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Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:24 am
by Fender_178
Ya I know what you mean even though I never had that problem with Subway. McDonalds in which I had experienced many times of missed up orders from them. Also when I was at my cuz's place they ordered 2 big daddies from Fox's pizza and they ended up getting 4 big daddies. I was like holy shit.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:46 pm
by Akril
One of my biggest dislikes is blatant spelling/grammatical errors. Sometimes it takes all my willpower not to reply to an online comment that says something like, "Your great!" with, "'Your great'? My great what?"

Not only that, but I'm ready to wager that most of the people leaving these sort of comments only speak one language (English), which is pretty sad -- I say if you're going to communicate in only one language, do as good as a job as you can with it, for GSD's sake.

I really shouldn't be on the Internet.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:31 pm
by DeadPoolX
Rath Darkblade wrote:Bleh. I know what you mean, Tawmis... one of my pet peeves (which is similar to yours) has to do with the Subway sandwich shop, which is a shame because their sandwiches are pretty good: whenever I go to Subway, the person behind the counter gets my order wrong. Has this happened to anyone else? Granted, I've only been there a couple of times for a sandwich, but still... *shrug*

The first time I asked for no olives or mushrooms and I got both olives and mushrooms. The second time I asked for no salami (I got salami), and I specifically asked for pickles - and voila, no pickles.

So what's going on? Maybe it's just that both of these incidents happened at the same Subway. So maybe I should try another one? *shrug*
Not to defend Subway, but what time of day were you going? If it's around lunch or even dinner time, you're bound to find Subway employees working at a frantic pace. Sometimes that means incorrectly made sandwiches. Maybe they're getting yours confused with some one else's.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:28 am
by Maiandra
Now I'm hungry and I want a sandwich.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:01 am
by Rath Darkblade
DeadPoolX wrote:Not to defend Subway, but what time of day were you going? If it's around lunch or even dinner time, you're bound to find Subway employees working at a frantic pace. Sometimes that means incorrectly made sandwiches. Maybe they're getting yours confused with some one else's.
About 11:30am, IIRC. Not lunchtime just yet... ;)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:16 pm
by Tinuviel
Akril wrote:One of my biggest dislikes is blatant spelling/grammatical errors. Sometimes it takes all my willpower not to reply to an online comment that says something like, "Your great!" with, "'Your great'? My great what?"

Not only that, but I'm ready to wager that most of the people leaving these sort of comments only speak one language (English), which is pretty sad -- I say if you're going to communicate in only one language, do as good as a job as you can with it, for GSD's sake.

I really shouldn't be on the Internet.
This is one of my immense pet peeves. Since I spend a lot of time in World of Warcraft, I tend to be subjected to a number of things such as "lol" "ne1" "zomg" etc.

GOOD GOD that's annoying. If I have to decode what you are saying, I'm not going to give it much credence. I can understand if you are in the middle of some big fight where the dude is going to smash your face, but when its casually talking with friends...type. out. the. extra. letters. please.

The times I use it are for mocking purposes only...unfortunately, no one ever seems to get the joke.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:07 pm
by Almirena
There are a few of us - we few, we brave few - who refuse to lolise our chatting and SMSing. It takes us 10 times as long to communicate, but at least we communicate clearly and no decoder is necessary.

I am very glad that my iPod has a wysiwyg on-screen keyboard.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:37 pm
by DeadPoolX
There are only two times I could see using that annoying Internet "short-hand."

1. When in the middle of a battle or any action that requires the player to be alert when playing an online game. It's extremely difficult to type out sentences when you're being attacked by a monster or engaging in a firefight.

That's one of the reasons why Maia and I switched to Google Talk. We could then communicate using our voices, instead of having to type quickly.

2. When typing out text messages on your cell phone. Unless you have a full QWERTY keyboard (which few cell phone models have -- not even every Blackberry has one), it rapidly becomes difficult to type out perfectly constructed sentences.

There's a function on many phones (particularly Blackberry models) that come with something called "SureType." Basically, that allows the computer within the phone to learn whatever the user is typing in. Then the next time he or she types that word, it'll automatically be displayed.

I've tried to use SureType, but it's annoying as all hell. Some say you're not supposed to look at the screen as you type, since the phone will get it eventually. I fail to see how that makes this any faster or easier.

I prefer "MultiTap" which allows the user to simply type in the letters and numbers. It may require a little more conscious effort, but overall, it's easier and faster to use.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:52 am
by Maiandra
In a chat, you can expect a more casual style of language, but I have trouble taking anyone seriously who can't use the language correctly even on a simple level (if it's their first language). It makes them seem like a moron. Maybe they're not, but that's the image it gives. Everyone makes typos and mistakes, but when it's consistent, due to laziness or carelessness, it drives me crazy.

Thankfully, I can turn off the area chat in Guild Wars and just focus on my teammates. :D

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:10 am
by Collector
I will admit that I will once in a while use "LOL" as I dislike using smilies even more. I do not use most internet acronyms, ones that are merely used as type saving shortcuts for common phrases. Since message boards fall somewhere between the formal writing of an email and the even more casual writing of messaging, there is some need for a substitute for the lack body language or even the cues given by vocal inflection. I find "LOL" less clumsy than something like "*laughs*".

