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Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:55 pm
by Tawmis
... would you want to go if you had the money?

Name at least five places. Could be countries, or if you want to narrow it down to specific cities, feel free to.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:24 pm
by AndreaDraco
First of all, without a single doubt, Svalbard.

Then, a trip to the United States, mainly to see New York, New Orleans and San Francisco.

Then, Scotland.

Then again, India.

At last, if I'm not out of money, I'd like to go in the very center of Africa.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:13 pm
by Maiandra
I'd definitely like to go to Greece and visit the Greek islands. I have to see the archaeological sites on Crete and Thera.

I'd also love to tour around most of Europe, especially the Scandinavian countries and Western Europe.

There are a number of areas elsewhere in the world (Asia or Africa) that would be amazing to see, but I'm not sure I'd feel safe visiting them.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:31 pm
by Almirena
1. All of Italy, especially Venice. Oh yes, especially Venice.
2. France, in particular the South of France, the Languedoc which has so turbulent and blood-stained a history.
3. Germany - my own blood cries out for it. (Not to be spilled...! No. I mean in a genetic sense.)
4. England - not just London, but I definitely want to visit London, but some of the places with rich historical associations such as Chichester, Oxford, etc.
5. Now you see you've put me in a dilemma. Do I answer "Greece" here, or "Russia"? I want to see both.

In general it's intrinsic beauty and historical associations that draw me to places. Where there are fantastic pieces of architecture, I am also drawn... so naturally Hagia Sofia would be on my "must see" list as well, and the Wall of China, and Egypt's pyramids... I can't honestly say I can limit the places I want to see. And that's not even counting America and Canada and Brazil, where friends with whom I've only talked online or by phone live, and whom I'd LOVE to see.

Oh, just give me a World Pass.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:05 pm
by DeadPoolX
In no particular order...
  • Israel - As a Jew, I'd really like to see this country. However, I'm waiting until the fighting calms down a bit.
  • Germany - I can speak German (at least well enough so I don't sound retarded) and read/write it, too. I'd also want to see the concentration camps.
  • Japan - Although the Japanese can be a bit wacky at times, there's something about the traditional Japanese culture that I find interesting.
  • United Kingdom (specifically England and Scotland) - The language is similar and I'd like to visit some castles!
  • Russia - As our major enemy during the Cold War (yes, I know the Soviet Union was more than Russia), I'd like to see what's happening there now. My brother has been there and said it was pretty cool.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 11:01 pm
by Maiandra
Almirena wrote:1. All of Italy, especially Venice. Oh yes, especially Venice.
I went to Italy several years ago and I loved Venice. I've heard people complain about it being dirty and unpleasant smelling (because of the canals), but I went in late May, so it wasn't overly warm at that point (reducing smells) or crowded. The twisting streets and complete lack of cars was so awesome. I especially loved the mask shops everywhere. I love masks and I was totally enchanted by the quality and variety of the masks. It is absolutely worth visiting.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:37 am
by Fender_178
I would go to
1 England
2 Japan (to Visit Nintendo of Japan)
3 Hungary (the birth place of part of my family (im 1/4 Hungarian))
4. Ireland becasue my brother has been there and he says it cool.
5. Canada to visit Niagara Falls.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:45 am
by Rath Darkblade
I'd love to go and see:

1. The ruined Aztec cities in the heart of Mexico;
2. Ludwig II's castles in Bavaria;
3. London - particularly St James' Park;
4. Not really sure where else...

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:48 am
by Taryn
I used to live near Niagara Falls on the US side. It's pretty much a total pit of abandoned ghetto these days (well, as of early 2005 anyway), so definitely go to the Canadian side.

As for me...I'm not counting countries I've already visited (Canada, Germany, France), although that doesn't mean I don't want to go back.
Greece - I'm interested in Greek history and mythology and I would love to see old temples and ruins.
Italy - Similarly with Rome.
Ireland - Because Ireland is awesome.
Russia - I'm interested in the USSR and would like to see some "relics" from that time and what Russia is like now, plus they have a lot of history too.
Finland - My first crush was from Finland. Yes, I do like cold weather.

You can probably tell I'm mostly interested in Europe. Some non-European countries I would like to visit are Japan and Australia.

(It was hard to come up with 5. I have so many!)

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:52 pm
by Datadog
My last trip to Europe pretty much told me I'm not the kind of guy who likes walking around looking at old buildings. For some reason, beautiful cathedrals, renaissance art, and ancient bridges just don't hold any magic over me. I did like the sandwich shops, however. And the ice cream.

For places I'd still like to visit:

-Japan (my friends keep telling me I'd fit in there really well.)
-Australia (I'd love to take a tour through the outback.)
-Peru (Machu Picchu is calling...)
-Disneyworld (Been to Land. Now I need to see why everyone says World is better.)
-New York (again. I really liked it the first time.)

Or I might just take a Caribbean cruise.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:18 pm
by Tinuviel
1. British Isles
2. Italy (specifically Venice and Rome, though Florence wouldn't be a bad thing either)
3. the Greek Isles
4. The Swiss Alps
5. New York (yeah, STILL haven't been there).

Traveling is least, it used to be, before all this crazy homeland security stuff.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:07 pm
by AndreaDraco
Tinuviel wrote: 2. Italy (specifically Venice and Rome, though Florence wouldn't be a bad thing either)
It' s with a great displeasure that I see that no one ever mentions Milan, as one of the cities he/she would visit if in Italy. :cry:

This way I'll never get a chance to know you :(

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:14 pm
by Almirena
<adds Milan to the list>

But I notice no one has leapt in to say "Melbourne, Australia! Must see that city!"

Well, it has its nice points. It's known as the most European city in Australia, and you can get good coffee from many cafes in Melbourne, plus there is fantastic cuisine (both in quality and variety). Some restaurants are not good, of course... One has to choose judiciously.

There are no buildings of great historical importance in Melbourne. You would not come here for the buildings.

But you'd come here for the relaxed atmosphere, and there are some beautiful areas of natural scenery to see. Everything from mountain ranges to beaches to gorgeous coastlines to forests...

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:37 pm
by Tinuviel
AndreaDraco wrote:
Tinuviel wrote: 2. Italy (specifically Venice and Rome, though Florence wouldn't be a bad thing either)
It' s with a great displeasure that I see that no one ever mentions Milan, as one of the cities he/she would visit if in Italy. :cry:

This way I'll never get a chance to know you :(
The difficulty is in choosing JUST FIVE areas. I'd have added Australia, New Zealand, the Alps, Munich, the Netherlands, Singapore...

Yeah, I'll stop now.

Re: Where in the world...

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:21 pm
by Tawmis
Tinuviel wrote: The difficulty is in choosing JUST FIVE areas. I'd have added Australia, New Zealand, the Alps, Munich, the Netherlands, Singapore...
Yeah, I'll stop now.

Well that was the point. To really narrow it down!

1. Australia. For several reasons.
2. Alaska
3. Rome. Must. See. Rome.
4. New Zealand
5. Ireland.