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Gabriel Knight Links

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:12 pm
by Collector
Gabriel Knight Series on the Sierra Help Pages
Tech support for the Gabriel Knight Series. Need help with the GK games and can't wait for a response? Check out the GK info on the Sierra Help Pages.

New Gabriel Knight Installers
New Gabriel Knight: Sins of The Fathers DOSBox installer
Supports both the floppy version, the first CD release and the Sierra Originals versions. Include the usual extras like high resolution icons for Vista/Win7, Config tool, but it now includes the diagnostic tool. Get it here:
New GK1 Installer *
New The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery DVD DOSBox installer
The GK2 DOSBox installer comes with a wizard to convert the installed folder into a package ready to burn to DVD. The end result has an autoplay that mimics the original autoplay, but initializes quickly. It detects if the game has already been installed. If it finds that it is not, it gives the option to install. If the game has already been installed you can start it from the autoplay dialog. When installing, you can choose between full hard drive install (no disc required for play) or minimal install (DVD needed for play, but with no disc swapping).
New GK2 Installer *
New Gabriel Knight: Blood of The Sacred, Blood of The Damned HDD Installer
This new installer for Gabriel Knight 3 works on newer Windows. Addresses issues with the original installer that shipped with the game. This new installer will copy all data files to the game's installed folder, using the "day123.brn" file from disc 2 (which seems to be corrupt on some copies of disc1) and will allow the game to be run completely from the hard drive with out need of the CDs after the game is installed. The installer will detect the resolution that is current being used and set that game to use that resolution if it is supported by the game. It includes a utility that will allow you to safely change the resolution without manually editing the registry. For those that encounter the conflict, I have also added a batch file that can be used to start the game with disabled and will re-enable it when the game is closed.
New HDD XP/Vista installer for GK 3 *
Gabriel knight Mysteries
For the Gabriel knight Mysteries Use the above standalone installers.

* The standard Vista warning for old games should be observed -- because of its limited write access, avoid installing in the %ProgramFiles% folder ("C:\Program Files" on most English systems or "C:\Program Files (x86)" on Win 64 systems) or you may have problems with not being able to save configuration changes or saving games.

Jane Jensen's Pinkerton Road Studio