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EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:53 am
by Fender_178
Im currently trying to complete this game with the full 725 points but im running into a problem. (im currently at 341 of 725 points) and Im playing under DOSBox 0.72. Whenever I try to enter the other apartments the game gives this error saying Oops "You did something that we werent expecting. Whatever it was you dont need to do it to finish the game. Try taking a different approach to the situation."Error 4 then it gives an Sci version number. Any Ideas on what this even means. I never gotten this error message before.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:56 am
by Collector
Is this the CD or floppy version?

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:03 am
by Fender_178
Its the Cd-rom version.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:47 pm
by Collector
I have not encountered that error, before. If you can wait I will try to make a new installer for the game this weekend.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:16 pm
by Fender_178
That would be cool if you could do that. Im trying something right now with the loadfix command that DOSBox has right now and im going to try to see if I can complete the game that way. If that doesnt work then Im out of ideas and maybe the installer might help.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:24 pm
by Tawmis
Not sure if this would work - but could you attach your save game and see if someone on the forum can pass where your stuck?

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:08 am
by Collector
Fender_178 wrote:That would be cool if you could do that. Im trying something right now with the loadfix command that DOSBox has right now and im going to try to see if I can complete the game that way. If that doesnt work then Im out of ideas and maybe the installer might help.
I saw you thread on VOGONS. Let me know what exactly worked for you. Even though I didn't encounter that error in DOSBox, I can incorporate the fix in the installer so others won't have this error.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 1:34 pm
by Fender_178
Tawmis wrote:Not sure if this would work - but could you attach your save game and see if someone on the forum can pass where your stuck?
I will do that.

I still got the Error even with the Loadfix command activated. and I even started over from scratch.

I added my Saved game as well in case anyone can either complete this part for me or trigger the error itself and find a way to fix it and heres the SCI version number the error msg give 1.001.064

Well since the attachment upload feature is not working im going to post the saved game on on a website where you can upload stuff up to 100mb.

The saved game is called Game-6 there other saved games listed but they will not work.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:21 pm
by Collector
Odd, the board should allow attachments. I'll take a look at your save game this weekend.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:12 pm
by Fender_178
Also when you dont go for full points the game runs fine at the point im having the issues with. Which is very odd. Maybe you can come up with something with my saved game.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:07 pm
by Fender_178
Heres something odd. I recently purchased the cd rom version of EcoQuest for under 13 bucks and I installed the windows version of the game and I was able to complete the game with full points. I installed the windows version of the game under win 3.11 under DOSBox. Maybe from that you can find out what the problem is with the dos version of the game Collector.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:12 am
by Collector
Do you still have any of the earlier DOS save games? I have finished the installer, but there is not much sense in releasing it if this error is unavoidable. I get the error if I enter one of the caves or if I exit the screen. I would like to see if I still get it by trying a slightly different path. If you do not, I'll have to wait until I get time to play through to that point.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:58 am
by Fender_178
Yes I do have older dos saved games I never deleted them.

They are uploaded

Heres a description of each Saved game as follows

Game is before you enter the pool with the dolphin

Game2 Got the Frisbee and ready to throw it

Game 3 In the water next to the trash and cruise ship

Game 4 Done visiting the Oracle for the 1st time

Game 5 the same thing as game 4 (I dont know why I did that.)

Hope this helps you decide on which saved game to choose. But I highly recommend choosing game3 since its save point just before you find the City.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 3:12 pm
by SierraDude81
I actually got by this error by talking to the manatee first off, then after you surface with him, go back down to the condos, pick up the pump and trash, then go to the clownfish's appt and help her, after that help the painter, and you should be able to help everyone else bug free.

Re: EcoQuest I Error 4

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:31 pm
by Fender_178
Not to bring up an old topic but heres something that I discovered while playing Ecoquest1 the other day I did stuff in a different order than I normally did. I went and visited the Mayor first then Demeter after visiting the oracle once. and I completed the game bug free.