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A new way to play Gold Rush

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:28 pm
by Datadog
My brother and I were laughing so hard last night. The subject of Gold Rush had come up and I still had the game on my hard drive after all these years so we decided to boot it up on DOSBox and give it a go.

At first we were amusing ourselves by just randomly walking Jerrod into the carriages and over the railings, but then we discovered a whole new way to turn a simple adventure into a competitive sport:

We cranked up the speed to maximum, and then cranked up DOSBox's emulation speed. Then we took turns trying to see who could complete more of the game with Jerrod flying all over the place like a caffeine-laced hummingbird. All you have to do is double-tap the left arrow, and the guy launches himself two screens over.

I got about as far as escaping my house, only to get run over by a carriage as I overshot my next destination (going to the bank.) The real fun in the game is watching the frustration in others as they try to do simple tasks like walking through doors. Being trapped in Jerrod's house at maximum speed is a whole new circle of hell in itself.

Re: A new way to play Gold Rush

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:04 pm
by Tawmis

That sounds excellent.

Re: A new way to play Gold Rush

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:39 pm
by Collector
You should do an LP of it that way.