Was anyone aware of this?

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Was anyone aware of this?

Post by Tawmis »

They were going to basically mix MOE + LSL:MCL = Space Quest 7 3D....

http://www.joystiq.com/2009/04/05/see-s ... latformer/

Includes a video... And wow. SO glad this never happened.
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Re: Was anyone aware of this?

Post by MusicallyInspired »

Yes. *shudder*. What an abomination. That was the game that Escape Factory was working on that everyone was looking forward to. Roger Wilger.....tsk tsk tsk.....how could they?

I feel a sense of pride that Space Quest was the only Sierra adventure series that didn't have a less than pleasing ending.....SQ6 left something to be desired of course, but it was still an adventure game and a funny one at that. Space Quest was never defiled by any other such genre attempts. None that succeeded, anyway.

I'm happy this platformer game never saw the light of day. Though, the game did center around a lot of violent deaths. At least it was something of a Space Quest game in that respect. It's probably best that it didn't see the light of day, though.
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Re: Was anyone aware of this?

Post by dotkel50 »

That hideous thing looks nothing like SQ. It does remind me of MDK2 though.
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Re: Was anyone aware of this?

Post by MusicallyInspired »

The thing is, for a platformer it doesn't look that bad at all. Fun even. Funny even. It's just so blasphemously not Space Quest that it would have ticked off more people than MOE ever did.
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Re: Was anyone aware of this?

Post by Collector »

American McGee's Roger Wilco?
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Re: Was anyone aware of this?

Post by Datadog »

I'd agree that the game still looks fun. It reminds me of "Conker's Bad Fur Day." But I also agree that this is yet another game that did not need to carry over the title from another license. "Mask of Eternity" could have worked perfectly as it's own title, just as "SWAT" worked fine without "Police Quest" in the title. Half of marketing really is just coming up with a really good title. If you have that, the game is sold. It seems like a waste to market a title from another genre to the wrong audience when you can just start a new franchise. After all, what's the point of alienating one audience and confusing another?

My big beef about this "Space Quest" was that they developed it under the principle that none of the creators should have ever been fans of the original SQ series. They wanted something fresh. I can see where they're coming from, because being a fan has serious drawbacks to the creative process. On the other hand, not being a fan at all... well, that's a whole new barrel of problems right there.
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