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GK2 - Can't download the subtitle patch :(

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 5:40 pm
by Rakanishu
Hi everybody!

I recently bought GK2 on GoG, and as a non-native english speaker I'm not 100% sure I'll understand all those non-subtitled english voices ^^

I discovered the patch on this website but it is IMPOSSIBLE TO DOWNLOAD IT! I have tried via Firefox, Chrome or IE, it leads nowhere, or at the best I have a "network error" when trying to download the file. Does anyone has the file somewhere? Could you upload it for me please-pretty-please?

Or if the admins know why I can't download the file, it would be a HUGE help. Thank you! :)

Re: GK2 - Can't download the subtitle patch :(

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:33 pm
by Collector
Try turning off your anti-virus software long enough to DL it.