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BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:03 pm
by DonQuixote
So I got an itch to play Betrayal in Antara the other day. I bought it when it came out (after God knows how many delays in its release) but never beat it, I always got bored with it.

I used Squirt the Cat's installer for Vista and the game installed and function flawlessly; except when I'm asked in insert CD 3. All of my CDs have stayed in jewel cases over the years, so they're not damaged, but for whatever reason windows and the game can read, recognize, and work with CD 1 and 2, but CD 3--no dice. Windows can't read it and as a result, neither can the game.

I haven't been able to find more than a few forum threads on other sites about this problem, but from what I father, there's some issues with Vista and just that CD for this game.

Any suggestions? I've done some registry surgery (Vista has a lot of problems with my DVD/CD ROM), I've re-installed and updated my drivers, I've removed and reinstalled the game, I've tossed in a CD-ROM lens cleaner... it's not the end of the world but getting two-thirds through a game and being suddenly halted, it drives me a little nuts.

Thanks much!

Re: BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:16 pm
by Collector
This is a known problem with disc 3. Vista and Win7 cannot read the disc. The best thing to do is to use XP to copy the files to a hard drive or thumb drive and burn a new CD from the copied files. Do not do a direct disc copy.

Re: BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:48 pm
by DonQuixote
Ahhh, good to hear. Makes me feel better about my my CD-ROM and my disk. I was starting to suspect I either had a poorly manufactured disk or that my CD-ROM was dying on me.

Does this mean I'm going to need a friend who has a computer with XP and some blank CDs, or is there another way to emulate or mimic this process? I'm assuming windows compatibility mode is going to be insufficient?

Nice avatar by the way. At least my Quest for Glory CDs work fine. Digging up all these old games has been a blast from the blast but also an interesting process to achieve compatibility on newer computers and operating systems.

Re: BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:22 pm
by Collector
You will need to find another PC. If you had Win7 Pro, you could read it with XP mode, but you don't have that option with Vista. If you have a copy of XP, you could install Virtual PC to see if you can read the disc with it. Let us know if whether or not it works, if you do.
DonQuixote wrote:Nice avatar by the way. At least my Quest for Glory CDs work fine. Digging up all these old games has been a blast from the blast but also an interesting process to achieve compatibility on newer computers and operating systems.
I don't know if you have found them or not, but I have new installers for all of the QfG games. ... ers.html#Q

Re: BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:43 am
by DonQuixote
Thanks, sounds like I've got a whole game again. Shouldn't be too difficult. I believe that both my local library and my old alma mater still use XP on their computers. The idea is to copy the contents of the BiA CD onto an external hard drive from XP and then burn them onto a CD while in Vista, correct?
I don't know if you have found them or not, but I have new installers for all of the QfG games. ... ers.html#Q
Very nice. I'll have to give the QG5 installer a try, I've never been able to get that game to function without a large headache trying to install it and then crashing during an endless supply of fun moments. As per the others, I haven't yet had a problem with them that DOSBox couldn't solve :)

Re: BiA CD 3 issues

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:08 am
by Collector
DonQuixote wrote:The idea is to copy the contents of the BiA CD onto an external hard drive from XP and then burn them onto a CD while in Vista, correct?
Yes. One nice thing is that this is a three disc game in a four disc case. Just enough room to store the extra disc with the original discs.