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About Ironsphere Tribes 2

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:40 am
by Coamarona
(Tribes 2 is made by Dynamix, and there isn't an Ironsphere RPG support forum that I know of...)

There is this mod called Ironsphere RPG that I'd like to play. Whenever I hit 100% on the loading screen, it freezes. However, when I play normal maps, it goes to the normal loading screen and it fills up, and it starts. Help, please?

If you're wondering what I mean by 100%, install Ironsphere RPG and find out. (I think it's only a specific version of it, so searching for any old Ironsphere RPG may or may not help you) Also, I used the Ironsphere RPG installer, so you can search for that and that may help you with helping me.

Re: About Ironsphere Tribes 2

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:11 am
by Collector
Did you try the comments here?

Re: About Ironsphere Tribes 2

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:26 am
by Coamarona
Yes, I did try those comments. I deleted the DSO files and none of them actually helped. I got the same result or either of these.

It was an idea, I took a look and I've done everything that is stated there and I've have not been successful.