Re: Hero-U
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:20 am
I don't think they were doing a "scam" (I am not even sure DPX is saying that). However, the purpose of Kickstarter is to fund whatever your project is. And you request the amount of funds to complete that project. This cost, should naturally, include labor, food, and whatever else it's going to take to make it a success.Collector wrote:I don't see this as purposeful deception. If anything they were deceiving themselves. This may make little difference to the supporters, but I would not call it a scam. I think that the one thing that the Kickstarters have shown is the importance of Ken Williams' role as a manager in Sierra's success. He has said that he learned that you cannot rush creative types, but I would say that there needs to be someone to keep the fire lit under them to keep things moving.
So if your project is going to take $100, you do a Kickstarter for $100.
If your project is going to cost $500,000, you do a Kickstarter for $500,000.
What the Coles did I feel, is said, "Ours is going to cost $1,000,000 {or whatever the total they knew it would be}, but no one is going to fund that much. So let's do a Kickstarter for $500,000, bank on some stretch goals, and put a lean on our property if it comes to that."
Now the fact that they put a lean on their property and all that shows that they're willing to go the distance and do some pretty incredible things for this Kickstarter.
But what's that done - by not coming out and saying - from the get go - that this is what they're going to do - is leave a bunch of people (6,093 from the initial Kickstarter) who have donated anywhere from $5 to $500 or $1000 - wondering, "What will become of my money?" (There's even hardcore people - six people donated $1,000; 19 people donated $1,050; five people donated $2,000; three people donated $2,500; two people donated $7,500)... Can you even begin to imagine? You've donated over $1,000 - and no sign of this game being done anytime soon - after almost four years (in October)?
As someone who donated to the Kickstarter; I would have preferred the honest cost up front to make my choice whether or not I would back it up.