New Message From Cory
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:32 pm ... 0&start=60[b]CoreyCole - Dr. Cranium's Lab Assistant[/b] wrote:We seem to have confused some people with the original post. A couple of clarifications:
1. We aren't making an online game. It will be a single-player game with both RPG and adventure elements - heavily story and character based, but also with a fair amount of combat. We will try to make the combat so that the player has some real tactical options, but that it isn't too annoying for players who want to focus on solving the mysteries and experiencing the story.
2. The "community" aspect will be on the web site, and is not strictly speaking part of the game. We have some game features that we want to tie in to the web site. The extent to which we do this partially depends on how successful we are raising funds. We won't allow the community site to take away from the game if we're on a tight budget, but we definitely want to have both if we have the time and money to support doing that.
3. Ref Superheroes, so far I've just collected messages from interested fans. Lori has set up a prototype site, but is waiting for me to do some database stuff to keep track of superheroes and other supporters.
4. Once we have a "Click here to keep up to date with project news" button, and I figure out how , I'll do a single email blast to all registered School for Heroes students to let them know they can click on that button to get further updates. Anyone clicking it will get a form to add their name and email to a database table of people interested in the project.
5. When we launch the Kickstarter, I'll do a second email blast to people on the new list to let them know the project is available.