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Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:10 pm
by Jules
How many adventure games can you name for the Wii, Nintendo DS or PS2?

Not many. At least for a non-console person like myself.

Coraline is 3D movie (like the Pixar movies) coming out this February, and of course, they made an adventure (yes! adventure) game out of it, unfortunately, not for the PC. Is it just me or does anyone find this a close to a 'break through' in adventure for these systems? As in a TRUE adventure? From the review on Just Adventure, it looks as though there is NO action in the game whatsoever. (don't look at me that way, DPX. :mrgreen: )

With well-known actors such as Dakota Fanning (voice of Coraline) and Teri Hatcher (voice of her mother), this may be the first step toward the promotion of true adventure games. Even if it's promoted toward children. Hmm...?

Trailer, if you wish.

Re: Coraline

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:11 am
by Collector
Games based on movies can be... lacking compared to the movie, but I'll withhold judgment for the time being. Unfortunately, if it does turnout to be good, I have no console nor do I have any plans on one anytime too soon.

Re: Coraline

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:34 am
by AndreaDraco
Collector wrote: Unfortunately, if it does turnout to be good, I have no console nor do I have any plans on one anytime too soon.
Same here. Unless they'd decide to publish a DS version, which I think it's utterly unlikely :(

Umpf, I'm such a fan of Neil Gaiman! :(

Re: Coraline

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:32 am
by Datadog
A friend and I have plans to go see this movie opening night. I think it's awesome that they're trying to bring adventure games back. My brother recently bought the new Sam and Max adventures for Wii, and I've heard there's a few other adventure games already out for it. It's more likely to find a new audience on Wii than any other platform.

Re: Coraline

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:17 am
by Datadog
Just caught this movie today, and I'm not surprised they'd try to turn it into an adventure game. The whole film centers around exploration, meeting characters, and solving puzzles with random inventory items. At times, it reminded me of Phantasmagoria with a Psychonauts twist. Pretty good show.

Re: Coraline

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:24 am
by DeadPoolX
Collector wrote:Games based on movies can be... lacking compared to the movie, but I'll withhold judgment for the time being. Unfortunately, if it does turnout to be good, I have no console nor do I have any plans on one anytime too soon.
I tend to agree. Although games based on movies are better than movies based on games. :P

Re: Coraline

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:37 am
by Maiandra
I'll definitely keep my eye on it. Thanks for the heads up, Jules. Since we have a Wii, I should definitely be able to play it on that. Wii has so many fun games on it. It's fare is often not as gritty and serious as the other consoles. :)

Actually, I just (as in last night) discovered some new display settings in my NVIDIA control panel that allow me to run games in their original aspect ratio. This means that, if I don't mind having a black border at the sides, I can play some games I thought I wouldn't be able to! Maybe now I can try some new adventures.

I can play the new Sam and Max: Season One and finish Beyond Good and Evil. :D