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Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:09 pm
by Tawmis
... and returns to retirement.

I am torn.

I am glad, because that means I don't have to support Replay Games if they did an LSL2 Reloaded.

But I am very sad, because I would have loved to eventually see a LSL2 Reloaded/Remake.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:00 pm
by Collector
Given all of the nonsense with Paul Trowe, perhaps this is just to get away from him.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:17 pm
by Tawmis
Collector wrote:Given all of the nonsense with Paul Trowe, perhaps this is just to get away from him.
Al Lowe tweeted about that very thing.

I uploaded the previous link with a screen shot of Al Lowe's tweet.

If you don't think Al Lowe already rocked, this should seal the deal, if you're aware of all the nonsense Paul Trowe had done; specifically attacking Serena Nelson (@intendant_S).

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:45 am
by Collector
I suspect that that is, at least in part, why Josh left. Another class act is Chris Pope, given how he publicly dealt with Trowe. PT is his own worst enemy. Can Replay keep the LSL license without either Al or Josh being involved?

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:57 am
by Mostly
How did Paul Trowe get where he is? I'm curious. He's burned every bridge, had multiple outbursts, and been an absolute cancer.

I figured Josh left as soon as he could, but Al needed to work some things out after LSL: Reloaded shipped or otherwise fulfill contractual obligations as the VentureBeat article indicates.

Al and Josh must have known what Paul is like before deciding to join Replay, or maybe they didn't?

edit: From the comments on the VB article:
Paul Trowe
• 13 minutes ago

Well, I hope you guys are proud of yourselves. Now there will never be another Leisure Suit Larry game ever made again. Congratulations. And before you kick me while I'm down, or throw me under the bus again, try and remember who brought you back Al Lowe and another Larry game. Well, it's over. Oh, and by the way, Al really did say those EXACT words on our company conference call. It wasn't the quote he wanted in the article, but it was EXACTLY what he said on the call with the entire company listening. But it doesn't matter, because you will say what you'll say and that's that.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:25 am
by DeadPoolX
It doesn't matter who said what, this should be a private issue dealt internally within ReplayGames and all relevant people involved. Turning it into a public media circus is childish.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:52 am
by Rudy
I'm afraid the worst is yet to come. Kotaku is doing their own little investigation and is close to publishing their findings. It's not pretty...

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:51 pm
by Collector
DeadPoolX wrote:It doesn't matter who said what, this should be a private issue dealt internally within ReplayGames and all relevant people involved. Turning it into a public media circus is childish.
This is what I originally thought at first, too. However, Trowe, himself made it very public and did so all over the internet. His vindictive attack of Serena was just petty. And she had not really done anything deserving even a mild response. Some of his public outing of his venom was not just as a response to something about him. He attacked the Two Guys out of the blue on the Two Guys' Kickstarter, trying to undermine supporter confidence in the Space Venture project.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:32 pm
by Rudy
The article is out... Warning: it's intense. ... 1481988709

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:57 pm
by Collector
That article looks mostly like a hit job on Trowe and little to do with Al Lowe, LSL or the Sierra community at large. I am not interested in dredging up a man's past sins, only what is relevant in terms of what he is currently doing. He is currently causing harm to Sierra titles, alumni and community.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:16 am
by AndreaDraco
I have no interest whatsoever in the matter, if I must be completely honest, but whatever this "2012 incident" means, what the frak is its significance? Why bring it up now? Why tie it to Al Lowe leaving the company? It's dirt, it's trash.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:50 am
by Rudy
I agree - while it is a factor in Al's departure, and while I certainly don't support Paul's behavior, it does seem like somebody was out to publicly smear him. I doubt Paul or Al would go to Kotaku and say "hey, we got a special story for you!". I was somewhat surprised that Kotaku actually decided to investigate and publish it.

But anyway, concerning Larry's future, I hope an indie studio with true Larry fans gets a shot at it and that Al and Josh would still be interested in being part of it if given the opportunity. I doubt Codemasters will allow Replay to use the IP again.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 5:39 pm
by Collector
Rudy wrote:I doubt Codemasters will allow Replay to use the IP again.
Depends on the contract. You are probably right about any renewal, though.

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 7:41 pm
by Collector

Re: Al Lowe Leaves Replay Games...

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:38 pm
by Rath Darkblade
Interesting. I have not been following the Larry Kickstarter project or Replay Games, but this Paul Trowe (President of Replay Games, I understand?) sounds like a thoroughly unpleasant person. How he ever became a company president, when he berates other game developers and development companies in public (without evidence!) is beyond me - not to mention the criminal conviction for showing that p0rn flick to an underage girl. :x

It seems that this man is doing Replay Games a great deal of harm. Why isn't he being asked to resign?