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Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:48 am
by Tawmis

So we kicked it (GoW2) into INSANE mode - and wow! This is the GoW I wanted to play! Yes, we die - a lot. Two shot kills sometimes make it hard! But we're having such a blast doing this on Co-Op! It's great! Because my friend and I just sit in the same room and trash talk one another if we can't hit, or die, or whatever! And it's all done in fun! I am so tempted to record one of our gaming sessions! I am usually so tired after playing from all the laughing...

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:34 am
by Lynda
Tawmis, how are you doing with Oblivion? I LOVED Oblivion. Just finished ESIII: Morrowind, including Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Since I had Oblivion for XBox, I couldn't use any mods. Installed a couple for Morrowind and they made it even better. My kind of games. ;)

Recently started Civ IV. It's pretty, but after ES, I'm missing the combat element. Never thought I'd hear myself say something like that. I...crave...ACTION!!!! :twisted:

Abyss: where did you find a Flash version of Commander Keen 1? I had all the CK games "back in the day." Apogee made some fun games.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:33 am
by DeadPoolX
Lynda wrote:Abyss: where did you find a Flash version of Commander Keen 1? I had all the CK games "back in the day." Apogee made some fun games.
Technically speaking, Apogee Software (now called 3D Realms) did not make Commander Keen or any of the sequels. They published those games, but the developer was id Software. That gaming company is better known for such titles as Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM and Quake (including the sequels to those games, as well).

Something I found interesting was that the hero of the Commander Keen games was William Joseph "Billy Blaze" Blazkowicz II. The hero of the Wolfenstein 3D games was William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz (Keen's grandfather, according to id Software).

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:22 pm
by Tawmis
Lynda wrote:Tawmis, how are you doing with Oblivion? I LOVED Oblivion. Just finished ESIII: Morrowind, including Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Since I had Oblivion for XBox, I couldn't use any mods. Installed a couple for Morrowind and they made it even better. My kind of games. ;)
The game is ... HUGE. (Now that I am not dying after escaping the sewer). I am actually somewhat lost as to what to do and where to go... so I am kind of walking around... I have to ask is there a way to go back to a quest giver and know where they are? A lot of people need random help - and I have said I'd help them - the problem is with a game this huge - I have forgotten where half the people are.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:01 pm
by AndreaDraco
Your diary clearly states who the quest giver is and where he is. Moreover, if you activate a particular quest the arrows on the mini-map will change according to the selected quest, pointing you toward your objectives. Unless, of course, your objectives are hidden, thing that happens in a bunch of quests like A venerable Vintage (Nerussa, Waynet Inn) or the dreadful and fearsome, immense and endless Seeking your Roots.

If you don't find the information you're seeking on the diary, feel free to ask! :D

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:42 pm
by Tawmis
I'd wager if I just sit down and read the manual... but I hate when the manual is like a novel...

One of the reasons why I loved Sierra games. So simple. So easy. :-)

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:33 pm
by Lynda
Just follow the red arrow on your compass, and like AndreaDraco said, you will get to your objectives.

Are you playing it on PC? There are a few minor glitches in the game which make the PC version more desirable.

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:52 pm
by Tawmis
Lynda wrote:Just follow the red arrow on your compass, and like AndreaDraco said, you will get to your objectives.

Are you playing it on PC? There are a few minor glitches in the game which make the PC version more desirable.
Indeed, on the PC. While most of my gaming is on the XBOX360 - I bought (at the time) a pretty nice desktop - and wanted a game to push it to the limit (which Oblivion did at the time) and see if it still ran smoothly (which it did). I have - or it feels like - talked to a lot of people who all want stuff. "Find my son." "Find me this plant." "Find my shovel." "Find my horse." "Find my nail clippers."


Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:42 am
by AndreaDraco
My advice is: stick the Main Quest at least until you reach Level 10. Then start doing the other miscellaneous quest. This is 'cause, at Level 10, you'll start to find items more valuable and rewards more satisfying!

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:47 am
by Lynda
My favorite quests are the Daedric and Dark Brotherhood ones. 8-)

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:47 am
by AndreaDraco
I've to go with the Mage Guild Quests ;)

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:40 pm
by Tawmis
AndreaDraco wrote:I've to go with the Mage Guild Quests ;)
Not even found that yet - but could I even do it? I selected Knight as my class - but my race is... ugh - forgetting the name - but I am able to cast fireballs and heal myself (so far)...

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:15 pm
by AndreaDraco
You can join any Guild you want.

If you want to join the Mages Guild you have to visit one of the local guilds (for example, the Chorrol one, in the main square, near the Fighters' Guild): once you have recommendations from every local guild you can access the Arcane University in the Imperial City.

The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves' Guild use... ehm, different means of recruiting :P

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:20 pm
by DeadPoolX
I tried my hand at Police Quest 1 (the remake in VGA) in DOSBox. It's been years since I last played it.

The part where I need to open Sonny's locker has a combination on it, which was part of the game's copy protection. I think I was supposed to look in the manual for it, but I have no idea where that is now. Fortunately, the game gave a hint when saying "your locker is the same as yesterday's football scores." That made it somewhat easy to guess and I got it right on the first try.

My one issue with PQ1VGA in DOSBox is that it seems to run terribly slow. Is there anything I can do about that?

Re: What are you playing now?

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:53 pm
by Jules
Adjust the cycles maybe?