Rath Darkblade wrote: ↑Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:12 am
Well ... GOG is having their annual Summer Sale, and I have my eye on
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (which is on special). It seems like a historical RPG with a big, long story and some nice characters too.
Has anyone played this game? What did you think?

I don't think you'll like it.
Here's why:
1. It has a very difficult and cumbersome fighting system that relies heavily on timing and direction.
This means you have to be extremely quick and accurate in your timing to hit someone. If you simply mash the mouse button, you'll break your chain of attack and your opponent will be able to block or parry your attack. In addition, you'll need to aim and direct your weapon hits in order to hit individual areas on the enemy as the game considers where you're hitting and what sort of armor (if any) they have on.
Also, your character has to train and get good at fighting. In the beginning, he'll suck no matter how good or bad YOU are at the game itself, so while that's perhaps more realistic, it's also a real pain in the butt. Sure, that sounds like Skyrim's "do stuff to get good at it" game mechanic, but it's a lot more troublesome in KC:D.
2. Your clothing, armor, and weapons all break down. Yeah, you need to monitor what condition everything is in and you need to get those items repaired or replaced. I've always found this particular game mechanic annoying, but some people really like it.
3. You have to sleep, eat, drink, and wash.
Yes, you read that correctly, you need to wash as you'll get dirty and smelly over time and people will react poorly to this. Poor hygiene also contributes to your chances of catching a disease in the game. You also need to wash your clothing.
Additionally, if you don't sleep, you'll get tired and have worse reaction times, and if you don't eat and drink enough you'll get weak, but eat and drink too much and you'll get slow and sluggish.
Don't try to hoard food, though. All food slowly rots over time and you can get food poisoning (which drains your health and stamina until it wears off) if you take your chances and eat something that might not be fresh.
4. KC:D has a very weird save system where you need to drink a potion (that you can buy or craft) in order to save your game. So long as you have these potions, you can save, but if you don't have any you'll have to rely on relatively infrequent autosaves. Each potion counts against your weight limit, however, so people generally don't carry too many items, including potions, as all of their armor and weapons usually take up the bulk of their weight allowance.
5. You generally seem wary of large downloads, and according to the store page for KC:D on GOG, this game is around 50 GB to download (but likely somewhere between 70 GB and 90 GB fully installed since downloads are usually compressed). Regardless, you've been against downloading games much, much smaller before, so whether or not you're worried about data caps or download speeds, just know that this game is likely a lot larger than most games you've downloaded.