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GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:48 pm
by Tawmis

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:48 am
by el_pombo
Thanks for the link! Good interview!
Initially in the game you could do all kinds of stuff on any day. So, really on Day One you could do half the game, practically. We wanted to space that out a little bit more, so that if we wanted to be able to sell per episode or per day on iPad we could. It was never intended to be episodic, but sometimes it works to have that kind of a sales model. So, all of the material is there, it’s just that now it’s a little bit more structured in terms of when you can do stuff and I think that works better for a modern audience too, because Day One isn’t so overwhelming.
I don't like this part, I'd prefer the same game play with modern graphics, but let's see how it works when the game comes out!

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:23 pm
by Tawmis
el_pombo wrote:Thanks for the link! Good interview!
Initially in the game you could do all kinds of stuff on any day. So, really on Day One you could do half the game, practically. We wanted to space that out a little bit more, so that if we wanted to be able to sell per episode or per day on iPad we could. It was never intended to be episodic, but sometimes it works to have that kind of a sales model. So, all of the material is there, it’s just that now it’s a little bit more structured in terms of when you can do stuff and I think that works better for a modern audience too, because Day One isn’t so overwhelming.
I don't like this part, I'd prefer the same game play with modern graphics, but let's see how it works when the game comes out!
I don't like the episodic part... or selling it individually... But I do like that they limit what can be done.

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:58 pm
by el_pombo

Release date: October 15th (my birthday)! :D

You can already download the soundtrack with the pre-order, I'm listening to it now.

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:48 pm
by Tawmis
ltcolonel97062 wrote:I know there's a playable demo for this. Can anyone pm it to me? It'd be greatly appreciated.
The playable demo was something for those that backed up to a certain amount. I don't think it was ever openly released to the general public.

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:20 am
by BBP
So the demo is only available to those who paid the game already? Isn't that beside the point?

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 11:00 am
by adeyke
There are demos that let you try before you buy, but there are also demos that just serve as a sneak peek into something before it's released to the world at large.

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:06 am
by adeyke
I think you're overreacting. It's entirely normal for the Kickstarter backers and journalists to get access to previews before the general public. That isn't the same thing as selling a demo. The game also hasn't even been released yet, so there's no need yet to decide if you want to buy it or not. And when the time does come for that decision, you'll be able to use reviews and Let's Plays to help make up your mind; a playable demo isn't the only source of information.

Also, Sierra didn't even make playable demos for most of its adventure games. Most "demos" were just glorified trailers. It really doesn't make sense to bring up that comparison.

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 5:04 pm
by Tawmis
ltcolonel97062 wrote:Here's where I need to put my two cents in and complain a little. The demo, which can be viewed on YouTube, where the person recording it, showing a walkthrough for the demo. That's the demo I'm seeking. But, no! They EXPECT you to pay for the entire game! What IF, they let the world have the demo for free, and some of us, didn't like it? Then we wouldn't waste our money on the actual game. So, whomever decided to "sell", the demo, is just wrong. Sierra never, ever FORCED you, to buy a demo of their games. Anyone else have perspective on this?
adeyke pretty much covered it. No one "sold the demo." The ability to demo the game, was a benefit of helping fund (up to a specific amount, I don't recall how much) the "Pinkerton Road" Kickstarter. One of the tiers, was if you backed up high enough, you'd get all kinds of goodies for "Mystery Game X" (as it was called back then, since they could not say anything legally at the time). I think everyone suspected it was either a remake of GK1 (like LSL1 was for that Kickstarter), or perhaps a GK4. Along with funding the kickstarter to whatever amount, users also got all kinds of additional goodies (soundtrack, wallpaper art, etc etc).

So no one ever "sold" the demo - it was just a way of allowing those who helped fund the kickstarter to not only DEMO the game, but find bugs and errors, and give feedback about how the mechanics work, how they could be improved, etc etc. This was never a "demo" ever meant to be released to the general public as "Get a feel for the game, because it's going to be just like this!"

Re: GK1 Remake Interview.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:27 am
by DeadPoolX
ltcolonel97062 wrote:The demo, which can be viewed on YouTube, where the person recording it, showing a walkthrough for the demo. That's the demo I'm seeking.
Then wait for the game to be released.

Hopefully a demo will be available (probably on Steam) that you can try. If not, it wouldn't be the first game to not release a demo; in fact, relatively few PC games -- console ports or not -- give gamers a demo to play.
ltcolonel97062 wrote:But, no! They EXPECT you to pay for the entire game!
The nerve of those greedy developers, expecting people to pay for a product in order to use it. They should be ashamed of themselves. ;)
ltcolonel97062 wrote:Then we wouldn't waste our money on the actual game. So, whomever decided to "sell", the demo, is just wrong.
You never paid for the demo. It was a benefit/reward for Kickstarter backers. They paid for the game ahead of time and as part of the deal, they get access to early demos and other material the general public don't get to see.
ltcolonel97062 wrote:Sierra never, ever FORCED you, to buy a demo of their games.

During Sierra's heyday it would've been extremely difficult, costly, and impractical to release demos.

Besides, no one is forcing anyone to buy a demo. As it's been repeated over and over again, it's a benefit/reward for backers. Why should people who didn't contribute to the game's development budget get the same access as those who did?

Just in case you're wondering, I'm speaking as someone who did NOT put money into the Kickstarter, so I don't get to play the demo either.