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And One Must Perish!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:44 pm
by Tawmis
Fictional Situation - Sierra has hired you to develop a new King's Quest (back in its GLORY days) - but there's a catch. Roberta Williams can't decide - one of the main King's Quest characters MUST die - and no cheesey come back death - a REAL death - so would it be King Graham, Queen Valanice, Prince Alexander or Princess Rosella?

Which would you pick and why? The reason for why doesn't even have to be logical or story driven - could be as simple as "I never cared for the character" - but here's hoping some creative answers emerge!

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:29 pm
by AndreaDraco
I have to say, even if he's my favorite character, Prince Alexander.

He would be the perfect tragic hero: after having risked everything for his love, he crowned his dream of happiness with a wonderful marriage and - furthermore -, after an exact year, with a little baby boy, with an hint of hair as black as his father's.

But the Black Cloaks can't forgive Alexander for what he have done to Mannanan, 'cause that shame is still to be washed away. So, they finally manage to kill him with a powerful spell, while he - as Prince of the Green Isles - was visiting the Isle of Wonder.

A powerful lightning struck him from a sky as blue as the ocean and Alexander was precipitated down the Cliffs, upon the sharp rocks...

... Fifteen year later, young Adrian will seek revenge!

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:56 pm
by Tawmis
Ah! See, I went the other way. I absolutely love Rosella - (KQIV being a favorite of mine) - but I would have her struck down - perhaps tied to Lolotte - and some people who wanted Genesta's talisman. So Rosella is struck down - and now, Edgar goes out to see if there is a way to save Rosella and bring her back. (Which, we know the end result is no). But along the path, there would be some moral choices to be made - and if he continued down a darker path - he would in the end revert to the way he appeared in King's Quest IV before Genesta transformed him; ideally he would accept what has happened, and Rosella's spirit would bid him farewell and promise to wait for him.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:29 pm
by Fender_178
Hmm this is a hard decision. Well it would depend if the game would be after KQ7. If I were going to make a Kq game I would make it after Kq7 and Have Graham getting very ill and have Valanice, Roesella, Cassmia and Alexander and even Edgar try to find a cure but dont do it in time and Graham passes on. The game would be in a similar style as Kq7 with the use of multiple characters but not with the cartoonish style graphics and the point and click style would be similar to Kq5 and kq6. The reason why I would pick Graham so that some one else could rule Daventry.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:41 pm
by Almirena
Valanice is for the high jump in my version.

This would be an echo of the classic Orfeo e Euridice theme. The news is brought to the palace that, while some children were playing in a nearby lake, a terrifying sea monster arose and attacked them. Valanice, sitting on the shore, jumped to her feet and dove into the waters, fighting the sea monster and distracting its attention so that the children could get safely to the shore - but in the struggle, she was bitten by the creature. Its envenomed cusp killed her within moments.

Without explanation, the sea monster disappeared...

In the agony of his loss, King Graham is so distraught that he is willing to try anything to retrieve Valanice. Alexander's experience in the awful realm of death gives him the idea to seek Valanice in those grim halls... but before he can reach that place, he must set out on an adventure-filled journey to the Mountain of the Moon, where a nymph locked in stone holds the only remaining key to death's realm.

When finally Graham reaches the land where life is forgotten, at the end of his adventures (grand adventures, wonderful adventures, things of beauty and things of terror culminating in a journey that can never be repeated), he has only one chance to reclaim Valanice - but the dice is loaded against him, and through treachery his victory is taken at the last moment before the sunlight is reached.

His final choice...? He turns back, wishing to be with Valanice even though it rob him of breath and hope.

And the final scene is a glorious one in a land beyond death, more beautiful than all their realm on earth, where the two are reunited and death itself becomes the invisible and forgotten enigma...

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:23 am
by Datadog
I think if it all started with King Graham, it has to end with King Graham. The old guy needs to have at least one more adventure before passing on his cap to someone else.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:42 am
by Collector
Datadog wrote:I think if it all started with King Graham, it has to end with King Graham. The old guy needs to have at least one more adventure before passing on his cap to someone else.
Clutching his chest as the cap flies through the air. Hmm... sound familiar.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 6:56 am
by AndreaDraco
Wonderful story Almirena. Poor, poor Graham...

@ Tawmis: it would be fun to have such a thread also for the other series! ;)

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:07 am
by Fender_178
Wow I totally agree its even better that what I could come up with.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:24 am
by DeadPoolX
I'd have Graham slip in the bathtub while accidentally pulling his wife's plugged-in hairdryer with him. The result would be positively shocking! :D

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:01 pm
by Datadog
Collector wrote:Clutching his chest as the cap flies through the air. Hmm... sound familiar.
Nah. He has to be clutching his chest after just having saved the world. It doesn't count if he was sitting on his throne while someone else saved it.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:56 pm
by Maiandra
I'd probably go with King Graham, since he's had his share of adventures already. The others seem to have more ahead of them.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:26 pm
by Jules
Maiandra wrote:I'd probably go with King Graham, since he's had his share of adventures already. The others seem to have more ahead of them.
Same here. Graham would be the best to go because of the same reasons.

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:45 pm
by Lynda
First Choice: Valanice -- that librarian 'do conjures up some bad vibes...

Second Choice: Connor "Tis Beyond My Reach" (well of COURSE it is...)

Re: And One Must Perish!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:21 pm
by Tawmis
Lynda wrote: Second Choice: Connor "Tis Beyond My Reach" (well of COURSE it is...)
Exactly why I didn't include Connor, or else he would have been my first choice, and probably the first choice of many... ;)