster's tongue.
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:01 am On another note ... I wonder how the hero would "defeat" this dragon - or should he be defeated at all? Here are some thoughts (a bit long). What do you think of the following?
The dragon is a gold dragon -- they are traditionally known for wishing Justice and Good above all (very LG). However, this particular dragon is getting old and lonely. Wishing for company, and using illusion magic to force adventurers to become that company, isn't exactly an Evil act -- is it? =\ The gold dragon doesn't harm the adventurers in any way, physically or mentally. He just won't let them leave, or fight amongst themselves (i.e. no weapons allowed). To make things fair, he dampens his own fire. Everyone lives in peace, or at least a manufactured peace (stasis), and they create a new society in their cavern. :) Yes, he takes their will away, but only their will to leave or fight.
Is it evil stripping away people's free will? :)

Re: The D&D Corner

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:23 am
by Rath Darkblade
Tawmis wrote: Mon Dec 07, 2020 5:15 pm
Rath Darkblade wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:01 am On another note ... I wonder how the hero would "defeat" this dragon - or should he be defeated at all? Here are some thoughts (a bit long). What do you think of the following?
The dragon is a gold dragon -- they are traditionally known for wishing Justice and Good above all (very LG). However, this particular dragon is getting old and lonely. Wishing for company, and using illusion magic to force adventurers to become that company, isn't exactly an Evil act -- is it? =\ The gold dragon doesn't harm the adventurers in any way, physically or mentally. He just won't let them leave, or fight amongst themselves (i.e. no weapons allowed). To make things fair, he dampens his own fire. Everyone lives in peace, or at least a manufactured peace (stasis), and they create a new society in their cavern. :) Yes, he takes their will away, but only their will to leave or fight.
Is it evil stripping away people's free will? :)
I don't know, is it? :) Some societies don't even believe that free will exists -- they believe that it all comes from a god of some kind, and that to believe in free will is to deny the god's power. BLASPHEMER! :twisted:

I suppose it depends on what you intend to do with the people whose free will you take away. If you want to make them into slaves, that's definitely evil. But if all you want is company, because you're lonely ... I don't know. Is that evil? :|

A Gold Dragon is very Lawful Good. If it did something like this, would that break his alignment? ;)