Which brings up another peeve of mine. the use of underscores or asterisks to brace a word for emphasis instead of italics. I believe that this practice started in earlier electronic communication with unformated ASCII text.

That aside, I just got a little ticked at a poster on Adventure Gamers for posting
snaek wrote: it was before my time

i got my first pc in '95
jus in time for shivers 1&2, gk2 and phas1&2
(i actually didnt play gk1 until last year, followed by a re-play of gk2, and now currently playin gk3)

torrins passage was my first adventure game evar and i fell in wuv ^__^

i dunno if i can stomach the old games lol

i wouldnt mind playin kq6 or sumptin
but i hate jumpin in a series in the middle
id feel obligated to go thru 1-7 in order

oh....and i was 10yrs old when i played phas2 0__o lol
no wonder im so messed in teh head @__@
My response was "English, please." I abhor such posts.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:47 am
by Almirena
Oh, Collector... take it away, take it away from me! <dramatically shields eyes with hand> (I can do that sort of thing - I'm an opera singer.)

I try not to let myself be annoyed by such posts, and by and large I'm not. I simply avoid them.

As Maia said, it may well give the impression of the poster being a moron - even if the poster is a mathematical genius or a master at music or something. However, adequate English is essential for those whose first language is English. It doesn't have to be of Shakespearean brilliance, but there's very little excuse for "sumptin"...

(Now I feel horribly mean.)

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:12 am
by AndreaDraco
That's one of the problems. Maybe Sneak is making some interesting comments, but written in such a manner I can hardly understand what he's saying.

Oh, and Collector: at your "English, please", CrimsonBlue had the guts to reply "Politeness, please". And only - only, I repeat - because of the discussion Sierra/Non-Sierra of that thread... :x

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:29 am
by Rath Darkblade
I try to be tolerant of people who do such things, because I've been guilty of them myself. *shrugs and blushes* I don't use smilies any more than something like these: :-) or ;-) ... mostly because I'm well aware how irritating too many smilies can be.

However, the use of a medium like the internet, where the other person often cannot be seen, does sometimes require some way to indicate body movement (e.g. shrugging, blushing, making a face etc.) in order to clarify that one is kidding/shrugging/blushing/whatever. I see nothing wrong with doing this, provided that I do so with extreme moderation. Anyway, early last year I wrote a song about precisely that phenomenon, which I present herewith. *smile*

For some reason, some people on the internet seem to think that the rules of spelling and grammar don't apply to them. You know what I mean - people who say things like "i teh r0xx0r u teh s0xx0r i pwn u kool hehehehehheehe lolz!!!111!!!!!111!!!" While by no means wishing to denigrate them - I am sure that some of them are bright, intellectual people who could definitely do very well if only they put their minds to it - this practice seems to me to be rather fruitless, because neither I nor a whole lot of other people understand what on earth they're talking about. Whether it's called "l33t-sp33k" or some other name doesn't really matter when you can't understand what the other person means... and it is distracting at best, and maddening at worst.

Anyway, here is a song parody about these people.

I Am The Very Model Of The Modern Ungrammatical
(parody of "I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General" from "The Pirates of Penzance" by Gilbert and Sullivan)

I am the very model of a modern ungrammatical,
My spelling is atrocious and my puns are on sabbatical
I mangle all my tenses, punctuation I misplace a lot,
Like "For my doggie I am really gonna get some Winalot!"
Avoiding all alliteration always is my very aim,
And if I use vernaculars, I always know just whom to blame;
I don't avoid a cliché like the plague because it's not old hat -
I also don't know grammar and misuse a word like 'this' or 'that'.

I always end my sentences with prepositions like - uh - with,
I always use abbreviations, for my mind is such a sieve!
In short, because about avoiding grammar I'm fanatical,
I am the very model of the modern ungrammatical.

I've mastered writing l33t-sp33k and I know what's meant by 'ossuaries',
But when I try to speak it, I can't even buy some groc-uaries.
I never ever gen'ralize, I always use profanity;
I'm more or less specific, it's appealing to my vanity.
I always do exaggerate - a billion times if I need to;
I always mix my metaphors - and rhetorics? indeed I do;
I don't know what's a "passive voice", but it is what is always used -
And foreign words and phrases are the things for which I am enthused.

So of all these so-called "sins" and "daft omissions" I will not repent;
An understatement's always best; to me it seems like Heaven-sent.
In short, although my l33t-sp33k seems to you to be impractical,
I am the very model of the modern ungrammatical.

These are some of the things I do online, but don't you worry -
You will never ever see me say that for them, I am sorry.

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 3:31 pm
by Tawmis
Right now what annoys me is ... Work. It's a foul four letter word....

Re: Things That Annoy You!

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:47 am
by misslilo
Tawmis wrote:Right now what annoys me is ... Work. It's a foul four letter word....
Exactly how I feel at the moment taw!
You should come keep me company, while I'm off work. :lol: