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Absurdly excellent King's Quest news & review!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:30 am
by Rath Darkblade
Huzzah! :D After many years of waiting, King's Quest: The Silver Lining is finally ready for previewing. Here's a review in The Age, one of the major newspapers in my town (Melbourne, Australia). ;)

I've known about The Silver Lining for years, but I'm surprised that The Age thought it worthwhile to review a game. Normally it only reports bad news, 'human-interest' news (e.g. kitten stuck up a tree) or absurd news (e.g. man robs bank and tries to get away on a bicycle). ;) Anyway, have a read of the review and see what you think! :)

Here's the link: ... 10858.html

Re: Absurdly excellent King's Quest news & review!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:01 am
by Jules
Interesting how easy it was to work with Activision than it was with Vivendi. With Jane’s new game coming out and Activision (hopefully) knowing that there is still a huge Sierra fan base out there, chances in making a GK4 sounds more and more feasible. If Gray Matter and The Silver Lining sell/download very well, that bug needs to get in Activision’s ear with a hopeful potential a GK4 can be made.

Thanks for posting this, Rath. :)

Re: Absurdly excellent King's Quest news & review!

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:22 am
by JasefWisener
My favorite part of the interview.
Cesar wrote:Like Katie said, not for this one. However, we would like to be able to produce games from the rest of the Sierra catalogue in a commercial way. If we were able to pull this off without a dime, imagine what this team could pull off with a commercial license! And so, we are looking forward to speaking with Activision in the future and see if we can make a deal so that we can bring back series like Space Quest, Gabriel Knight, and, why not, another entry in the King’s Quest series.

Re: Absurdly excellent King's Quest news & review!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:07 am
by Rath Darkblade
Yea! Mine too. :) I'm also glad especially that Roberta approves and that Activision had more sense than Vivendi. ;)

Still... another GK maybe, some day? Wow. :D That should make Andrea especially happy. :)

Re: Absurdly excellent King's Quest news & review!

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:38 am
by Collector
I'd still want another GK to be Jane's hands and another Larry to be in Al's hands. They could probably get Al to agree to come onboard for a Larry.