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SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:25 pm
by Tawmis
So back in Jan 2011, I jokingly made a SIERRA CON image as we talked about doing a "Sierra Con" in New Orleans (from my last trip there). Someone (the name eludes me now?) just recently posted how cool it would be together Sierra people together again - which made me think, "Oh, I should dig up that Sierra Con image I did..."


I posted it on Rudy's (it's your page right?) Sierra On-Line Alums Page: ... up_comment

This is what happened:

Michael Marecek I have been dreaming of doing this forever.
August 24 at 7:46am · Unlike · 1

Julie I vote New Orleans for the place! ^_^
August 24 at 8:12am · Unlike · 1

Michael Marecek Florida vote here!!! My collection is to big to travel far :)
August 24 at 8:47am · Unlike · 1

Marc Hudgins How could it not be in Oakhurst? Hold it at the Tenaya up in Fish Camp (close enough).
August 24 at 9:20am · Unlike · 5

Michael Marecek I think if 2-3 people organized it, this could happen. Just would take commitment and money on side of people. Also would need to make sure more then a few people show up. Unless venue was small at first. But hell even e3 was a small event at first
August 24 at 9:22am · Unlike · 1

Chris Mahnken If you could get all the spin-offs, and games from people who used to work there to take part, you'd have a ton of big games and a potentially huge audience.
August 24 at 11:31am · Like

Michael Marecek maybe, I just think it would take a while before that happened. Looking at most indies spending all their money for PAX, Developers or E3 its hard to sell on a first time gathering somewhere in US for old school gamers that may or may not have a lot of attendees.
August 24 at 11:44am · Like

Josh Mandel I'd try to make it.
6 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Ken Allen I think it would be a hoot!
6 hours ago · Like

Josh Mandel Corey and Lori are still in the area (as are quite a few other ex-Sierraites, like Bill Shockley and Bill Davis), so Sierra could be very well-represented.
6 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Robert Holmes Would be hard to miss something like that!
6 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Marc Hudgins But would there be a Meat Blowout inlcuded?
6 hours ago · Like · 1

Ken Allen If we did something like this, what time of year works for you? My preference would be around Memorial Day.
3 hours ago · Like

Marc Hudgins IF, and that's a whopping big IF, I'd prefer something when the kids are out of school. Travel to the WC is a big deal for us.
2 hours ago · Like

Ken Allen or adjacent to GDC
2 hours ago · Like

Tawmis Logue
Wow! I love that the image has generated so many responses! I originally mentioned this back in 2011 on the Sierra Help Forums ( ... 869#p25869 ) - you need to be registered on the site...See More
SHP Forums • Login
2 hours ago · Like ·

Michael Marecek with enough planning and advanced notice I am sure a kickstarter or even early deposits would take care of that.

I would cart my entire collection to this event for showing ;)
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Tawmis Logue A Kickstarter WOULD be a nice way to go for this, even this could be pulled together.
2 hours ago · Like

Sierra Chest I'd try to make it. Always wanted to see Oakhurst and meet you guys in person.
about an hour ago · Like

Tawmis Logue Oakhurst is perfect for me... Just because it's a wee drive from San Diego, but well worth it. :-D
about an hour ago · Like

Ken Allen asking everyone you know to vote in the pole


As noted, Ken Allen created a poll (on FB) about the best time to do this if we even do this...

Re: SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:40 am
by BBP
I'd love to go, but I'd definitely need a few months to get the money together for the trip. And make that Annette Bening costume. Or shall I go as GK3 vampire?

Re: SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:51 pm
by AndreaDraco
It would be wonderful to go, but the trip'd be indeed very expensive...

Re: SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:46 pm
by Jules
Unless we all do a Skype meeting with video. I've never used it before but it looks like you could do something like that?

Re: SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:58 pm
by Tawmis
Jules wrote:Unless we all do a Skype meeting with video. I've never used it before but it looks like you could do something like that?
It would be possible; but someone would need a portable laptop to move around, depending on how it was done.

Sierra Convention

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:59 pm
by dotkel50
Were you guys aware of this?

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 6:37 pm
by DeadPoolX
dotkel50 wrote:Were you guys aware of this?
I am now.

I wonder if this will actually take off. I remember an Adventure Gaming convention a few years back (I posted about it on the VU GK board) that was supposed to happen in either Las Vegas or Atlantic City and it just fizzled out.

Of course, Kickstarter didn't exist then and Adventures were a dying genre. Things are a little better now, so maybe it'll actually work this time around.

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:02 pm
by Collector
I have been aware of it for some time now. I was invited on Facebook some time back when it first suggested, but it is set for the west coast, so it makes it very unlikely that I will be going.

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:56 am
by AndreaDraco
I was aware, but - as much as I would like to go - I fear I won't attend. Flying ticket, board and lodging... it would probably be too expensive.

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:23 pm
by Tawmis
Aye, aware, just watching to see if it ever comes to be. I remember someone mentioning the idea of a "Sierra Con" on here and I made a banner...

Wow! It was back in 2008.

As a matter of fact, they used the image for this FB calendar.

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 2:21 pm
by audiodane
Would love to go myself as well, but as others pointed out.. cost..

Re: Sierra Convention

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 11:25 am
by Collector

Re: SIERRA CON - Becoming a reality?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 1:13 pm
by Tawmis
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