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A forum for the hoyle games

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:24 pm
by abyss
I have found the publishers site for the hoyle series. The reason it's important is because the hoyle games still have their own site but the sierra site is completely down and directs you to activision.
there's support for older hoyle games like hoyle card 2004
There's even a forum for the hoyle games
I feel the Hoyle series is very under rated and while yes Sierra just keeps bringing the same thing with small enhancements each year it's still great.
Here is the forum for the 09 hoyle games
Hoyle's main site
Hoyle Casino 2007 is the least reccomended Hoyle game as it has a very serious problem. The Craps game is not very playable due to a huge glitch where the game hangs for quite a while often while playing the game and Encore doesn't have a patch for it so they allow you to get a refund for the game. It's a 1 minute each time the dice is rolled. It's not a small problem and I don't know why Encore released something with that big of a problem in the game. It is a problem that could really hurt the series in the future. It's so obvious that I can't believe they released the game with such an obvious bug. The testers should have noticed it. It Since Encore was involved with the Hoyle series there has been quite a few glitches with many of there titles. Some of the games are just as poorly coded as some of the old sierra games. Encore is also quite quick at releasing patches and other info to get past the glitches though.