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Forum Width

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:22 am
by Brandon
If you make your browser width too small - but "too small" is really a fairly reasonable size - the post layouts start to get wonky.

Re: Forum Width

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 9:52 am
by Tawmis
Brandon wrote:If you make your browser width too small - but "too small" is really a fairly reasonable size - the post layouts start to get wonky.
I have to make the forum/browser width less than half the size of my screen in order to see that (where it shoves the user name, usually to the left, down to the bottom left, below the post).

Re: Forum Width

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:08 am
by Collector
Yeah, it was one thing that I never got around to fixing, but phpBB 3.1x is now out and the style has to be done from scratch because it is enough different that I can't recycle much of the old style except for the images. It has scaling that solves the problem. I have the new style mostly worked out except for a couple of niggling things that I am having trouble tracking down. After it is ready I will upgrade the board, but I have not done anything with it for a couple of weeks. I have been too busy with other things as well as I am waiting on one mod to be updated.